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3bet pot Turn with Blocker to the Nuts 3bet pot Turn with Blocker to the Nuts

08-16-2023 , 06:09 AM
CO 100bb (Me)
SB 100bb (Villian)

Villian is a reg, plays quite standard, but i do see him Restealing with AK54ds Type of hands

I have AJQQ
I open on CO to $3.50
SB 3bets to $11.5
I call

Flop: AJT
He checks, I checks

I checked because I blocked everything that he can call with other than a Flush Draw

Turn: 4
He Checks
I bet $18
He raises to $78
I ???

I lose to all the value raises despite I blocking everything
and even I can see his hand and it is Drawing to 2 flushes, It is at best a coin flip.

Any tips or advice?
3bet pot Turn with Blocker to the Nuts Quote
08-16-2023 , 11:18 AM
Just because you block some of his calling range on the flop is not a good enough reason on its own not to bet. Especially when villains show they 3b wider than AAxx, there is a lot of value to betting these a-high boards yourself when checked to. There are a lot of KKxx+fd+gs hands that won't want to cbet and will want to maximise their fold equity while getting to see both turn and river, so you can safely get it in on the flop even if it feels very light.

As played, you've capped your range so hard that when you bet he can do the exact same move except with even more confidence you'll fold. Get it in.
3bet pot Turn with Blocker to the Nuts Quote
08-16-2023 , 12:36 PM
I want to point out some flaws in the thinking here.

Originally Posted by Evante
I lose to all the value raises despite I blocking everything
You are "behind" all of the value raises, but you are not losing to them. It's a fine distinction, but it is there.

Originally Posted by Evante
and even I can see his hand and it is Drawing to 2 flushes, It is at best a coin flip.
Well, he can have more than this. I can imagine some hands where you are an equity favorite, but that is besides the point. Let's assume you can see his hand and he has no pair but both flush draws and you are at best a coin flip ( you are not, you are 58/42 if you remove KQ) - then what? Well, let's assume you are 50% - you still have a slam dunk call as you know where you are and the pot is offering you an overlay.
3bet pot Turn with Blocker to the Nuts Quote
08-16-2023 , 05:56 PM
I think call/fold on this is extremely close, especially as I think these lines are underbluffed significantly. This is a super odd line in a 3b pot esp on a broadway board where most of his broadways will never take this line unless they're very strong, so you're just hoping he's getting wild with mid level flush draws. Seems a little ambitious.
3bet pot Turn with Blocker to the Nuts Quote
08-16-2023 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by pokerfan655
I think call/fold on this is extremely close, especially as I think these lines are underbluffed significantly.
You think specifically A-high, broadway boards, where the 3bettor has a gigantic range advantage rarely takes an aggressive line with one of about a billion draws he can have that are say 1 pair + wrap + fd or better? I think these make up amazing hands to c/r with and frequently see aggro players doing exactly that.

Here's the thought process:

I've 3bet oop and the board has come A-high but I don't have one, while I do have a massive draw. I want to get the last bet in, but don't want to have to call off my stack with a hand that's < ~ an ace. Checking to raise means I get the last bet in, see both turn and river for the same price, and if it gets checked through, well then that's a free card to improve my draw.

Sets and straights don't get it in every time with this line, as they prefer to bet to start with and then be able to call it off. Sets and straights only get it in this way if they think you're liable to bet an A-high board with regularity when checked to as the preflop caller, with a range disadvantage. They don't think 'I've 3bet pre but I think HE'S going to be the one to rep the A-high board rather than just try to get to showdown or hit when he's behind'. AJQQ doesn't just have odds to call against such a range, I think it's a decent favourite.

Last edited by wazz; 08-16-2023 at 06:59 PM.
3bet pot Turn with Blocker to the Nuts Quote
08-16-2023 , 07:03 PM
All that logic also plays on the turn, with the added extras of our range being capped by our flop check and there being 2 flush draws on the turn. He's even more lkely to want to protect most good made hands by betting them himself rather than risk it getting checked through twice when there are so many bad rivers for him. Really, even great to incredible hands like AAKQ or KQ+nfd will have enough incentive to just bet the turn. The more I think about it the more turn is a slam dunk get in.
3bet pot Turn with Blocker to the Nuts Quote
08-16-2023 , 08:59 PM
Hero can take different lines all streets, including 4! Pre and betting flop when checked too.

As played agree that stuffing seems pretty good.
3bet pot Turn with Blocker to the Nuts Quote
08-17-2023 , 12:12 AM
I’m betting flop and getting it in.

As played I GII on turn and expect to be 70% a ton.
3bet pot Turn with Blocker to the Nuts Quote
08-17-2023 , 12:28 AM
Im also 4betting pre. You can fold out KK, u block AA and have great equity vs hands that want to see a flop

As played, flop i can go either way but happy with the check back

Turn its pretyy much all in right? Like not deep enough to call and play a river? If deep id consider a call and play it out but at these stacks im not folding
3bet pot Turn with Blocker to the Nuts Quote
08-17-2023 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by wazz
You think specifically A-high, broadway boards, where the 3bettor has a gigantic range advantage rarely takes an aggressive line with one of about a billion draws he can have that are say 1 pair + wrap + fd or better? I think these make up amazing hands to c/r with and frequently see aggro players doing exactly that.
I'm saying for the opponent to 3b pre, and go check on the flop then check/pile the turn is an odd line on this texture that goes underbluffed at 100 PLO. Even in your example with the 1 pair + combo draw we're not much of a favorite over that - run a sim with a fair range and I think you'd see the 45% or whatever we'd need here is close. It's not like he has AK no draw and just rips it in here.
3bet pot Turn with Blocker to the Nuts Quote
08-17-2023 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by pokerfan655
I'm saying for the opponent to 3b pre, and go check on the flop then check/pile the turn is an odd line on this texture that goes underbluffed at 100 PLO. Even in your example with the 1 pair + combo draw we're not much of a favorite over that - run a sim with a fair range and I think you'd see the 45% or whatever we'd need here is close. It's not like he has AK no draw and just rips it in here.
Even if it's underbluffed, it's still bluffed enough, given all the logic I've provided, that many players with even a hint of aggression will use basically every time they've 3b pre with a hand that isn't AAxx or KQ but has connected well with this board. The question is less how often do they have those hands and more how often do they try to balance that play with AA or KQ. It is indeed an odd line, and when they say that things that don't make sense are more likely to be a bluff, this is a prime example where the whole reason it's an odd line is because it only makes sense for this to be a straight value hand in order to balance out the existence of so so many semibluffs. Right? We can just bet this board, which we should and will do with hands that don't mind getting raised, i.e. air and nutsish. You get the logic?

Yes, in some spots with a dynamic, i.e. they see you as a lagtard who will barrel any runout they may sometimes decide to trap you, but even when that does happen they can still decide it's best to play a draw that way.
3bet pot Turn with Blocker to the Nuts Quote
08-18-2023 , 08:05 AM
Yall mean 4bet ajqq and call off a shove? Wouldn't we be super behind a 5bet shove range?
Maybe we should use t987ds instead? At least we will be at least a 40% dog

How about players who lovesssss to call 4bet no matter what hands he called pre, i saw players calling kk92ss, ak62ds 3betted from sb then just call 4bet to see whether they are lucky

Any articles on what to call with vs 3bet etc?
3bet pot Turn with Blocker to the Nuts Quote
08-18-2023 , 09:20 AM
You don't need an article, you just need to play around with propokertools or similar. See how certain hands do against certain ranges, that you expect he'll be playing, and use that to base it off. T987ds is an ok candidate to 4b and you should also do it some of the time with that, but the point is that a decent chunk of his own range will be high rundowns, that you dominate reasonably well.

If you pot it pre and he jams, you're calling 65.50 to win 135.50, so you need ~33%. Against a range of AA and AKK you're 30%. So you would fold to a jam if he's only playing those hands, but the nature of your hand and the ev you have from hitting an ace vs kings is that if you start widening his range at all beyond that you'll have the equity to call. So a 4b/fold or a 4b/call can both be appropriate depending on your reads. A 4b/fold is good versus a lot of players who know to 3b wide but then play badly to a 4b i.e. those who call and chase long shots both pre and post, and only ever 5b AAxx - this constitutes a LOT of the playing pool. A 4b/call is good against those who just like to gamble with any 4 ds or any great high wrap or highish pair+ss wrap or whatever, and against great aggro players with whom you have a dynamic of getting it in lighter than aces. A flat is best against those who have a 3b possibly lower than ~6-7% or something.

You're very happy about players who love to call 4b no matter what. You just have to play reasonably well versus them in a bloated pot. Yes it's annoying when you 4b a hand like this and they play kings ds this way and don't fold, but you'll improve versus that hand some of the time anyway.

IP don't fold much. Just your raggy stuff. OOP you should fold a lot of your paired hands. Play around with equity sims and you'll get a bunch of answers about what hands to play in certain spots.
3bet pot Turn with Blocker to the Nuts Quote
08-18-2023 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by wazz
You don't need an article, you just need to play around with propokertools or similar. See how certain hands do against certain ranges, that you expect he'll be playing, and use that to base it off. T987ds is an ok candidate to 4b and you should also do it some of the time with that, but the point is that a decent chunk of his own range will be high rundowns, that you dominate reasonably well.

If you pot it pre and he jams, you're calling 65.50 to win 135.50, so you need ~33%. Against a range of AA and AKK you're 30%. So you would fold to a jam if he's only playing those hands, but the nature of your hand and the ev you have from hitting an ace vs kings is that if you start widening his range at all beyond that you'll have the equity to call. So a 4b/fold or a 4b/call can both be appropriate depending on your reads. A 4b/fold is good versus a lot of players who know to 3b wide but then play badly to a 4b i.e. those who call and chase long shots both pre and post, and only ever 5b AAxx - this constitutes a LOT of the playing pool. A 4b/call is good against those who just like to gamble with any 4 ds or any great high wrap or highish pair+ss wrap or whatever, and against great aggro players with whom you have a dynamic of getting it in lighter than aces. A flat is best against those who have a 3b possibly lower than ~6-7% or something.

You're very happy about players who love to call 4b no matter what. You just have to play reasonably well versus them in a bloated pot. Yes it's annoying when you 4b a hand like this and they play kings ds this way and don't fold, but you'll improve versus that hand some of the time anyway.

IP don't fold much. Just your raggy stuff. OOP you should fold a lot of your paired hands. Play around with equity sims and you'll get a bunch of answers about what hands to play in certain spots.
So let's say if I have AKQJ bu i open, sb 3bets, let's say he only 3bets 5%, i should call despite being dominated most of the time?

But if he 3bets 15% of the time, i should just shove as his mid rundowns, 3 broadways with small cards by right should fold?

When you mean rags, it's like QJT4 right? Is K765ds good enough to even call OOP?

Anymore advice for 3/4/5b pots against regs? Tbh i been losing a lot on this situation.
3bet pot Turn with Blocker to the Nuts Quote
08-19-2023 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by wazz
IP don't fold much. Just your raggy stuff. OOP you should fold a lot of your paired hands. Play around with equity sims and you'll get a bunch of answers about what hands to play in certain spots.
Why is paired hands bad to call OOP? how about trash double pairs like 8822r?

Really appreciate yall inputs so far. Thank you
3bet pot Turn with Blocker to the Nuts Quote
