Originally Posted by Mad Twatter
OOP it'd be tougher to say, but being IP I'd just call, for a chance to save 75bb if there's a spade on the turn and he keeps bombing (yeah, I see our nfdb). Plenty of different lines I'd take on different turn cards, depending on how CO reacts. Non-spade 7-Q, 5 and 3 would be tricky, but even though that looks like a lot, almost half of the deck will be something easier to play. Besides, even the tricky ones are only really a problem if he keeps bombing (which he might not on a non-spade 3, 5, 7 or 8). I'd probably fold those ones btw. On a non-spade 9, J, T, Q, I really don't know, but it sounds pretty PPT'able.
your going to hate almost every single turn card and you have no idea what your trying to fade so I think calling is the worst option. Not only that but you give the players behind you correct odds to draw than.