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Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Stingiest thing you've seen someone do

04-24-2011 , 05:08 AM
Originally Posted by runout_mick
There is. Buy a 2nd thermostat and hide it either on the other side of the wall, or inside the wall. Set it, and replace original thermostat, but leave it unhooked.

I had to do this once in an upstairs tenant/downstairs tenant situation once. She didn't understand that if she closed her upstairs heat vents that her temp would stay the same, and I'd get more heat. I cut the thermostat wires to her suite and installed my own.
lol, women. If a man was this dumb, you'd have to whomp him upside the head.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
04-25-2011 , 06:50 AM
Is it racist to call someone a nig-gard, or to call them nig-gard-ly? Does it matter if they're black or not? Or if you're black or not? Has a black person ever used either word ever?

Last edited by Cody Ross; 04-25-2011 at 06:52 AM. Reason: nig-gard = a stingy person
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04-25-2011 , 07:57 AM
Before he gets banned:*****rdly%22

Gotta fix the link yourself LDO

Cliffs: The two words are unrelated, but obv ****storms follow its use
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04-25-2011 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Cody Ross
Is it racist to call someone a nig-gard, or to call them nig-gard-ly? Does it matter if they're black or not? Or if you're black or not? Has a black person ever used either word ever?
Not racist imo, but if I had to guess I would estimate <10% of Americans know what the words means or even know it's a word.
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04-25-2011 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Double Down
:Just feeling a little bad about the stories in retrospect since he really is truly one of the warmest and kindest people I know. He just likes free shtuff and deals.
Your stories are awesome and I would love to hang out with your dad after reading them. He seems like he would be fun as hell from the stuff you posted here. I doubt anyone has a negative view of your father from your stories, probably the opposite. I also bet your dad would find the stuff you wrote funny as hell, not be insulted in any way. Just my opinion.
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04-25-2011 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Amber
Your stories are awesome and I would love to hang out with your dad after reading them. He seems like he would be fun as hell from the stuff you posted here. I doubt anyone has a negative view of your father from your stories, probably the opposite. I also bet your dad would find the stuff you wrote funny as hell, not be insulted in any way. Just my opinion.
+1 to all this
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
04-25-2011 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by nham
I've heard of people picking up cigarette butts, unrolling the remaining tobacco from them into a jar and re-rolling them into new cigarettes. Maybe they were just poor, though.
I think it's a poor thing. I know I've done it before. Not with other's cigarettes, but with my own. Haven't had to do this in 11 months. I feel turrible every time I do it (even though you do get a nice buzz from filter-less nicotine), and try to conserve money now just so I don't have to do it again. It's my own personal rock-bottom.
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04-25-2011 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by diddyeinstein
I think it's a poor thing. I know I've done it before. Not with other's cigarettes, but with my own. Haven't had to do this in 11 months. I feel turrible every time I do it (even though you do get a nice buzz from filter-less nicotine), and try to conserve money now just so I don't have to do it again. It's my own personal rock-bottom.
I'd say that's probably considered rock-bottom by most people.
I mean, it ranks right there with dump-diving.
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04-25-2011 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by runningmarvel
I'd say that's probably considered rock-bottom by most people.
I mean, it ranks right there with dump-diving.
I guess. At least I've never resorted to hitting up store ashtrays or the like. It's just me smoking 100% of the tobacco I buy versus the 85 or so percent I generally get.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
04-25-2011 , 09:50 PM
I know of a guy who has been harrassing his entire extended family for 8 months instead of shelling out 20 bucks for a chess set.
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04-25-2011 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by runningmarvel
I'd say that's probably considered rock-bottom by most people.
I mean, it ranks right there with dump-diving.
eating strangers' refuse out of a dumpster is waaaaaay worse than salvaging unburnt tobacco from your own cigarettes. the two things are nowhere near equivalent.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
04-26-2011 , 05:43 AM
If you can't afford to buy cigarettes, you probably should consider quitting smoking.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
04-26-2011 , 06:03 AM
Roommate mentioned on page 205 by myself has been using my Axe body wash, I am 100% sure of it. He has a bar of soap that resembles a piece of communion that has been sitting on the shelf for months. Every time I go to take a shower there is a large quantity missing since I last used it (yes, I eyed it up and verified). I asked my other roommate who I'm cool with if it was him on numerous occasions and he's said no so I know it's cheap ass.

Contemplating pissing in the body wash, never using it again, let him use it all up, then at the end of the year while in some conversation including him just bring up how "I read a while ago that ones own urine on their skin is a very good method of exfoliation. That's why I've been doing it for over a year now by just putting a nice piss load into my body washes."

Want to see his tightwad face after I say that.
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04-26-2011 , 06:23 AM
Please post video of this on youtube
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04-26-2011 , 06:40 AM
Oh and said roommates sister was practically begging me to hit it at one of our parties last year but my other roommate talked my blacked-out ass out of it (shes like a 5-6 but I wanted to do it for the revenge). About a week later he was going on and on about how his sister and her BF are so committed to each other in their long distance relationship when I was sitting on the couch trying my hardest not to laugh.

Gotta have another party and invite her soon.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
04-26-2011 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by E1GHTY_PR00F
page 205
Contemplating pissing in the body wash, never using it again, let him use it all up
Just do it man. It will be awesome. Also, smash the sister.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
04-26-2011 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by neuroman

Just do it man. It will be awesome. Also, smash the sister.
Should I videotape the watered down product and show what level the wash is at and then do updates every couple of days to show that the level is going down and he is indeed washing himself with my urine?

EDIT: I'll take a pic every couple of days and update in this thread.

EDIT X2: And maybe videotape the sister act.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
04-26-2011 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by E1GHTY_PR00F
My cheap ass housemate who I want to strangle:

- We all go out to the bars one night, and by the end he is bragging about how he didn't tip one dollar to any bartender and was puffing his chest about it. I heard this through someone else we were with the next day and if I would've heard it in person I would've ripped him a new one as my dad tends bar once a week and to brag about not tipping it the lowest you can go IMO.

- We both lived in the house at college over the summer while our 3rd roommate was in South Africa. He had a job and I didn't so he felt the need to tell me I need to pay 75% of gas and electricity since I was "there more" even though I was always out and about either at my real home or at my friends at the pool.

- Went to White Castle after a softball game and I ended up being 11 cents short and he paid with his debit card. This is before I truly knew of his cheapness and I was like "OH DONT FORGET THAT I OWE YOU 11 CENTS LOL" and he's like "na I won't, I can use the change to gather up laundry money."

- This is what really sent me over the edge. Winter comes and he lives in a single and me and my roommate live in the coldest part of the house (the walls are like concrete and just give off coldness) and cheap ass housemate has work at 7 AM three days a week so he will get up, get ready for work, then turn the thermostat either all the way off or down to like 55, and then LEAVE me and my roommate to wake up shivering in our sleep.

Some other kid I know wanted a Snickers bar so he took 20 out of the WAWA ATM because there was a 15 cent coupon on the ATM receipt, bought the Snickers with the coupon, then immediately drove down the road to the bank and redeposited the 20.
does your roommate believe that jesus is the son of god?
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
04-26-2011 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by SnotBoogy
does your roommate believe that jesus is the son of god?
Yes he does.

He also bragged about this:

Him and his father got invited to a dinner (his dad is just as cheap as him) through a work colleague or w/e and they had an open bar. Father and son pennypincher go up to the bar and decide they want to pass up on all the top shelf vodkas and whatnot and instead opt for shots of this Cognac that was 300 dollars a glass or some ridiculous price. The bartender told them that this was not part of the open bar but father and son insisted on the drink and the bartender had to go and get permission to serve the drinks. Whoever hosted the party got stuck with that bill and the next 3 rounds the cheap-o's got of it.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
04-26-2011 , 11:07 AM
80 proof,

If you don't mind being a real jerk, I highly recommend Nair instead of urine. Just switch the contents of the bottle. If roommate gets all pissed off at you, which he will because it's a bit harsh on the delicate regions, just say that you legitimately use it for your back or something and it's easiest to do it in the shower.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
04-26-2011 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by ***
80 proof,

If you don't mind being a real jerk, I highly recommend Nair instead of urine. Just switch the contents of the bottle. If roommate gets all pissed off at you, which he will because it's a bit harsh on the delicate regions, just say that you legitimately use it for your back or something and it's easiest to do it in the shower.
I like the way you think but the bottle is clear and the body wash is orange I don't think it would look too natural.

Next leak I have to take its going down.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
04-26-2011 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by E1GHTY_PR00F
Roommate mentioned on page 205 by myself has been using my Axe body wash, I am 100% sure of it. He has a bar of soap that resembles a piece of communion that has been sitting on the shelf for months. Every time I go to take a shower there is a large quantity missing since I last used it (yes, I eyed it up and verified). I asked my other roommate who I'm cool with if it was him on numerous occasions and he's said no so I know it's cheap ass.

Contemplating pissing in the body wash, never using it again, let him use it all up, then at the end of the year while in some conversation including him just bring up how "I read a while ago that ones own urine on their skin is a very good method of exfoliation. That's why I've been doing it for over a year now by just putting a nice piss load into my body washes."

Want to see his tightwad face after I say that.
Piss? There are better things to put in there. At least that's what I remember from college when people kept leaving their crap in the public shower.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
04-26-2011 , 11:30 AM
Person I know split the cost of a pizza with a sister in-law. Sister in-law's share was like $8.75 and she had a $10 bill, $5 bill, and three singles.

Guess who asked to make change for the $10 bill?
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
04-26-2011 , 11:42 AM
my father-in-law saves EVERYTHING possible. like rusted bent nail that's been in the fence for 20 years? totally reusable. slightly rotted lettuce (even though we have more than enough fresh to feed everyone)? he'll eat it. driving down the road, see someone has thrown out a junky chair? he'll pull over and pick it up - or come back for it. gets pissed when we give anything away on craigslist if we didn't try to at least get $5 for it.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
05-01-2011 , 12:58 PM
On my car quite a few years the passenger side door never worked. On the drivers side someone tried to break in and broke that lock. My car was a Nissan Skyline which is very easy to break into with a coat-hanger with a little practice and know-how. So instead of fixing the lock, I used to keep a coat-hanger in the boot so every time I wanted to unlock my car I would unlock the boot, get the coat-hanger out and break into my own car.

I did this for about a year until someone drove up the back of me, wrote off the car and their insurance paid me out good money.

In the year or so I did this I was given a few funny looks but was never once asked what I was doing breaking into a car.
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