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Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do.

05-12-2013 , 04:33 PM
The phrase: army brat.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-12-2013 , 06:37 PM
People who say "What do you mean _____?" in response to a statement with an easily understood literal meaning. For example, I am asked to get a household item in a drawer. I look in said drawer and the item isn't there. I tell this to who asked and they say "What do you mean it's not there?"

Well you ****ing idiot, IT'S NOT THERE. Literal meaninf FFS.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-12-2013 , 07:27 PM
Deer on the highway that refuse to cross at the deer-crossing signs. Idiots.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-12-2013 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by ObezyankaNol
Can Georgians figure it out tho?
What do you mean?
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-12-2013 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by ACG2x
People who say "What do you mean _____?" in response to a statement with an easily understood literal meaning. For example, I am asked to get a household item in a drawer. I look in said drawer and the item isn't there. I tell this to who asked and they say "What do you mean it's not there?"

Well you ****ing idiot, IT'S NOT THERE. Literal meaninf FFS.
"You mean to tell me it's not there?"
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-13-2013 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by nutsfl0pper
What do you mean?
I think you're proving his point.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-13-2013 , 02:16 AM
People who have their bicycle lights on in broad daylight.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-13-2013 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by ACG2x
People who say "What do you mean _____?" in response to a statement with an easily understood literal meaning. For example, I am asked to get a household item in a drawer. I look in said drawer and the item isn't there. I tell this to who asked and they say "What do you mean it's not there?"

Well you ****ing idiot, IT'S NOT THERE. Literal meaninf FFS.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-13-2013 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by rakeme
I think you're proving his point.
I think you're proving you don't get it.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-13-2013 , 04:39 AM
fish oil pills and anyone who talks about the benefits of them

edit: fk vitamins in pill form alltogether
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-13-2013 , 12:59 PM
Dialogues with this format:

A: "You know that scene in (insert movie), where XYandZ happens?"
B: "I've never seen that movie."
A: "You've never seen it?!?! OMG"
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-13-2013 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
+1 to tards at a crosswalk.

I get it's a crosswalk, and you have the right of way as a pedestrian, but if you just walk across the street without looking, you're asking to get killed.
Crosswalks in the middle of the road not around any traffic lights or stop signs where cars are instructed to yield for pedestrians are the worst. Is there no responsibility on the pedestrians? Can they just dart out in front of a car, and if they get hit it's the driver's fault? Aren't the ordinances putting way too much faith in both pedestrians and drivers with these crosswalks? It's almost like they are putting people's lives and limbs at risk just to make a point.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-13-2013 , 05:20 PM
I always stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk. I never stop for bicycles in a crosswalk.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-13-2013 , 05:30 PM
What is your stance on rollerbladers?
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-13-2013 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Francis_MH
Crosswalks in the middle of the road not around any traffic lights or stop signs where cars are instructed to yield for pedestrians are the worst. Is there no responsibility on the pedestrians? Can they just dart out in front of a car, and if they get hit it's the driver's fault? Aren't the ordinances putting way too much faith in both pedestrians and drivers with these crosswalks? It's almost like they are putting people's lives and limbs at risk just to make a point.
I have two good stories about ******s involving a crosswalk.

1. I was once driving by one of these and noticed a woman running coming up on the crosswalk. I figured I was close enough to the crosswalk that had I tried to stopped I would have had to hit the breaks somewhat hard and there was a single car behind me. So I kept going. She got to road when I was about 5-6 car lengths from crosswalk, she stopped on a dime (as if she was expected to run straight across), pointed to the sign and yelled at myself and the driver behind me. I really wanted to make a quick u-turn and blow through the crosswalk again.

2. I was driving in a parking lot for a shopping center down the "road" right out front of a bunch of stores. A guy walking with his kid (who was probably around 7-10) about 30-40 feet in front of me coming out of a store. He proceeds to walk straight out into the road. No crosswalk and didn't even look both ways. I hit my brakes kinda hard. He must of noticed I came to a sudden stop and starting yelling at me using profanities next to his kid (GJGE, Dad) about how I need to slow down in a parking lot.

Seriously - how does it make sense that pedestrians get the right of way everywhere and the vehicle is almost always at fault and responsible for accidents? Pro tip: A pedestrian is a human being. A vehicle is a massive machine moving at a high rate of speed. When those two collide, the vehicle will win 100% of the time. Maybe the pedestrian should be a bit more aware of their surroundings, too.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-13-2013 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
What is your stance on rollerbladers?
They should be shot on site.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-13-2013 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
I have two good stories about ******s involving a crosswalk.

1. I was once driving by one of these and noticed a woman running coming up on the crosswalk. I figured I was close enough to the crosswalk that had I tried to stopped I would have had to hit the breaks somewhat hard and there was a single car behind me. So I kept going. She got to road when I was about 5-6 car lengths from crosswalk, she stopped on a dime (as if she was expected to run straight across), pointed to the sign and yelled at myself and the driver behind me. I really wanted to make a quick u-turn and blow through the crosswalk again.

2. I was driving in a parking lot for a shopping center down the "road" right out front of a bunch of stores. A guy walking with his kid (who was probably around 7-10) about 30-40 feet in front of me coming out of a store. He proceeds to walk straight out into the road. No crosswalk and didn't even look both ways. I hit my brakes kinda hard. He must of noticed I came to a sudden stop and starting yelling at me using profanities next to his kid (GJGE, Dad) about how I need to slow down in a parking lot.

Seriously - how does it make sense that pedestrians get the right of way everywhere and the vehicle is almost always at fault and responsible for accidents? Pro tip: A pedestrian is a human being. A vehicle is a massive machine moving at a high rate of speed. When those two collide, the vehicle will win 100% of the time. Maybe the pedestrian should be a bit more aware of their surroundings, too.
Since you live in Denver like me, you probably heard that another pedestrian was killed over the weekend. Pedestrians are killed regularly in this city and I'm sure it's going to get worse over time.

This accident happened at 14th and Federal, which is one block south of Colfax & Federal. That's a very busy intersection at all hours of the day and night. Here's the news clip:

Boy, was I ever surprised when I found that the pedestrian wasn't crossing at a crosswalk! You could have knocked me over with a feather. But seriously this happens every day, all day long, and the cops do nothing about it. I heard that in the old days people used to get tickets for jaywalking, but not anymore. The cops have better things to do, like driving aimlessly.

And people with kids who cross the street (or parking lots) without looking both ways SHOULD piss you off. If they are alone they're only putting their own lives at risk, though it's still a little irritating.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-13-2013 , 06:16 PM
"Investigators say the man was not in the crosswalk as he was crossing Federal and was hit.

It is not clear who was at fault in the crash."

Sounds clear to me.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-13-2013 , 06:17 PM
At the end of Music Row in Nashville, there's a strip of restaurants and bars. In front of that, the street is divided by a median with 3 lanes in each direction.

Once had a fat tourist step directly in front of my car while looking the wrong way (the way where no car could possibly be coming), then yell at me for not driving slower. I was going about 25, which is the only reason I stopped in time and didn't kill the whale.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-13-2013 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by daryn
"Investigators say the man was not in the crosswalk as he was crossing Federal and was hit.

It is not clear who was at fault in the crash."

Sounds clear to me.
If the police determine that the driver could have stopped, even if the pedestrian was crossing illegally, then the driver is at fault. I don't agree with that in all cases (how can they know what was happening in the driver's mind?) but that's the way it's done in Colorado.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-13-2013 , 06:36 PM
I'm sorry. I find tickets for jaywalking stupid. I also find crosswalks and the new pedestrian crossing rules going over the top as well. It is pretty simple to me. Cross when it's your green and/or jaywalk when you feel it's OK to cross ( like 80 percent of pedestrians do around here ) but if you get hit by a car. It's on us for choosing to jaywalk.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-13-2013 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by MyrnaFTW
I'm sorry. I find tickets for jaywalking stupid. I also find crosswalks and the new pedestrian crossing rules going over the top as well. It is pretty simple to me. Cross when it's your green and/or jaywalk when you feel it's OK to cross ( like 80 percent of pedestrians do around here ) but if you get hit by a car. It's on us for choosing to jaywalk.
It's kind of nuanced and complicated, which is something our legal system is terrible with. I don't want cars to have free reign to run down jaywalkers but i don't want drivers to be at fault when people jump on their hoods (at a crosswalk or no).
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-13-2013 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
It's kind of nuanced and complicated, which is something our legal system is terrible with. I don't want cars to have free reign to run down jaywalkers but i don't want drivers to be at fault when people jump on their hoods (at a crosswalk or no).
That is true. People here have learned to police themselves (nyc) for the most part , . I don't like these dedicated crosswalks I have seen in other towns for the most part .
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-13-2013 , 09:14 PM
all-nba defsenive teams

tie for first for centers so there are 6 first team players

gasol still gets second team even though he's third best center at defence (according to votes)
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
05-13-2013 , 09:21 PM
Fatbutted fatbutts who donate their lightly used clothing to thrift stores.

So there's plenty of nice clothing for willpower-less fatbutts who can't control their eating habits, but nothing good for ripped 6', 175-pounders. So I go away empty-handed nearly every time I go there.

Meanwhile, the fatbutts are rewarded for being fatbutts. If you've got a 48-inch waistline you can buy your entire wardrobe there for $50, all on the same day.
Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do. Quote
