Protecting your calling range on that flop texture is pretty standard
Turn call is bad, you are too high up into your value range and the board is too wet to want to use this hand as a bluff catchy call/call/call hand (call/call/raise gets the same value as c/c/c if your raise doesn't get called). Raising turn both nets you more value from weaker made hands it makes the hand "easier to play" given how often he is likely to check range to you on the river whether he can beat your TT or not, e.g. he generally cant bet/call A
and then value bet into you on a J
River betsize isn't very good for what you should be trying to accomplish.
Villain attempting to c/r bluff in a spot where you have a narrow betting range (and obviously even narrower b/f range), but have a wide array of weak made hands that will fold to a bet but that also beat 88 at SD is bad.
If I was in your shoes I would probably fold, if I was in my own, probably not.