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Wtf Cheap People Wtf Cheap People

06-26-2008 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by Jimmy Vulmer
still a hustle. slipping a doctor $100 to see you before the other guy in the waiting room is no less ethical.

My GF is a nurse at a hospital and has occasionally been offered a tip by really appreciative patients or their family as they were being discharged. She refuses to take the cash of course even if the person is insisting that she take it for being so great or whatever.
Just another one of those situations where some people simply don't understand when it is appropriate to offer a tip and when it isn't.
Wtf Cheap People Quote
06-26-2008 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Jimmy Vulmer
still a hustle. slipping a doctor $100 to see you before the other guy in the waiting room is no less ethical.
Doctors don't get paid less because there is a social norm that tipping is expected.

People do pay more for faster and better treatment. Not in a triage situation obviously but if you think everyone gets the same level of medical care regardless of what they pay you are sadly mistaken.
Wtf Cheap People Quote
06-26-2008 , 04:54 PM
Wtf Cheap People Quote
06-26-2008 , 07:25 PM
Wow you can change the number of posts per page? This thread is now worth the price of admission.
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06-26-2008 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
I didn't steadfastly do anything.
But if I'm getting tipped well by my players and they aren't getting tipped at all....or doesn't make ANY difference at all.
So I would much rather have a table of really nice people who aren't blowing smoke in my face.
I understand but your original post wasn't an argument in favor of you working a good job, getting tipped, and not having smoke in your face (all normal feelings), it was an assailment of your co-workers, wondering why they would complain about not getting tipped. They had every right to complain, seeing as the tip pool wasn't growing when they weren't being tipped. But SOMEBODY on your team has to procure those sh*tty ass tips. But yeah, if you were given the choice to get $100 a night with smoke in your face or not clearly you pick not. But that has nothing to do with your co-workers being upset about an individual event that is a microcosm of something bigger for the team.
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06-29-2008 , 04:46 PM
Back when I delivered pizzas in braun station about fideen to twenty years ago there was a house that would always order the same thing, which came out to $10.97.

they would then also always wait for their three friggin' cents change, after paying with a ten and a one.

Talk about needing a kitn

Wtf Cheap People Quote
06-29-2008 , 06:16 PM
My personal view:

I don't get that annoyed by cheap people who don't impose their cheapness on others. I don't know what people's financial situations are. You'd probably feel like a serious douche if you found out that the guy in front of you at the supermarket clipped coupons because he's taking care of his mother who is in a wheelchair and has big medical bills.

The cheap people i have a problem with are those who are cheap to the point that it's flat out selfish. This came up a lot in college. Certain people I knew that we used to go out with were always fine when you paid for drinks, but they never once picked up a bar tab or did anything for you. Also, and this should be obvious, there is nothing worse than when guys itemize the bill in a restaurant and pay accordingly. Doesn't matter if you're rich or poor- that is bad ball, period, and is strictly a chick thing to do. The only exception is if one dude comes much later and just sits down for a drink and doesn't order any food, but to pay less because you had an $18 entree instead of a $22 dollar entree when it's a bunch of guys eating together is beyond disgraceful.

I generally sympathize and agree with the OP's POV. Cheap people who are always looking for freebies are annoying. And being a bad tipper is lame if you got good service. 14% is a bad tip where I come from.
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