Originally Posted by ShipitFMA
So how can you claim it's closer the 1:1 then? Zoom definitely isn't the key variable given how infrequently it runs
I didn't claim I knew his odds, rather the opposite, but 10bb/100 makes it close to even money. I have no clue what his winrate can be under these terms. I know 10bb/100 is doable myself game selecting 5-10 and 10-20, but I haven't been able to get in 70k quality hands online in a month since 2008 or so. 12k hands would be a great month for me these days. Every SNE I know is not coming close to 10/bb 100 winrate, but they are playing in mostly poor games to accumulate the VPPs.
You're right, I've never seen 5-10 zoom run. The bbs are easier to win at higher stakes (more edge possible with slightly less rake proportionally), but it's harder to get enough hands at higher stakes. Winning 5,000bb EV in a month at 50-100 zoom alone seems impossible, so you are right. That's a lot of money coming out of a dried up ecosystem.