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1-2 Nut Straight + Bottom Two 1-2 Nut Straight + Bottom Two

08-20-2023 , 01:40 PM
I straddle BTN. SB raises to 10. BB and three others call. I call 7543o. I start the hand with $400.

Flop 6h 5h 3c.

Checked to HJ, who shoves for 50. CO folds. I raise to 100. SB folds. BB pots.

Everyone else folds. I call.

Thoughts? Should I play this hand differently without the bottom two redraw and one heart blocker?
1-2 Nut Straight + Bottom Two Quote
08-20-2023 , 03:34 PM
I don't understand the raise at all. I understand that HJ is all in? I understand flatting this to see what develops and to entice an overcall by a flush draw. I understand potting it since you have vulnerable nuts with redraws. I don't understand clicking it back for a min-raise.
1-2 Nut Straight + Bottom Two Quote
08-20-2023 , 04:11 PM
Min-raise on flop is too small. While BB raise can portend bad news, there is no getting away from this hand - just GII.
1-2 Nut Straight + Bottom Two Quote
08-20-2023 , 07:33 PM
yeah my default here is just pot it right away. occasionally flatting is ok too, but not my preferred option.
1-2 Nut Straight + Bottom Two Quote
08-21-2023 , 01:43 AM
I think sometimes I want to flat HJ to be trappy but I’m going to have to fold a bunch of turns when the action gets heavy.

I think the best play is probably just to rip it in over HJ, plenty of hands we have in bad shape will come along regardless.
1-2 Nut Straight + Bottom Two Quote
08-21-2023 , 01:47 AM
Min click is weird AF btw.

BUT, with that being said it’s would be very confusing to anyone playing against it so I kind of like it lol.

I would probably put you on 2p/set and think my wheel outs were live or my 42 is good and then complain about your fish move after you stacked my money up.
1-2 Nut Straight + Bottom Two Quote
08-21-2023 , 03:43 AM
Just pot flop.
1-2 Nut Straight + Bottom Two Quote
08-21-2023 , 08:54 AM
Potting the flop is my least favorite option. I shut out weaker hands and draws that I could make money from. Hands that crush me (nut straight plus any other redraw, set plus flush draw, set plus 87, 87 plus flush draw) get more money from me.

Flatting the flop invites weak draws to profitably call against my specific hand (maybe?). But I'm in position, so that negates it a bit.

When there's a dry pot in NLH, I bet small (one-quarter pot) to extract more value with my strong range against a weaker range. That's why I decided to min-raise here. My hand seemed like it was strong enough to do that.

I'm new to PLO. So I'm not sure if my NLH methodology applies.

(If I had just the nut straight without redraws or blockers, I might just call the $50 all-in on the flop. Naked nut straight on a super draw-heavy board with 6 people seeing the flop doesn't seem that strong. On the other hand, we're not that deep with the straddle.)
1-2 Nut Straight + Bottom Two Quote
08-21-2023 , 11:50 AM
I don't mind getting a side pot going, but I think you do want to charge more. Any 4,7, 8, 9 or heart may beat you or kill any further action. Nothing worse than getting beat by a non-nut flush draw in the side pot because you gave them 5-6x to 1 to continue .. with implied odds too. But you don't want them to fold either, right?

Any time you're betting/raising multi-way and into a side pot your image comes into play more than normal IMO. So you need to consider what your raise (and size) looks like to your remaining Opponents.

In PLO you really don't want to be flatting with the 'current' nuts too often, but since you do block the Full Houses (I don't consider them redraws, yet) this may be a candidate a few times. You can't improve here so you have to hold on against an all-in and at least 1-2 other V. The only issue to consider when raising is how often you think you're going to consider folding the Turn to a bad card and lots of action. If you raise you are now pretty much committed to Showdown with only 80 bb to start the hand.

I assume you straddled for $5? and this is a true 1/2 game. So with the straddle you start with 80bb. GL
1-2 Nut Straight + Bottom Two Quote
