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AT954cc 762cc multi-way AT954cc 762cc multi-way

07-02-2023 , 04:04 AM
Hi all,

5/5/15, there is an open and hero calls closing the action with AT954cc nut clubs in the straddle and we go six ways:

($300): 762cc. We flop “nut” open ender (more like double gutter?) and nut flush draw. Action in sb bets $200, hero is next with five behind him $2,300 eff. Action should be betting wider than most.

Do we want to get it heads up against the action v or invite others? If we flat someone behind could also squeeze. We could also allow people with better straight draws in and may have to fold certain turns.

AT954cc 762cc multi-way Quote
07-02-2023 , 04:25 AM
Pretty standard call, keeping in more players is generally a good thing for Hero - plus if we hit nut straight on turn will have freeroll potential.
AT954cc 762cc multi-way Quote
07-02-2023 , 05:06 AM
Definitely call, all our outs are nuts and we can’t win without hitting. Like Moni said we can turn free rolls or turn nuts and charge dominated draws.
AT954cc 762cc multi-way Quote
07-03-2023 , 07:08 PM
Interesting spot. Either line is +ev

If you raise, you have higher equity vs 1 player (around 50-55 percent off the top of my head) and if anyone cold calls behind its a huge bonus.

If you call and invite others in, your equity reduces (though still great) but you get more money in the pot.

I can’t decide without running a model or two
AT954cc 762cc multi-way Quote
07-04-2023 , 05:56 AM
All our outs are to the nuts and we have a draw so yah we want as many players as possible to see the turn. Better pot odds and better chance someone pays us off with inferior straight or flush with more players going to the turn.
AT954cc 762cc multi-way Quote
07-05-2023 , 02:46 PM
You have a nutted draw, dont block any sets and are in position vs donk better.

Why would you raise and gii when you can play the hand in position vs donk better and bluff on straight runouts instead of going all in and playing your flop equity.

Dont think he is donking 2/3 pot 6ways to fold to a raise.

Only merit to raising is that you might get fold from similar straight draw but you still need to hit and when you do you are freerolling them.
AT954cc 762cc multi-way Quote
