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Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Stingiest thing you've seen someone do

07-13-2010 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by SJUHawks
It actually baffles me that this is not standard. Who would want to have friends that wouldn't automatically do this?
i find it's best to adjust for the weight of each passenger and the weight of their various luggages and calculate how that might've impeded our collective fuel efficiency.
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07-13-2010 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by scotchnrocks
We always start on a full tank, keep the receipts, then work out the split while filling up at the gas station when we get back home. Simplest way to do it imo. Rotating on fill ups can work but there will usually be discrepencies and if someone ends not needing to get a tank it is a possible cluster ****.
I'm OK with this plan, but it usually seems too nitty to me. If it's a long trip the paying for different fill ups idea seems right to me, if it's a shorter long trip simply throwing the guy 10-20$ seems right to me. I don't ever ask for gas money, but it's almost always given if it's appropriate. I don't have any set mile distance to where I start to offer, it seems to be more of a feel thing like if you're actually going on a weekend trip or something. Asking for gas money to go to a movie is nitty, not offering to pay part of the gas for a weekend trip 100 miles away is a dick move, but still really not that big of a deal.
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07-13-2010 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by ohead
according to prohornblower you are all douches for not paying the gas 100% if you are driving and its your car.
I see no problem with Lippy's set-up.

That might perplex you but if you go back and re-comprehend what I said earlier it might become clear. If you still need help, PM me and we'll get it figured out.
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07-13-2010 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Klompy
This is the obvious answer when looking back at the situations. When it happens to you it's a little different. My guess is that he looked at his options and decided that this was the easiest answer, and it likely is instead of calling the d'bag out and starting an argument in a restaurant. I'm the same way when it comes to starting a scene in what's supposed to be a public place.
I agree 100% and would just shrug it off in the moment in a public place. I'd obviously talk to him about it another time, which is what people ITT are failing at miserably.

Causing a scene in a public place is pretty much out of the question IMO.
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07-13-2010 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by prohornblower
I see no problem with Lippy's set-up.

That might perplex you but if you go back and re-comprehend what I said earlier it might become clear. If you still need help, PM me and we'll get it figured out.
easy way to totally change ur opinion cause of peer pressure, but still keeping face. well done.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 06:16 PM
I was playing HU monopoly for $1 with a friend in like gr 10. Near the end, when it was clear I was gonna win, he faked a phone call with his dad and said his dad was outside waiting to pick him up, and he had to leave. He ended up busing home to avoid paying me the $1.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by Anacardo

Will you or someone in your social group please grow the stones to punish this turd? This is not somebody who should have friends, much less have people around him who just shrug and 'deal with it.'
Evidently, it has become much, much, more extreme, as of late. We are all friends from College, and they all live in a major metropolitan area, and I visit them a couple times a year, so I am not regularly exposed to the miserly madness. It was not such a noticeable problem while we were in school, because everyone was poor, and he was living off of his parent's dime.

When I arrived there this last weekend, I was immediately relayed that story and two other hilarious tales. Evidently, my extremely generous , yet consistently broke friend, who is currently unemployed with no benefits was buying beer with the cheap one, and the cheap one said "Hey dude, you have a couple bucks? I only have Twentys and I don't want to break one." LOL, WAT?!?

In addition, I was told they had all gone to float a river on a Saturday, and everyone bought an inflatable raft to use for the afternoon once they got to the spot. The friend in question decided to swim, instead of buy a raft, but halfway thru had the nerve to tell two of my friends who were sharing a two person raft, "Hey, you guys have been on there for a while, how bout you swim for a bit and I get a turn?" as if there was some injustice committed against him, despite his choosing not to purchase one himself!!

It's a really awkward issue for all of them, because we have all been friends since college, and he is an extremely likable, funny, fun, cool and pleasant guy to be around with regards to every life situation except those that involve money. Despite this, I was so outraged by the absurdity of his actions, and disappointed in the passive aggression of all the victims that I planned on confronting him with them in a sort of "tightwad intervention", but....

The day I was to meet up with him, his girlfriend, who had been living abroad with him for 5 months and stayed an extra week, came back to town. Upon arrival, she immediately broke up with him and told him that she banged some foreign Dude for the last week she was there, who happened to be one of her ESL students. Considering he had just been made a cuckold by some exotic Casanova, who he knew and helped teach on more than one occasion, it didn't seem like the right time to confront him.

Last edited by Halowax; 07-13-2010 at 06:27 PM.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 06:24 PM
That is a pretty fantastic case of THAT IS WHAT UGUETH imo.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 06:29 PM
It's a really awkward issue for all of them, because we have all been friends since college, and he is an extremely likable, funny, fun, cool and pleasant guy to be around with regards to every life situation except those that involve money. Despite this, I was so outraged by the absurdity of his actions, and disappointed in the passive aggression of all the victims that I planned on confronting him with them in a sort of "tightwad intervention", but....
Funny and fun maybe. Likable? Really? He sounds self-centered, entitled, and greedy. He's only out for one person, himself. Also, it's one thing in college when everyone is broke, but the older you get the more and more things you do with people are going to involve some quantity of money. It's virtually unavoidable. So he's going to be unpleasant and irritating and cheap in almost every situation.

Last edited by VoraciousReader; 07-13-2010 at 06:30 PM. Reason: OOT Life Rule #9: Cull people you don't actually like from your group of friends.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 06:32 PM
You can pick up something to float on for like a dollar. How the hell do you not buy this?
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
That is a pretty fantastic case of THAT IS WHAT UGUETH imo.
The levels of schadenfreude at breakfast when our friend who is hosting him relayed to us his new sorrows were off the charts.

Originally Posted by VoraciousReader
Funny and fun maybe. Likable? Really? He sounds self-centered, entitled, and greedy. He's only out for one person, himself. Also, it's one thing in college when everyone is broke, but the older you get the more and more things you do with people are going to involve some quantity of money. It's virtually unavoidable. So he's going to be unpleasant and irritating and cheap in almost every situation.
Ya, you are right to a great extent, but he is actually very thoughtful and kind in many regards... as long as it doesn't involve shelling out cash. The whole thing is really, really, weird, and, since I am not exposed to it that often, I forget about how much of a problem it can be on a daily basis. Evidently, a few of my friends are actually starting to cut him out of their lives. I just wish people would be a little more confrontational, because I never stand for this **** and absolutely humiliate people who are overly tight, probably to a point where I am sometimes being unfair.

Because of this, he is more self aware when I see him, and he has never really pulled any of these shenanigans in my presence. In fact, the previous time I visited, he even offered to take me out to lunch.

It's a pretty ****ed spot, and if we all had not been so close when coming into adulthood, I am sure we would have stopped seeing him ages ago.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 06:43 PM
Worked at a steakhouse in university as a waiter. Single guy came in had the steak/salad combo...normal as can be. The bill comes for $25.98. He lays out a $50. I scoop it up and take it to the back and make change.

I return the bill and tray with a $20, a twonie ($2 coin) and two loonies ($1 coin). Thanked him for coming and went on with the night. A couple minutes later he's gone, and left nothing as a tip.

Four days later my manager pulls me aside and says "The guy from table 17 phoned in complaining about you."
"He says you didn't give him the correct change."

So I did some quick mental math: $50 - $25.98 - $24 = $0.02, and lost it.

The POS called to say he was coming in again that Saturday and I had to serve him again. Same meal, but this time I had two pennies ready. No tip. FML.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by WWJfergusonD
Worked at a steakhouse in university as a waiter. Single guy came in had the steak/salad combo...normal as can be. The bill comes for $25.98. He lays out a $50. I scoop it up and take it to the back and make change.

I return the bill and tray with a $20, a twonie ($2 coin) and two loonies ($1 coin). Thanked him for coming and went on with the night. A couple minutes later he's gone, and left nothing as a tip.

Four days later my manager pulls me aside and says "The guy from table 17 phoned in complaining about you."
"He says you didn't give him the correct change."

So I did some quick mental math: $50 - $25.98 - $24 = $0.02, and lost it.

The POS called to say he was coming in again that Saturday and I had to serve him again. Same meal, but this time I had two pennies ready. No tip. FML.
I don't know if you did this on purpose or by accident, but this is unacceptable if you did it on purpose. I would have tipped you well had the service been fine, but I would have been annoyed. I waited tables in the past and always made a point to give people the exact change back. I don't know why you'd think that some of the nits out there wouldn't find this totally unacceptable. I don't give a rats ass about the 2 cents, but that doesn't entitle someone to keep my money. If it was an accident, then I'm not really directing this to you. Either way, the guy was a dick about it and certainly crossed the line with his behavior.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by uaclaw
I don't know if you did this on purpose or by accident, but this is unacceptable if you did it on purpose. I would have tipped you well had the service been fine, but I would have been annoyed. I waited tables in the past and always made a point to give people the exact change back. I don't know why you'd think that some of the nits out there wouldn't find this totally unacceptable. I don't give a rats ass about the 2 cents, but that doesn't entitle someone to keep my money. If it was an accident, then I'm not really directing this to you. Either way, the guy was a dick about it and certainly crossed the line with his behavior.
Anything under 25 cents either way I would always let it go. With the average meal being $25, we never really wanted to deal in pennies, nickels, dimes.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by zerosum79
"No room for cream" then going to get cream tilts me.

Also my friend who asks for sodas with "no ice" because he obv wants a little more soda but claims its cause he likes the way it tastes better also tilts me.


I prefer my soda's without ice.
but i don't like soda anyway.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 08:04 PM
morans talking about asking for 'no ice' being stingy -

ice costs more than soda
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 08:44 PM
then you should just ask for a whole cup of ice since it's worth more
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by prana
I lived in Summit County over the winter to snowboard. I found a roommate once I moved out there after staying with a buddy a few weeks. Another friend of mine was in a similar situation a month later and I let him crash in the loft at our house a few times. My roommate (house owner) said he couldn't let him stay there because of the wear and tear he'd cause on the carpet. rofl
This isn't being stingy. This is more of you being unaware. That was probably just a polite way for him to say he didn't like your freeloading friend. It is pretty rude for you to invite people to stay over multiple times for free when it isn't even your house.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by SirGaribaldi
easy way to totally change ur opinion cause of peer pressure, but still keeping face. well done.
You are the opposite of smart and witty.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by WWJfergusonD
Anything under 25 cents either way I would always let it go. With the average meal being $25, we never really wanted to deal in pennies, nickels, dimes.
I thought it was standard to round down and give back whole dollar amounts as change. If the bill is $21.08 and they give you $25, just give them four ones back. Nobody likes a pocketful of change, plus they might tack on an extra tip for saving them $.08
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 10:30 PM
OOT Life Rule #9: Cull people you don't actually like from your group of friends.

Can you go ahead and recap #s 1-8 for us?
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by punkass
then you should just ask for a whole cup of ice since it's worth more
But it might not taste as good when you're drinking it...
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 11:20 PM
I worked at a roller-rink as a kid. Once a year, we had to re-surface the skating rink (13k square feet). This involved totally stripping, sanding and essentially painting the rink with a highly toxic epoxy plastic mix.

Takes about 14 hours total to do it.

We worked all night doing the job with no food (but a few sodas). Our manager promised to take the 5 of us out to breakfast when we were finished. We were thinking like Denny's or something similar.....

Job done, we all went to a donut shop where he allowed us to each have 2 donuts and one pint of milk. Probably about $.75 or so each back then. When one of us asked for seconds, he emphatically said no and left immediately.

Then again, we did get $.50 (2 real quarters) for a Christmas bonus a few months later.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 11:50 PM
Given the values here I think we're going to need to know what year that was.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by stabn
Given the values here I think we're going to need to know what year that was.

He bought a little Austin-Healy roadster with his Christmas bonus.

We pooled our Christmas bonus money and bought a "Whistler" that we jammed up the tail-pipe with a broom stick. Sounded like an elephant kazoo whenever he started it. I think it drove him insane.
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