Speeding ticket situation
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 1,169
Ok so last month I got a speeding ticket in Cali. The original ticket had no amount due on it, I was to recieve that in the mail several weeks later. I recieved this in the mail and my last name was spelled incorrectly. I followed the instructions to pay online and my last name is spelled incorrectly there as well. There was a case number with a last name that wasn't mine. I tried to pay the bill online, but couldn't because the name on my credit card is different than that of the one in the case. My question is do I have to pay this? Should I call the court and say I recieved this, but no one of that name lives here? Should I just ignore it? Legally will I have any reprocusions? Thanks in advance.
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 21,866
Call the phone number on the ticket, explain the situation, and get it taken care of.