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Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Stingiest thing you've seen someone do

07-13-2010 , 12:18 AM
And I was agreeing with you PHB, just adding on to it for the tardage in the thread
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07-13-2010 , 12:22 AM
Im a recent college graduate and the norm for me right now is the people with the best jobs buy a larger % of the drinks and the people still looking for a job have a bunch of rounds picked up for them. To be honest this seems about optimal to me. The people who can't afford the nights out get a subsidy and the people that can help their friends out so they can spend more time with them. Some of the ones paying more now were the ones that bought the cheapest beer and paid careful attention to money in HS and college.

I guess I am fortunate to have the friends I do.
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07-13-2010 , 12:51 AM
I would have no issues saying, "hey, bring X" ahead of time" or BYOB if I supplied all the meat & stuff, but there there is no way I'd leave a tip jar out at a BBQ, that just feels so tacky. If I was invited to a BBQ with more than a few people over, if I wasn't prompted to bring anything, I'd ask if I could.
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07-13-2010 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by prohornblower
Tip jar at a barbeque I choose to host?
FWIW, I was thinking more "If you'd rather pitch in for whatever we're short instead of bringing something." We're almost guaranteed to make a run to the store at some point in the evening, and pitching in $5 is a lot easier than bringing something.
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07-13-2010 , 03:02 AM
Holy hell. If you are in college it's totally standard to ask people for money for basically any expenditure. Everyone is poor and they understand.

If you are an adult and you are hosting a party, pay for everything you need and don't ask people for money.
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07-13-2010 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
Im a recent college graduate and the norm for me right now is the people with the best jobs buy a larger % of the drinks and the people still looking for a job have a bunch of rounds picked up for them. To be honest this seems about optimal to me. The people who can't afford the nights out get a subsidy and the people that can help their friends out so they can spend more time with them. Some of the ones paying more now were the ones that bought the cheapest beer and paid careful attention to money in HS and college.

I guess I am fortunate to have the friends I do.
nice life whiteboy
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07-13-2010 , 03:12 AM
My family is stingy with food, sometimes I would want more food but my mom would tell me that I had enough food even though I was underweight.
I come from a upper-middle class chilean background which means that the money for food was there.
Since I started making money with online poker I spend almost all my money on food, pizza, burgers , I go to fancy italians restaurants and order two dishes, you name it , everything my childhood was deprived of
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07-13-2010 , 03:14 AM
btw after last post I just realized that my parents kinda neglected me when I was a kid by not giving me enough food.
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07-13-2010 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by SirGaribaldi
u cant be serious, i mean its not a one time trip, we have to go there every week, all 3 of us..
i charge them 5$ each per trip (yea i pay the most even though its my car etc etc) and i just checked the train prices (which they used before they joined me) and thats 28$ per oneway. They are actually not close friends but just random guys i know, but imo that doesnt change anything in this case.
I play poker at casino most saturdays, costs about £15 petrol there and back. I'll often ask people if they wanna come, and if so tell them they need to chip in £5 towards petrol. Yeah I'm going anyway, but there's no way they could get to the game for anything close to £5, so they're happy. Never had any complaints. I've also got one GOOD friend who goes sometimes who I don't charge, but that's more because he's pretty short on cash.

To un-derail (re-rail?) the thread...

Went for meal with most of the office where I worked. At end of the meal everyone puts in what they owe, plus extra for tips (UK - no mandatory tipping). 2 women at the bottom of the table collect all the money, pay over the amount per the bill, use the extra to buy themselves cocktails!
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07-13-2010 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by scotchnrocks
Going to a BBQ without bringing something or offering to chip in is poor form too, about the same level as your friends girlfriend imo. If you host free BBQ's you're in the minority.
that friend even brought a 20$ bottle of whiskey lol, thats why hes even more pissed. i guess his play now is to mail back and say that he did some calc's as well, and that she has to send him 11$ to x account number for the whiskey.
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07-13-2010 , 08:33 AM
We have a friend that regularly brings nothing to potluck dinners and feasts on the bounty of others and almost always brings only a 24oz beer or two for himself to a party. These things we have just learned to deal with, but as of recent, things have gotten out of control. I heard a couple stories about him from our mutual friends while visiting them all in San Francisco this past weekend that really made my blood boil.

The cheap friend has just returned from living abroad and is staying at my other friend's house free of charge as a house guest until he figure s out his new living situation. After three days of living off of the hosts hospitality, groceries, alcohol, etc... he finally paid for them to go out for breakfast, at the hosts suggestion, of course.

Later that afternoon, they went to eat at a restaurant where the miser's cousin is a waitress. She hooked them up proper and at the end of the meal brought them a check that was severely discounted and said, "Don't worry, you don't have to leave me anything". Obviously, you always tip extra in these cases, so the host gave the guest $15 dollars for his half of a $20 dollar check plus a healthy tip, as the tightwad was to pay with his card. Dude obviously never has cash.

So, the host watches the cheapo fill out the CC receipt, which he kindly decorates with a bunch of hearts, and then proceeds to draw a dash through the tip line and write $20.00 as the total. Not only was this tight bastard leaving zero dollars for his ****ing cousin, who hooked them up with at least double that in free food, BUT HE WAS TRYING TO POCKET THE TIP THAT MY OTHER FRIEND LEFT FOR HER!!!!

So bewildered, my gracious friend asks him what he thinks he is doing, and the other one quickly dismisses him and says "I paid for breakfast", as if that had any ****ing relevance or would be any justification for his behavior, at all!! My friend was so taken aback and the situation was so incredibly awkward that he just let it go, as they had another friend who had just arrived at the end of the meal.

I haven't read this thread, yet, but that is the cheapest thing I have ever known someone personally to do.
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07-13-2010 , 10:16 AM
Why would you hang out with someone like that?
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Walter White
Why would you hang out with someone like that?
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07-13-2010 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by chipchip
that friend even brought a 20$ bottle of whiskey lol, thats why hes even more pissed. i guess his play now is to mail back and say that he did some calc's as well, and that she has to send him 11$ to x account number for the whiskey.
Obv that changes things. Unless there are more details being left out, I'd just settle up and forget about it.
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07-13-2010 , 11:30 AM

Will you or someone in your social group please grow the stones to punish this turd? This is not somebody who should have friends, much less have people around him who just shrug and 'deal with it.'
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 11:37 AM
tip stealer stories itt are tilting me
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by neuroman
tip stealer stories itt are tilting me
Yeah, these don't really constitute "stingy".
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07-13-2010 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Anacardo

Will you or someone in your social group please grow the stones to punish this turd? This is not somebody who should have friends, much less have people around him who just shrug and 'deal with it.'
seriously, the only thing more tilting than these dbags is the constant "so we all just shrugged and paid more". STAND UP FOR YOURSELVES. Don't let these tards win, you're just reinforcing the behaviors.
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07-13-2010 , 01:27 PM
Well these tards are not really "winning" maybe they are short term, but I bet everyone of the people "who shrug it off" and paid never hung out with the dbag again. Not saying shrugging it off is optimal but as I mentioned earlier, the first time it happened it was such a weird WTF moment, it catches you off guard and you think/evaluate whether it's worth ruining what was an enjoyable evening amongst friends over the missing money. If it would happen to me again I wouldn't hesitate to ask for the dbag to pay up but the first time it wasn't such a clear/easy response for some odd reason.
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07-13-2010 , 04:05 PM
Re: Gas on road trips

I just realized how sweet my group of friends are. Every long drive there isn't a discussion about splitting. Driver pays first tank, someone cards the second, next cards the third, etc and whoever is filling up the tank doesn't pay for water/seeds/candy/whatever.

We've never talked about it, but it's been that way for years.
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07-13-2010 , 05:00 PM
Well, way to not hang out with a bunch of ******s. I don't really say that in jest, either; what I've learned from this thread is that that's not an insignificant achievement.
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07-13-2010 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by lippy
Re: Gas on road trips

I just realized how sweet my group of friends are. Every long drive there isn't a discussion about splitting. Driver pays first tank, someone cards the second, next cards the third, etc and whoever is filling up the tank doesn't pay for water/seeds/candy/whatever.

We've never talked about it, but it's been that way for years.

according to prohornblower you are all douches for not paying the gas 100% if you are driving and its your car.
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07-13-2010 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by lippy
Re: Gas on road trips

I just realized how sweet my group of friends are. Every long drive there isn't a discussion about splitting. Driver pays first tank, someone cards the second, next cards the third, etc and whoever is filling up the tank doesn't pay for water/seeds/candy/whatever.

We've never talked about it, but it's been that way for years.
It actually baffles me that this is not standard. Who would want to have friends that wouldn't automatically do this?
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-13-2010 , 05:12 PM
We always start on a full tank, keep the receipts, then work out the split while filling up at the gas station when we get back home. Simplest way to do it imo. Rotating on fill ups can work but there will usually be discrepencies and if someone ends not needing to get a tank it is a possible cluster ****.
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07-13-2010 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Black Aces 518
seriously, the only thing more tilting than these dbags is the constant "so we all just shrugged and paid more". STAND UP FOR YOURSELVES. Don't let these tards win, you're just reinforcing the behaviors.
This is the obvious answer when looking back at the situations. When it happens to you it's a little different. My guess is that he looked at his options and decided that this was the easiest answer, and it likely is instead of calling the d'bag out and starting an argument in a restaurant. I'm the same way when it comes to starting a scene in what's supposed to be a public place.
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