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Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed?
View Poll Results: Should pitbulls be allowed to breed
391 46.83%
290 34.73%
Yes but only if you have to have a special license to own one
154 18.44%

01-16-2024 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Cute dog but I'm sure the guy who has his balls chomped off had a cute pic like that too
Probably not because that would be pretty gay
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-18-2024 , 02:15 AM
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-18-2024 , 12:02 PM
Is that supposed to be Ironic?

I'm the one who schooled you on statistics while you ignore them and continue to act like a psychopath.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-18-2024 , 10:27 PM
Yes, coordi. I am the psychopath who doesn't understand statistics, not you, the person using monkey math to justify children being ripped apart by bloodsport dogs. Remind me of the statistics that show why preventing savage attacks from fighting dogs isn't worthwhile? I'm sure you'll dazzle me. Something about "any amount of children being killed doesn't matter because here's a picture of my dog that I got from the pound?"

Add "irony" to the list of basic things your reptile brain doesn't really understand. No, you didn't school anybody on anything. Your entire argument has been to let everybody know how much of a dumbass you are by repeatedly comparing viscous fighting dogs to black people. It was easier to have a convo with Koko the gorilla than trying to communicate these basics to you.

Last edited by Phresh; 01-18-2024 at 10:35 PM.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-19-2024 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by SisterFister
“one of their own” that’s rich. No, just manipulated into building a website while wookie, jman, ikestoys et al used that as leverage to settle their petty squabbles on the old site. bunch of sad gen X losers really, that was always apparent from day one, just like the rest of you.

mod1 = jman
mod2 = wookie

admin = goofy but he pretended like it was me for a while and had me hold the domain because there were fears of harassment from you guys and I was a convenient scapegoat.

hope that helps, feel free to jump off a bridge with the rest of the sad sacks, wouldn’t cry at all about it.
Sounds like a fun place. Is et al what cuserounder calls himself now? Are you still invited to his wedding?
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-19-2024 , 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by SisterFister
“one of their own” that’s rich. No, just manipulated into building a website while wookie, jman, ikestoys et al used that as leverage to settle their petty squabbles on the old site. bunch of sad gen X losers really, that was always apparent from day one, just like the rest of you.

mod1 = jman
mod2 = wookie

admin = goofy but he pretended like it was me for a while and had me hold the domain because there were fears of harassment from you guys and I was a convenient scapegoat.

hope that helps, feel free to jump off a bridge with the rest of the sad sacks, wouldn’t cry at all about it.
What did you expect from people who look like this?

Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-19-2024 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Phresh
Yes, coordi. I am the psychopath who doesn't understand statistics, not you, the person using monkey math to justify children being ripped apart by bloodsport dogs. Remind me of the statistics that show why preventing savage attacks from fighting dogs isn't worthwhile? I'm sure you'll dazzle me. Something about "any amount of children being killed doesn't matter because here's a picture of my dog that I got from the pound?"

Add "irony" to the list of basic things your reptile brain doesn't really understand. No, you didn't school anybody on anything. Your entire argument has been to let everybody know how much of a dumbass you are by repeatedly comparing viscous fighting dogs to black people. It was easier to have a convo with Koko the gorilla than trying to communicate these basics to you.
Yeah man all 18,000,000 pitbulls in the US are blood sport dogs that rip apart children. Literally every year, millions of children are ripped apart by millions of blood sport dogs

You subjectively feel a certain way about something while objectively the numbers show that you are a moron.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-19-2024 , 01:20 PM
Wait until this Phresh guy learns how many children starve to death every year in the US alone. Like slow agonizing withering death over long periods of time.

But lets focus our resources on gas chambering millions of pibulls

I'll concede that I am more in support of gassing doggos than spending 50 million dollars on trucking sand to private beaches in New Jersey, so I guess I'm a psychopath too.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-19-2024 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
Wait until this Phresh guy learns how many children starve to death every year in the US alone. Like slow agonizing withering death over long periods of time.

But lets focus our resources on gas chambering millions of pibulls
Seems like we ought to feed the pitbulls to these starving children instead of the other way around.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-19-2024 , 04:03 PM
coordi with the made up numbers to ignore the salient point. It doesn't ****ing matter what numbers you're inventing, you dumb clown, because the dogs are not necessary. Hmmm, should we have totally worthless dogs that 90IQ people love, or just stop breeding them so they aren't mauling people. SIMPLY NOT BREEDING THE DOGS ISN'T GASSING THEM, YOU IMBECILE.

People go without food and our response is to build food banks, keep them stocked with items, offer food stamps and financial support to those in need, give free lunches at school, build afterschool programs, etc.

Worthless dogs we don't need keep attacking and maiming adults, children, pets, livestock, random wildlife, and inanimate objects. Your response is, "DUURRRR MIGHT AS WELL GAS BLACK PEOPLE THEN HUH BECAUSE THEY SURE DO A LOTTA CRIME HUH?"

Around 20-30 people actually starve to death each year in the US, you brainless moron (probably not all children, either). The numbers you'll Google incorrectly and find are eating disorders and complications of malnutrition, not starvation.

Between 2018 - 2021, only 99 people died of starvation in the US, including all age brackets.

Meanwhile, a record 68 people in the United States have died from pit bull attacks in 2023. We don't have numbers of non-fatal attacks or how many poor normal pets were killed by these beasts, but I'm not sure a statistics man with your capabilities would understand, anyway.

As always, you prove yourself to be completely worthless in every single interaction.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
01-22-2024 , 12:22 PM
Feeding pits to starving children made me lol pretty good.

And as always: well done Phresh.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
02-07-2024 , 09:27 PM
Dont think kids would eat pits, if you tell them its dog-meat.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
03-06-2024 , 04:08 AM

Hi, my name is Chyna and London is my 3 year old PomChi. London was out on an evening walk when she was viciously attacked by an off-leash pit bull in our apartment complex. London sustained 3 lacerations to her shoulder, and as a result was rushed into emergency surgery, where a drain was placed due to the muscle separating from the skin. London is a fun, loving and charismatic pup, and since this incident she has been anxious and nervous… fearful to go outside ultimately slowing her recovery.

My neighbor and friend Bonnie who is 81, and her best friend a 10 yr old Shihtzu named Mitsy (I call her Miss Mitsy May) faced the nightmare of their lives 2/14/24 around 11 am!

The second it saw Mitsy it attacked and it went into full blown biting and shaking sweet Mitsy.

The owner has shown no remorse or even taken responsibility for what was done due to his lack of respect and responsibility to his neighbors and even to his own pet!

Thankfully Bonnie got attention from Eyewitness news. Here are the stories:

** Trigger warning the video is extremely upsetting and graphic!**

Eyewitness Story

My name is Max, and I am a rescued mixed Chihuahua.

I’ve had a great life these past six years, until 2 days ago, when I was attacked by an 80 pound Pitbull. As many of you know, I’m only 11 pounds.

I was told my chances of survival were minimal; but what they don’t know is that I’m a strong little guy. I’m fighting!

My neck was 75% detached from the rest of my body; I now have 2 drains, 2 broken cervical vertebrae, lumbar edema, a Foley Catheter, my blood pressure is over 220 and a constant pain pump running very strong pain medication, tranquilizers, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications.

I heard the doctors say I would be blind, and also might not be able to walk; but boy, when I heard my mom’s voice and felt her presence, it did not matter how much pain I was in; I made sure to find every drop of strength left in my body, get up and put my front paws on her chest; just to hear her heart beat and feel her kisses on my tiny head. Did I mention my blood pressure also dropped to 150 after those kisses?

My name is Silklena Richards and I am the only Aunt of 7-year-old Kayden Richards. My nephew Kayden was attacked by a Red Nose Pure Bred Pitbull Terrier on the night of February 26, 2023, at approximately 9-10pm.

The Archer’s best friend’s beloved pitbull became suddenly spooked, and in a horrifying moment, attacked Desmond. The dog's powerful jaws left Desmond with a devastating injury, a 12cm by 6cm gape on the left hand side of his face. It was a terrifying and painful ordeal for both Desmond, his family and the dog’s owner.
Poor pibble was spooked!


Norton the daughter of Leo and Dorothy Norton was viciously attacked in the face by a pitbull. She was flown to Boston children's hospital where she went a long 11 hours of extensive surgery on her face. She has over 1,000 stitches from below her eyes all the way to under her chin. This poor sweet little girl has had her life changed forever.

She's only 6. Not to mention her parents life has now been flip over. Lily is in critical condition at the ice in the Boston children's hospital and will remain there for atleast 10 days if not longer then have a long road of recovery and hospital visits.

On 11/02/2023 Raegan was mauled by our neighbors two pitbulls, in their front yard, while trying to ride her bike home from a play date. She has 8 bite wounds, 8 hematomas, and needs physical therapy for her arm. Her back was mauled, her private area was mauled, and she has bite wounds on her face. She is physically and emotionally traumatized. We are at Saint Mary's Hospital and she is going to need multiple surgeries.

11/05/2023 update: The surgeons didn't document the locations of all of the wounds in the first surgery. They somehow missed the two puncture wounds in her private area and the wounds look to be infected now. She is in pain and running a fever, we are waiting to see if she is going to need a third surgery.

Please watch the video

On Tuesday afternoon March 16th 2021 a young boy and his mother were playing in the backyard of their family home when there lives changed forever. 2 Pitbulls viciously attacked the boy and his mother. the young mother fought with all she had to save her little boy despite her efforts to save her son his injuries were to severe even with the help of first responders little Aziz could not be saved. As for Aziz's mother she is still fighting for her life and needs multiple more surgeries, she will never full recover form the scars she now has to live with.

A pit bull jumped the fence and brutally attacked him. He’s 22 years old! He literally picked a piece of his lip up off the ground. When I asked him what he was thinking he said, “Tia, I thought I was going to die.”

Hello everyone, I’m reaching out today because my two year old dog Hunter was attacked by two Pit bull Terrier’s. He has four broken ribs and I need help paying for all of his medical bills.

Her dog was attacked and bitten by another dog, he was being swung around side to side and up and down, I had to put my hand in the pit bull's mouth for it to release Lucky. I've never seen so much blood and never been so scared in my life

At the age of 9yo I had an accident ,a pit bull dog attacked me and bit my leg ! after few surgeries they had to impute it , it was the end of the world for me ,for the past 15 years I was physically and emotionally in pain i've tried more than 10 prosthetic legs none of them was comfortable

Suddenly a neighbor’s unleashed foster dog (Merle Pitbull approx. 55 lbs.) allegedly jumped a 10-foot fence (6 days after being spade), came from behind them and grabbed Rodney by the throat/neck causing him to scream in pain and go limp, then the Merle shook him like a chew toy causing serious injuries.

Plenty to go around, folks.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
03-11-2024 , 05:38 PM
Are we absolutely, positively sure that those weren’t the work of golden retrievers? Can anyone really truly be certain?
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
03-11-2024 , 05:44 PM
Golden retrievers are the wrong colour for you to prosecute them.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
03-16-2024 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Einstein2
Are we absolutely, positively sure that those weren’t the work of golden retrievers? Can anyone really truly be certain?

are you *absolutely sure* you’re not jman, moderator of slowphonyexpress? don’t you have anything better to do?
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
03-16-2024 , 01:35 PM
I guess the prisons must be full now (mainly because jman did his best to fill them up).
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
03-18-2024 , 06:30 PM
No its a real conception and has a real basis in fact
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
03-18-2024 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Matt Williams
My next door neighbor got a pit bull about a year ago. It's a victous little f'er. My neighbor told me last week that it's gotten completely out of hand and he's taking it back to the shelter. He's had 4 pit bulls in his life and the one before this one was very friendly. If anyone can raise one properly it's my neighbor. For him to give up on this one is pretty telling. We were joking that if some normal dumbass had gotten the dog first, Missy (Yea the dog's name is Missy) would have killed someone by now. Sad part is that it's probably true.
Ya they are fkd
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
03-20-2024 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by SisterFister
are you *absolutely sure* you’re not jman, moderator of slowphonyexpress? don’t you have anything better to do?
I thought you guys were all friends? At least tell me MrWookie and Ikestoys are still besties.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
03-25-2024 , 11:54 PM
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
03-26-2024 , 12:11 AM
Grunching a bit here but as I was scrolling I noticed some pictures and it would appear that {checks notes} a creature of the Canis genus bit a creature of the **** genus. Quite a remarkable turn of events. I'm sure that our man on the street, noted DMT enthusiast Phresh, will keep us abreast.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
03-26-2024 , 12:20 AM
Sup, bro

Hope you're well in these crazy days we're livin.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
03-26-2024 , 01:42 AM
Ok, I'd forgotten that you can't approach a Phresh post directly. You have to avert your gaze and glance with your peripherals. Like not staring at an eclipse, essentially.

So, could somebody blink twice if the following is true: Phresh posted a picture and story of a horribly abused and neglected pitbull as if it's a super chessmate that bolsters the point in his favor?
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
