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Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live

06-11-2024 , 03:56 PM
IMO you have to take some time off.
How can you not afford to take a week off when you are losing every session anyway?
Should have done this before 7 months, obv. Also the below advice earlier.

Originally Posted by amok
Get staking or quit.

The unsaid part:

Even assuming you are handling this better than almost anyone in the world, you are still playing worse than you think in spots because of the downswing. The person staking you should be watching/coaching/etc and then telling you problems that they see.
You don't necessarily need to be working for someone else forever, but you need an objective viewpoint from someone who cares enough about the outcome they aren't just agreeing it's all luck.
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
06-14-2024 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by illiterat
IMO you have to take some time off.
How can you not afford to take a week off when you are losing every session anyway?
Should have done this before 7 months, obv. Also the below advice earlier.


The unsaid part:

Even assuming you are handling this better than almost anyone in the world, you are still playing worse than you think in spots because of the downswing. The person staking you should be watching/coaching/etc and then telling you problems that they see.
You don't necessarily need to be working for someone else forever, but you need an objective viewpoint from someone who cares enough about the outcome they aren't just agreeing it's all luck.
I’ve taken multiple one and 2 week breaks…like probably 6-8 in this span of time.

I don’t know how I’d get staking as an unknown live player… I also never considered the idea of it.
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
06-14-2024 , 12:41 AM
try moving to a different city?
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
06-14-2024 , 04:16 AM
move down in stakes until you feel comfortable with your game again to move back up (or if you cant move any further down, just stay at 1/2 and when you do shot take again, try and do some game selecting)
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
06-14-2024 , 06:10 AM
Not coming from someone with a proven record of winning live for years, but nevertheless what I see and experience in live play, if you simply AVOID marginal spots and difficult decisions to begin with and don't gamble it off to chase loses, you cannot constantly lose. You are surely doing more things wrong than you think. Or your opponents are just good.

It might cap your potential winnings, but it will dramatically reduce your losses. If you can also run it twice, I fail to believe that you can lose for that long - except as I said if you have more leaks than you think or stronger opposition.
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
06-16-2024 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by Tuma
try moving to a different city?
I literally just did… I moved to Texas and am playing in the most live games I’ve ever seen and just can’t outrun anyone.

I’ve tightened up my Range, play the least hands of anyone, and just can’t win a 70/30 or get a cooler that goes to my side to save my life.

This is just getting ridiculous at this point.
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
06-16-2024 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by SabinSala
Not coming from someone with a proven record of winning live for years, but nevertheless what I see and experience in live play, if you simply AVOID marginal spots and difficult decisions to begin with and don't gamble it off to chase loses, you cannot constantly lose. You are surely doing more things wrong than you think. Or your opponents are just good.

It might cap your potential winnings, but it will dramatically reduce your losses. If you can also run it twice, I fail to believe that you can lose for that long - except as I said if you have more leaks than you think or stronger opposition.
Dude I’m playing in Texas against the worst players I’ve ever played against. This isn’t a playing bad or even being outplayed situation, it’s a literally just getting crushed by variance for a ridiculous amount of time.

Historically I’ve been a proven winner, used to crush online and made 6 figures live previously averaging $65 am hour.

It’s gotten to the point I’m angry at watching other people win. Every day I see the worst plays being rewarded and I can’t even get my hands to hold up let alone cooler someone…

I dont care about winning sessions. I care abo it making +EV decisions and my VPIP is down to 10-15% with maybe continuing on 20% of flops if that.

It’s just been a lot of bricking combo draws, top set not holding up and just disgusting runouts in super crazy games.

I’m literally playing against morons in Texas when I used to be profitable in murder lineups
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
06-16-2024 , 01:56 PM
Should be easy to get staking from someone you know
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
06-16-2024 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by javi
PLO is not my game but honestly reading your first 3 hands sounds like major punts. Aipf with AQQJ? Getting scooped with trips and a crappy 2 pair in a BP? None of this sounds like textbook runbad at all, at least not in my opinion.
The AQQJ is villain dependent. In the bomb pot he has the case jack.
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
06-17-2024 , 10:44 AM
It has sucked, I'm sure, but try to keep in mind that it's all in the past, cards have no memory yada yada. Lots of "can not" in your posts and very little "have not." Imo just keeping this front of mind may help lessen suffering.

I'm wary of shortstacking (e.g., 50bb) as a solution for weathering swings. But I do think that starting sessions at 100bb, where there's the most objective strat baselines available, could take some of the of the emotion out of it. I may be foolish or ignorant for drawing this line but for now I think there's some sense to it.

I got through my first particularly bad omaha downswing, in part, by checking in with a generous crusher in my room about some question hands. People telling you to post hands here aren't wrong but the personal interaction and some common knowledge about opponents was helpful. Seems like you have done this already but reaching out to someone new may be what's needed now.

Review your basics. Stay open to the idea that you may be making some less than best plays.
My learning process produces lots of notes and I'll review them from time to time. Maybe you have something similar? Remember your aha moments and even make an update or two. This isn't going to cure runbad but may keep your emotions about the game more neutral or even positive while you get through it.
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
06-17-2024 , 05:38 PM
Grind holdem in the same room. Be more selective about when you choose to play the PLO.
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
06-19-2024 , 06:10 AM
another option, you were good running before and now you are bad running.

Anyway, the best is to take the time to review your game and ensure you are at the best of yourself in sessions;
if so, keep the pace as long as your bankroll can handle.
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
06-19-2024 , 07:40 AM
If u can afford another few months and it’s not affecting how u play for sure then just run better. Otherwise drop down in stakes
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
06-19-2024 , 12:02 PM
Are you sure the games are on the square? You could have left from a run-bad situation only to end up somewhere that you're getting cheated.

Can't hurt to find a different venue and drop down in stakes for psychological reasons if nothing else.
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
06-19-2024 , 08:19 PM
From my understanding PLO variance can be especially brutal, but when you start to face runs you’ve never experienced before and it’s effecting you this much it’s usually worth getting a change of scenery.

Change your game, lower your stakes, do anything u can to get your mind off of how bad you’re running at that game and on to a new game. Starting fresh and getting the confidence back up, then with a clear mind you can decide to go back or maybe decide to stick to the new more stable game or stake you’ve been playing
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
06-22-2024 , 02:17 PM
I wish you luck my friend. I am on the same boat right now. I cannot for the life of me catch a freaking break. I get it in good and someone spikes a 1-2 outter. It's ridiculous. Or I buildup a stack and then lose it all in ridiculous run-outs.
I'm going to take a break and start leaving once I build up a stack. I don't care if I hit and run anymore.
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
06-23-2024 , 07:16 AM
So depressing,
Anyone knows what sample hands, win rate and bankroll (in BB) are needed to guarantee that you will never be broke
During the last 5000 hands I won an average of 30 BB per 100 hands. I thought that I am immune from losing in the long run
After reading this post, I definitely have to refrain my optimism.
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
06-23-2024 , 08:16 AM
To complete my last post about the needed bankroll:, I know that it depends on the standard deviation, the problem is that we cannot have a standard deviation for a sample of hands. Any way to get around this problem?
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
06-24-2024 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by theprofessor
So depressing,
Anyone knows what sample hands, win rate and bankroll (in BB) are needed to guarantee that you will never be broke
During the last 5000 hands I won an average of 30 BB per 100 hands. I thought that I am immune from losing in the long run
After reading this post, I definitely have to refrain my optimism.
Winning 30bb/100 in 5k hands means absolutely nothing. It doesn't even mean you are a winning player.

What you can do though is to study the game and always bring your A-game. Just keep in mind it might not be enough to actually show a profit.
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
06-25-2024 , 02:18 PM
Is this at Legends in Houston, the Lodge in Round Rock, or TCH in Dallas. Let me know and I can give you some tips as I know all 3 venues well.
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
06-30-2024 , 11:01 AM
Serious question: when you are running that bad is there even any drama about whether you are going to win the hand when the chips go in?

My streak has gone on for nearly 115K hands, but the insane thing is I only play very part time so the streak has spanned over 8 years. So if you say you are running unspeakable for 8 years it is disbelieved, if you say you are running unspeakable for 800+ sessions it is disbelieved ... but if you make it clear these are actually about 1/2 sessions, maybe closer to 1/3 sessions, live play, so that the amount of hands is only at the upper range of the zeroed out catch bell curve

For the duration, the phenomenon of flopping a wrap, making the nut wrap and winning the pot, simply disappeared from my sessions. Ditto for nut flush draw. The idea of flopping the nut flush draw, making it, and winning a good pot disappeared from my sessions. (Continually going all-in on these draws, wrap/flush solo or combos, and losing stack.) The idea of flopping any set at all almost disappeared, and when flopping the top set the thing was utterly routinely beaten by quads when the board paired. On top of that, the incredible hours of flopping ZERO -- no pair, no draw, no backdoor draw -- as if they rummaged thru the deck for 5 minutes to pick the most unrelated cards possible to your hand. The amount of hands that after the flop, turn and or river, had no pair, no draw, nothing in 9 cards, was just mind numbing. Nailing a flop was an exceedingly rare occurrence and just meant stack gone. Virtually every nut full flopped that became 2nd nut full lost stack. Flopping trips to like J-J-7 flop in 5-card, holding say A-K-J-9-8 ... just auto lost stack to underfull 7's full. It was all just perfect. Perfect storm. Keep in mind the 800 sessions was over 8 years of this anomaly, turning one's mindset much more than say heavy full time play of the same amount of hands over just a few months.

I'm sure you are experiencing a lot of that. Anyway, if you are intuitive like me, and maybe a bit pessimistic, you can get in a mindset that there is no drama at all about whether you are going to complete/win the hand no matter how many outs it has. It always goes the other way. And in streaks like this, that anticipation comes true. Of late, still in the streak including nasty session last night of ZERO winners again, I've thought back to just how good I might have been running over the years and decades, and that this might be a correction as much as anything.

It can go to zero or near zero for long stretches, as you know. My pattern was to win zero or one hands per session while undergoing all this. I've heard many tales of this type of thing and now I've seen it with my own eyes.

I don't know if I have any real advice. "It's a thing" is a bit helpful, I think. Because in the early to mid stages of it your mind is trying to shout "this isn't a thing, or shouldn't be a thing!! It can't be." You are at the outliers of the bell curve. And that's a thing. And there are hundreds of millions playing poker regularly. It's a thing to get in that zero or near zero zone.

Last edited by FellaGaga-52; 06-30-2024 at 11:14 AM.
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
07-01-2024 , 04:22 AM
Are you claiming to be a good winning player who hasn’t won a hand in 8 years?
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
07-01-2024 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by OmahaDonk
Are you claiming to be a good winning player who hasn’t won a hand in 8 years?
Stop that and read the next-to-last paragraph again and don't worry too much about your evaluation of my claims. Zero heaters in 800+ sessions. Two big wins in 800+ sessions would have normally been over 200 for the 35 previous years. Like I said, it's a thing. When the run outs are approaching 100% death for over 100K hands, which is not even close to a large enough sample to "guarantee" realizing any expectation.

Last edited by FellaGaga-52; 07-01-2024 at 02:20 PM.
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
07-02-2024 , 09:51 PM
grinding up a 50bb win and then losing flips against deeper, looser opponents is a thing that happens to players who are perceived as nits in PLO. paradoxically, you have to give more action to get into the really great spots when stacks are deep, or at least be willing to match 500bb+ and push the action when the time is right. in a match the stack game i prefer to basically martingale buy-ins if i'm losing in order to ensure you have the max in front of you when you do hit. rebuying 100bb at a time is a recipe for getting crushed in the long run.
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
07-03-2024 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by ham on rye
rebuying 100bb at a time is a recipe for getting crushed in the long run.
Yup you you need to martingale it wtfffff
Advice for dealing with 7 months of run bad live Quote
