Originally Posted by this_passing
why does negreanu think it's ok to spam his vlog everywhere? guy's head is so far in the clouds it's ridiculous
While 2+2's decision to temp-ban him is perfectly justifiable, I think it was a bad business decision. Negreanu isn't some random upstart who's "spamming" needs to be dealt with by a slap on the wrist. The v-blog wudda been on nvg anyways, from what I gathered he wanted feedback for the editing.
w/e, Mason felt it was necessary to ban him under the circumstances, and it's his house and his rules. The mod who banned him (not sure) was on quadjacks and did say they may have made a mistake/rash decision.
Last edited by GoGetaRealJob; 03-25-2012 at 05:28 PM.