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Cory Zeidman table talk.. Cory Zeidman table talk..

04-17-2009 , 12:23 PM
[QUOTE=Alizona;10050911]You complainers are all nuts.

This was BY FAR one of the most entertaining PAD's I've watched.


I've seen most of em from season one onward...[QUOTE]


I don't think I've ever laughed harder at any TV poker show. Very good stuff.
04-17-2009 , 01:03 PM
You cannot be "the greatest hold-em player of all time" and then cry and biotch all the time when somebody beats you. Phil is a rude, crude, despicable person. I don't care if the pros say he is a nice guy away from the table. Phil at the table is a bomb waiting to go off. He looks for slights and no respect like a comedian with no material looks for someone in the audience to pick on. Get over having acne dude, get over being bullied as a kid. Also the "it makes good television" debate. ER and Seinfeld were good television, you are the WWE, just as phony.
04-17-2009 , 01:19 PM
The guy clearly arrived on PAD with one agenda only: I'm Cory Zeidman, and I deserve more TV time. This was already setting off alarm bells in my head - his stint on season 2 of HSP was characterized by trite conversation, weak-tight play, and if his interview exercpts were anything to by, a shameless over-sized opinion of himself. Oh, and let's not forget, a hideously overdone purpley-brown hair dye.

So, a few years on, and Corey's back, having secured another shot at the TV big time. This time, he's got to make it count. He's pulled out all the stops; now modelling himself on the "2 months later" photograph from those hair restoration advertisements you find at the back of Men's magazines, he's made damn sure he looks the part. Sadly for Corey, his glistening black mop combined with a curious stoney tan made him look like Bruce Banner whose transformation into Hulk had gotten stuck halfway. Not the best of starts if you're going to needle Helmuth.

The problem Corey faced though is that he isn't funny and he isn't particularly smart either. Trying to offer a retort to everything Helmuth said or did was persistently annoying in how blatant and desperate it was - this was needling delivered via a bulldozer. Perhaps Corey expect to crash out early on, so tried to cram in all his material as fast as possible? None of it was quick-witted, some of it was clearly pre-scripted, and practically all of it was way too obvious. From his posts on these forums since, Corey is belittling of those who are derisory towards his conduct on PAD. Worryingly, I don't doubt for a moment that Corey is convinced of everything he says, he is genuinely convinced he's operating on a level above us.
04-17-2009 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by pinnygalore
So, a few years on, and Corey's back, having secured another shot at the TV big time. This time, he's got to make it count. He's pulled out all the stops; now modelling himself on the "2 months later" photograph from those hair restoration advertisements you find at the back of Men's magazines, he's made damn sure he looks the part. Sadly for Corey, his glistening black mop combined with a curious stoney tan made him look like Bruce Banner whose transformation into Hulk had gotten stuck halfway. Not the best of starts if you're going to needle Helmuth.
Well done first post. I had quite a few laugh out louds...

04-17-2009 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by Brian J
Well done first post from one of Corey's ex-wives. I had quite a few laugh out louds...
fyp, how'd i do? LOL

the writing style there was certainly very professional sounding! Calling Dr. Pauly? shaniac? hahaha
04-20-2009 , 10:41 AM
I love gabes "do you also get $50k for xx"

and he kept randomly saying things throughout the show. haha
04-21-2009 , 02:14 AM
ive heard a lot about the CZ "slow roll"

thats the first time ive seen the vid and you people cry a little too much on here

it wasnt a big deal, grow some balls
04-22-2009 , 06:36 AM
His slow roll, he delayed before calling right? It's not super evident in the video.

It appears as if Jennifer shoved OOP on the river.
04-22-2009 , 09:59 AM
The guy is a clown. He makes his name by trying to get under the skin of Helmuth. He slow rolls, and talks sh$t to some of the best players in the world.
04-22-2009 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by pinnygalore
The problem Corey faced though is that he isn't funny and he isn't particularly smart either. Trying to offer a retort to everything Helmuth said or did was persistently annoying in how blatant and desperate it was - this was needling delivered via a bulldozer. Perhaps Corey expect to crash out early on, so tried to cram in all his material as fast as possible? None of it was quick-witted, some of it was clearly pre-scripted, and practically all of it was way too obvious. From his posts on these forums since, Corey is belittling of those who are derisory towards his conduct on PAD. Worryingly, I don't doubt for a moment that Corey is convinced of everything he says, he is genuinely convinced he's operating on a level above us.
I was going to post in this thread with my thoughts, but this guy beat me to it. +Over 9000 to everything above. He tries to be funny and make remarks at everything, except he isn't funny at all. Him trying to hard makes it even worse. Any poker show automatically sucks as soon as he hits the screen, can't stand the guy.

Phil is Phil, sure, but at least he makes me laugh when he goes nutso, I find it to be hilarious most of the time. Cory is never hilarious, or remotely funny.
04-22-2009 , 09:51 PM
I do know that i'm operating on a level higher than you cuddles. Those of you who choose to attack my appearance continue on, its laughable. When thats the best you can come up with to berate me it shows me what im dealing with. First, how could i possibly stoop so low as to have a good time and play 2-4 nl with a few of my friends while in vegas one night at Mandalay Bay? Next, Helmuth was speaking to me in a manner which I didnt appreciate so I served him his lunch in my own way. The fact that he is whoever means nothing to me, but the fact that we've all witnessed him humiliating some unknown gave me added incentive. I think its interesting that some of my biggest insults from posters comes from people who havent posted much if at all in the past. Cuddles, if you dont like my humor I guess nobody else can huh. I am fully confident of my abbilities at the poker table and am vocally compitent as well. I try and enjoy myself at the tables as ive said whether its on tv or not. I have received a tremendous amount of positive feedback from people in person(pros as well), who saw the PAD appearance. I again thank all of you who have posted positive comments as well. If you knew me better or at the tables some of my haters might enjoy my manner more, and maybe some less, who knows, hopefully life goes on and we all wont take things like this too seriously. Be well, Cory Z
04-22-2009 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by Cory Zeidman
I do know that i'm operating on a level higher than you cuddles.
In terms of...? I hope you don't mean poker, because that isn't what we're talking about. And I sure hope you don't mean humour, because that would imply that there are 'levels' of humour, now that is laughable. (Because of course you're intelligent enough to know that humour is subjective and as such, universal 'levels' can not exist, right?)

Originally Posted by Cory Zeidman
Next, Helmuth was speaking to me in a manner which I didnt appreciate so I served him his lunch in my own way.
That's cool, I just didn't think any of it was funny.

Originally Posted by Cory Zeidman
The fact that he is whoever means nothing to me, but the fact that we've all witnessed him humiliating some unknown gave me added incentive. I think its interesting that some of my biggest insults from posters comes from people who havent posted much if at all in the past.
This is NVG, it's full of people with 35 posts. Unfortunately (I guess?) post count isn't indicative of anything or relevant when we're talking about a persons table talk so someone with 3k posts has an opinion with the exact same validity as someone with 4 posts.

You only have 99 yourself so... let's not go around saying post count matters.

Originally Posted by Cory Zeidman
Cuddles, if you dont like my humor I guess nobody else can huh.
I never said or implied that at all. All I said was that I have never laughed or even smiled at anything you've ever said any time I've seen you on TV. Maybe you're a great guy and everything off the table, perhaps you're even funny off the table, I'm not at liberty to say. All I know is that when I see you're on a show me and my girlfriend both sigh loudly and hope you bust early so we don't have to listen to you.

Originally Posted by Cory Zeidman
I am fully confident of my abbilities at the poker table and am vocally compitent as well.
Too bad you aren't grammatically competent.

EDIT: Just to set things straight, I don't hate you and I haven't insulted you. All I've said is that to me it seems like you try to be funny and throw insults out there, but none of them are actually funny and I've never laughed. That isn't a personal insult to you, it's just my opinion. Others in this thread have made personal attacks on you, but I haven't. I just said that I don't find you funny. It's great that some people find you funny, I mean they're probably the same people who saw Rush Hour 3 on opening day, but still. I'm happy for them. May their Velcro stay tight and their helmets snug.

Last edited by sircuddles; 04-22-2009 at 10:30 PM.
04-23-2009 , 12:58 AM
OHHHH i get it , according to CZ you have to have more then 500 posts to call him a douche. your 15 secs is up Corey , time to start selling hair pieces.
04-23-2009 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by Cory Zeidman
I do know that i'm operating on a level higher than you cuddles. Those of you who choose to attack my appearance continue on, its laughable. When thats the best you can come up with to berate me it shows me what im dealing with. First, how could i possibly stoop so low as to have a good time and play 2-4 nl with a few of my friends while in vegas one night at Mandalay Bay? Next, Helmuth was speaking to me in a manner which I didnt appreciate so I served him his lunch in my own way. The fact that he is whoever means nothing to me, but the fact that we've all witnessed him humiliating some unknown gave me added incentive. I think its interesting that some of my biggest insults from posters comes from people who havent posted much if at all in the past. Cuddles, if you dont like my humor I guess nobody else can huh. I am fully confident of my abbilities at the poker table and am vocally compitent as well. I try and enjoy myself at the tables as ive said whether its on tv or not. I have received a tremendous amount of positive feedback from people in person(pros as well), who saw the PAD appearance. I again thank all of you who have posted positive comments as well. If you knew me better or at the tables some of my haters might enjoy my manner more, and maybe some less, who knows, hopefully life goes on and we all wont take things like this too seriously. Be well, Cory Z
I had never heard of this guy and only saw the PAD episode a couple of weeks ago.......not knowing anything else about the guy, and putting his bizarre physical appearance aside, my impression was he embarrassed himself on PAD and came across as a world class toolbox...

Hellmuth is also a toolbox but he is entertaining as hell...this guy is not and I hope to never see him on TV again...

Last edited by jr97nv52; 04-23-2009 at 03:44 AM.
04-23-2009 , 03:57 AM
Zeidman is such a clown. Seriously one of the few guys that I really have no desire to see on tv.
04-23-2009 , 06:02 PM
I absolutely love it when one of you loser haters who hate their miserable life decides to bash me. Reasonable criticism I accept. Bring it on. Would love to see what the people who are critical of my appearance look like. LMAO. I take all the criticism as such a compliment. Thank you. Haters keep hating. I'd rather you bring it on me than beating your dog or wife.
04-23-2009 , 06:17 PM
Cory did you just totally ignore me? After I typed all those words... how rude.
04-23-2009 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Cory Zeidman
Those of you who choose to attack my appearance continue on, its laughable.
This is the one thing I can agree with Mr. Zeidman on, his appearance IS laughable!

04-23-2009 , 07:52 PM
[/QUOTE]Cory ZeidmanI absolutely love it when one of you loser haters who hate their miserable life decides to bash me. Reasonable criticism I accept. Bring it on. Would love to see what the people who are critical of my appearance look like. LMAO. I take all the criticism as such a compliment. Thank you. Haters keep hating. I'd rather you bring it on me than beating your dog or wife.[/QUOTE]

[ ] is funny and witty
[ ] is entertaining to watch
[x] is 55 trying to look 30
[ ] poker players everywhere aspire to be like him
[x] ascribes to the theory that bad publicity is better than no publicity
[x] created his own wikipedia page which was later deleted for being a "non-notable" person
[ ] is inundated with invitations to appear on future poker telecasts
[x] gladly accepts much deserved verbal abuse on poker forums in protection of innocent wives and dogs

Last edited by jr97nv52; 04-23-2009 at 08:01 PM.
04-23-2009 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by jr97nv52
[x] created his own wikipedia page which was later deleted for being a "non-notable" person

In all honestly, who hasn't done this.
04-23-2009 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by Alizona
You complainers are all nuts.

This was BY FAR one of the most entertaining PAD's I've watched.
+1. I'll give you that CZ was annoying and generally I would not want to see him on again unless it was to needle PH. PH is a douche and anybody who tilts him is OK in my book (at least for that session).
04-23-2009 , 09:28 PM
in fairness this was an historical event....a televised poker game starring Phil Hellmuth where Phil was not the biggest Douchebag at the table...
04-23-2009 , 09:41 PM
CZ: Phil do you play golf?....
PH: Yea I played TPC Canyon Gate yesterday...
CZ: ...oh because you don't look athletic at all

yet he's defensive when 2pl2ers comment on his appearance...smacks of hypocrisy...
04-23-2009 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by jr97nv52
CZ: Phil do you play golf?....
PH: Yea I played TPC Canyon Gate yesterday...
CZ: ...oh because you don't look athletic at all

yet he's defensive when 2pl2ers comment on his appearance...smacks of hypocrisy...

04-24-2009 , 04:09 AM
I watched this episode and was very disappointed.

I really wanted to see that puffed-up eejit Phil Hellmuth get steamed and make an ass of himself. Instead he actually looks quite classy with the way he handles himself! WTF!!

If CZ's objective was to get himself a bit of airplay and make the audience / other players think he is a prime jerk...then mission accomplished.

If his objective was to needle PH, he could have done a lot better with fewer, better (WAY better!) barbs.
