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Strange Dreams Strange Dreams

05-04-2024 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Whenever I have sex dreams, it's always about a female celebrity I do not find attractive, like Rosie O'Donnell or Margaret Thatcher. I have no idea why. Just once I'd like to have one with Kate Beckinsale, you know?
On the plus side, at least your dreams are honest about who you may have a realistic chance with. Other dreams are dirty filthy liars that get your hopes up.
Strange Dreams Quote
05-04-2024 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Whenever I have sex dreams, it's always about a female celebrity I do not find attractive, like Rosie O'Donnell or Margaret Thatcher. I have no idea why. Just once I'd like to have one with Kate Beckinsale, you know?
same, it's not celebrities for me though but just random women i know and usually not ones I'm attracted to

maybe it's our brains telling us to go out and be fruitful?
Strange Dreams Quote
08-12-2024 , 11:55 AM
one of the weirdest dreams i ever had

was working in a factory in china there were some americans working there that everyone claimed were cia

someone tries to catfish/pig slaughter scheme me, i discover it's the guy working the station next to me, i confront him on it, when he realizes the jig is up he draws a gun and tries to kill me

i escape with a graze - chinese employer tells me everything is fine and ignore that this wasn't the first time a coworker shot at me

beginning to think now that maybe they are ordered to kill me

american colleagues that everyone suspects are cia hitmen tell me not to sweat it, just random disgruntled employees

i get out of work and a new person is trying to kill me, i leave the factory and escape

unable to call the police for help, when i do it gets rerouted to other random gov bureaus

panicking and looking for a way out, i run into a chinese colleague who is holding my flip flops (which i took off to run faster) and says to follow him to safety, i follow but soon get paranoid he may be in on it and grab my flip flops and run, at which point my suspicions are confirmed that he was indeed leading me to a hit squad

then while hiding outside a mosque + cultural revolution era monolith celebrating the province of liaoning (no idea why, does not exist in real life) and trying to figure out next moves, i bump into my parents who came to china to visit me

i explain the situation but they don't take it seriously at all, just kind of go along with it to placate me

i decided we should go back in the general direction of my apartment, not to go into the apartment because they'll surely be waiting for me there but just need to get to a familiar neighborhood where i'll better be ablet to get help - was planning on visiting a police station there or something - i don't recall

no taxis available, we follow crowded streets where we don't think they'll shoot us and go into the subway

it appears nobody followed us and we shook them

we exit at our stop for my house and start heading to whatever it was that i thought we should go

but then i realize my mom isn't with us, i ask my dad and he says she was tired so went directly to the apartment to rest - i remind him about the hit squads going after us and it clear neither beleive that - we sprint to the apartment complex, in the outer courtyard we hear gunfire - next thing i'm like hovering in the air over 3 bodies like in fps deathmatch multiplayer video game where you go into observer mode after being killed, we see new figures enter the area and they fire, it seems they killed the people who killed us

we then respawn - my parents still don't take it seriously, i'm very traumatized by everything, just curling up on the floor and hugging random strangers

i go home, and some people will randomly walk up to me, say, "are you the guy from the news?" and then give me a hug

then i woke up very early in the morning, far earlier than i usually would have

by far the weirdest and most impactful dream i ever had - but it was nice to practice my chinese again
Strange Dreams Quote
08-12-2024 , 04:20 PM
I hate running in flip flops
Strange Dreams Quote
08-12-2024 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Whenever I have sex dreams, it's always about a female celebrity I do not find attractive, like Rosie O'Donnell or Margaret Thatcher. I have no idea why. Just once I'd like to have one with Josh Allen, you know?
Strange Dreams Quote
08-12-2024 , 07:24 PM
shot in the style of mission impossible, pulp fiction, call of duty, matrix

Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
I hate running in flip flops
that's because flip flops run you
Strange Dreams Quote
09-17-2024 , 12:27 PM
Just now for some reason I was trying to place who it was I was watching a low grade comedy/horror film with recently. I recall they loved the concept and thus I went on and on about "if you love this then you got to try out evil dead 2" and then of course i gave a lengthy lecture about the history of it and how it came about etc etc

it was then i recalled that no, that never actually happened, it was just a dream i had last night, but one that so mundane that it wasn't filed away in the "obviously a dream" section of my memory

is this what becoming middle aged does to somebody? where they no longer dream about the impossible where they do crazy and exotic things, experience new sexual conquests, go be the protagonist in an exotic adventure like indiana jones or luke skywalker?

that we now dream about the mundane, something so close to reality of me pedanting away upon esoteric topics to an uninterested but captive audience that i remembered it as if it were real life

will i ever have dreams of chess masters pouring cranberry juice into the pool or is it too late for me?
Strange Dreams Quote
09-17-2024 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by AzOther1
No more grape kool-aid before bed.

I used to have a recurring dream where Olympic gold medalist Mark Spitz would appear in my closet. I could even smell the chlorine from the pool afterwards. It was very unnerving.
lol I like this one

Last night, I dreamt that two of my best friends from college - whom I haven't seen in over 35 years - were both part of a team who had orders to kill me, like I was some John Wick type. Since we hadn't seen each other in a long time, we hugged it out with tears and then I escaped after bashing them with my tennis racket.
Strange Dreams Quote
09-17-2024 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
lol I like this one

Last night, I dreamt that two of my best friends from college - whom I haven't seen in over 35 years - were both part of a team who had orders to kill me, like I was some John Wick type. Since we hadn't seen each other in a long time, we hugged it out with tears and then I escaped after bashing them with my tennis racket.
so there is hope my dreams will return to the action packed adventures they should be - because if old age is having a series of pedantic dreams where you're discussing a cult film to someone who's never seen it, i would probably want to end it
Strange Dreams Quote
