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Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed?
View Poll Results: Should pitbulls be allowed to breed
392 46.83%
290 34.65%
Yes but only if you have to have a special license to own one
155 18.52%

07-13-2023 , 12:21 AM
Plus he's hopped up on bute and weed ... even if you wanted to pass on some of those fine qualities
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by SisterFister
watch out LBR, he’s got you in his crosshairs. you don’t want to see what comes next.
Yes, I'm continuing to interact with one of the handful (my hand only has 5 fingers) of posters "in" this thread. Crosshairs!
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 12:25 AM
Jmakin must have a Chrome plugin to help say the stupidest **** every post. It's not possible to bat 1.000 like that.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Is the insult that I'm black?
Which insult? I did a couple in rapidfire succession there.

The second one is that you're racist and xenophobic, duh.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 12:32 AM
Oh snap,

Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
I don't know or care if 6ix has a drug addiction. I think he probably has severe autism and that I'm not okay with.
I hadn't even gotten to the end of Phresh's last post. I like to sip them slowly.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 12:35 AM
Ok so quick strawpoll:

Is this dude literally psychotic or is he faking it?

I'm leaning towards faking it still.

Originally Posted by Phresh
I don't recall saying you had a substance abuse problem. Me having done DMT, a non-addictive compound, is only a documented case of drug abuse in your reality (the same make-believe fantasyland where you're anything but an embarrassing loser). You going through my post history and repeatedly referencing that is more unnecessary evidence of how pathetic you are.

You have made zero points. That wasn't irony. That isn't hypocrisy. You referenced it over and over because you have nothing else to say and desperately crave attention. Because you're legitimately a sad loser. Again, you have not made any points. You've been demonstrably proven completely stupid at every turn. There have been zero contradictions. You are just legitimately delusional and can't follow a sequence of events, ever.

1. Other people note how unhinged, deluded, and manic you appear 24/7. Due to this, they probably think you're a meth head or something.
2. You go through my posts, see that I mentioned having done DMT, and repeatedly bring it up to the amusement of nobody.
3. You are convinced this ids irony and hypocrisy because 4 other people think you're a drug-addicted loser.
4. As I said, you referenced DMT, repeatedly, and nobody gives a ****. You going and quoting old posts of mine in an unrelated thread is not some killer move. It just reinforces what we all know: something is not right with your brain. It's weird af that you go back and reference month old posts nobody else remembers.

I really wish they'd just ban you. You can't have a real conversation with someone who is legitimately insane. And someone posting 10x as much as everyone in a thread he doesn't understand is bad for everything. You aren't capable of interacting with adults or staying on topic. I feel like you might have to be severely autistic or something. You need a handler or your internet blocked.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 12:52 AM
Oh look at the time


Last edited by Schlitz mmmm; 07-13-2023 at 12:58 AM.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by 6ix
Oh snap,

I hadn't even gotten to the end of Phresh's last post. I like to sip them slowly.
You already responded to that post with like 50 paragraphs. You need to stop.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
You already responded to that post with like 50 paragraphs. You need to stop.
Yes, and then I made what's called a topical addendum or postscript, dealer's choice, that wasn't actually directed towards you.

Baby got confused and upset by the words.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 02:08 AM
Out of the mouths of babes tho, so he shall stick the landing os

If my interpretation of the verse is correct

Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 02:33 AM
This thread has got more good autism stuff in it, than toast, bacon.... ( eggs! yelled by the wrangler) ....eggs,, meatloaf, toast, olives, nuts.

What's the latest on the politics subforum wrangler?
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by 6ix
Originally Posted by Phresh
I don't recall saying you had a substance abuse problem.

Originally Posted by 6ix
You all repeatedly said I had a substance abuse problem.

Wow, big boy Phresh is suddenly a brave and independent free thinker, ignoring the mental mob when it suits a particular shitpost. Golly.
Why is this so difficult for you to get? There is no "mental mob" and nothing was ignored. When the thread devolves into multiple pages of group therapy for you, which is 95% of the posts now, I skip past them. I definitely agree that your posts resemble coke-fueled rants from someone manic on their 3rd day of zero sleep, though.

Originally Posted by 6ix
"Who me," Phresh glances around, "I would never dream of stooping to something so sophomoric. My last 50 posts in this thread, those were because I got hacked."
You're inventing make-believe scenarios to justify your weirdo behavior. It's not normal. As always, you aren't making a single point. Multiple other people think you must be ****ed up on drugs to behave how you do. In response, you dig through my post history, see where I've done a drug before, then repeatedly reference it to me as some sort of "gotcha" to them? I really wish you could understand how bizarre and worrying your thinking is, dude. Address the comments about drug stuff with the people who made them. You digging up an old post where I mention vaping a recreational, non-addictive compound is not indicative of anything besides your serious mental issues. Nobody would consider that "drug abuse."

The idea that you're "explaining" things to anyone is scary when you genuinely can't understand anything happening in our convos. It's legit worrying, especially when coupled with how indifferent you are to pits killing things so frequently. You have serious problems.

Again, read carefully: they're likely describing your abnormal, seemingly manic-state where you stream delusional takes at 20x the rate of other poster's normal replies. That's how your posts come across. My posts don't come across like that, which is why I'm not being accused of similar things. But none of this matters anyway, because as always, you're not even in the ballpark of understanding their point. I am sure they've done drugs and drank alcohol, you bum. They aren't shaming you for potentially drinking, they're trying to theorize how someone can bat 1000 on being so fundamentally stupid 24/7.

[ ] hypocrisy
[ ] irony
[x] unneeded additional proof that you're unhinged and lack social awareness

Add those words to the huge list of normal concepts you've proven you don't understand.

Can we really not just ban him entirely? Or revoke his unlimited ability to spam nonsense? Maybe 5 posts per day for the sake of everyone? Or can we try and regulate the discussion a bit better? I realize convos can go off-track naturally and dumb people will naturally take things off-course. But going through old posts and repeatedly referencing unrelated stuff is completely weird. Why am I forced to address this imbecile calling me an addict b/c he's injecting old posts in unrelated threads?

Obviously nobody but him thinks vaping DMT is "drug abuse", but there are people who actually will/do have substance abuse issues on here. The idea that stuff like that is okay to be used as ammo against them is insane. This dude adds absolutely nothing to the discussion at his highest points. Now he's trawling post histories to interject unrelated stuff to uninvolved parties? Next time someone says he's not responsible enough for a pet, he'll be referencing me putting my dog to sleep and laughing at how ironic I'm being.

Last edited by Phresh; 07-13-2023 at 04:55 AM.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 04:46 AM
Originally Posted by Phresh
Why is this so difficult for you to get?
Why is this your default reply when I clearly do get it?
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by Phresh
You digging up an old post
It is essentially the last time you posted on 2p2, outside of this thread.

Let's just settle all the way down with this histrionic bullshit lol.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 04:57 AM

Originally Posted by Phresh
But going through old posts and repeatedly referencing unrelated stuff is completely weird. Why am I forced to address this imbecile calling me an addict b/c he's injecting old posts in unrelated threads?
You have to at least wait for the next post before you start lying and building the legend.

It's now "posts" plural and "repeatedly" and what not.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 04:59 AM
"All he does is pore thru people's old posts to reference old unrelated stuff, like 110% of his posts are nothing but that," Phresh, a serious person, screeched.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 05:31 AM
1. Yes, "posts." There is no button for "find what is essentially the user's last post outside of the thread you're quarantined to." You went through a list of my posts.

2. You thinking it's a killer "gotcha" to point out insignificant things like pluralities is more evidence of your socially oblivious personality. But this is already noted and addressed as part of your dysfunctional thinking.

3. Yes, "repeatedly." You have repeatedly referenced DMT over and over in attempts to insult me.

4. The fact you think what you referenced is genuine drug abuse is pathetic. You not understanding that it isn't is minor and somewhat laughable. The fact you think it's cool to repeatedly wield (what you think are) someone's past addiction issues as an insult is the main issue. No, you don't get it. You're not capable.

5. It being an older post doesn't make it less abnormal and lame.

6. The fact it's "outside of this thread" is an issue. If you actually did understand things, you'd get that.

You post like such a moron that people think you're drunk or on drugs. In response, you go through my post history and start referencing me doing DMT -- over and over and over -- in an unrelated thread you've been banished to about dogs you don't understand.

No, you don't get it. This isn't hypocrisy on anyone's part. There's no irony. It's just more evidence that there are serious problems with you and how your brain works. 2+2 shouldn't be your babysitter.

I'm sick of what should be a serious discussion being completely nullified because of you. The convo went from a specific topic to a non-stop barrage of pointless ramblings from a mentally-deficient, chronically off-topic, delusional loser. The entire forum is off-limits to you because everyone else seems to recognize this already.

Why is he allowed to ruin this thread specifically? He has his own pitbull thread. Can we put him in there?

Last edited by Phresh; 07-13-2023 at 05:38 AM.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 05:48 AM

Read this very carefully, think about it, and apply the same careful thinking to everything in your life:

You seemed very unclear about my reference to DMT.

So, I explained the context. I thought it was a pretty funny joke in context.

I even added this following part,

I found this irony and hypocrisy funny, therefore, I made some jokes about it. You don't have to agree that they were good jokes, but, you should've easily understood the moving parts of the jokes.
to preempt your screeching. But, you are still screeching that you don't agree they were good jokes because, like you say about me, you can't follow anything.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 06:01 AM
Originally Posted by Phresh
1. Yes, "posts." There is no button for "find what is essentially the user's last post outside of the thread you're quarantined to." You went through a list of my posts.
Yes there is. I am sorry you are not good at finding information. This is probably why you believe what you believe about dogs.

2. You thinking it's a killer "gotcha" to point out insignificant things like pluralities is more evidence of your socially oblivious personality. But this is already noted and addressed as part of your dysfunctional thinking.
No, I think it's helpful to the discussion to point out the difference between a plurality and a majority.

3. Yes, "repeatedly." You have repeatedly referenced DMT over and over in attempts to insult me.
I continued to find the irony funny.

4. The fact you think what you referenced is genuine drug abuse is pathetic. You not understanding that it isn't is minor and somewhat laughable. The fact you think it's cool to repeatedly wield (what you think are) someone's past addiction issues as an insult is the main issue. No, you don't get it. You're not capable.
Imagine typing that in this thread after what has been said to me. Would you like some more quotes? Would you like some quotes of me saying that sort of talk is pretty bad? You'd be absent from those.

5. It being an older post doesn't make it less abnormal and lame.
I was curious to see if you posted other deranged **** in other threads. This is called being intellectually curious. Not to beat a dead dog but, you lacking this intellectual curiosity is probably why you believe what you believe about dogs.

6. The fact it's "outside of this thread" is an issue. If you actually did understand things, you'd get that.
Nah it's fine.

You post like such a moron that people think you're drunk or on drugs. In response, you go through my post history and start referencing me doing DMT -- over and over and over -- in an unrelated thread you've been banished to about dogs you don't understand.
It wasn't in response. That was basically the first night. I had it in my back pocket for when the irony got too delicious.

No, you don't get it. This isn't hypocrisy on anyone's part. There's no irony. It's just more evidence that there are serious problems with you and how your brain works. 2+2 shouldn't be your babysitter.
It's quite literally the definition of irony. You post like you are hallucinating.

I'm sick of what should be a serious discussion being completely nullified because of you. The convo went from a specific topic to a non-stop barrage of pointless ramblings from a mentally-deficient, chronically off-topic, delusional loser. The entire forum is off-limits to you because everyone else seems to recognize this already.

Why is he allowed to ruin this thread specifically? He has his own pitbull thread. Can we put him in there?
Bruh, you plainly stated you don't want a discussion. And I acknowledged this.

Originally Posted by 6ix
I'll give you this: I had to sleep on it to fully understand exactly what you're doing.

You managed to concede every remotely scientific point (aside from all the points you never even pretended to engage with) and even stated that science has no place in your views, all while screeching harder and harder in order to obfuscate this fact. You keep saying I don't understand anything when what you mean is, I didn't understand the extent of one single thing, that thing being just how inane and asinine your view actually is. So, touche, in a sense. I don't think GPT understood either.

You observe that Pit Bull Type Dogs are responsible for 66% of all fatal attacks (this number is wrong as well but you can have it, it's besides the point). You want there to be 0% fatal attacks. Your solution is to get rid of Pit Bull Type Dogs, full stop. That is something a dumb child would say.

Here's the thing though: That's fine! I already explained how you're allowed to think any dumb childish **** you want, and to screech at how there's no dumb childish laws in place. You can even make an effort to get dumb childish laws enacted; you can go to your local council and screech at them. I'm sure they will ask you the same questions I have. I'm sure if you screech harder it will work.

But see, this isn't that. We don't have the power to table and enact laws and then debate their efficacy and effectiveness in my Dog Blog. There's only the science (logic, reasoning, etc) part to be hypothetically discussed, and you seem unwilling and incapable of doing that in the slightest.

Which, again, I did not notice the extent of this and I did end up causing some confusion. Hopefully you'll reciprocate and understand that I'm here on a discussion forum to actually discuss things.
Precisely what is happening is finally a discussion, and you very clearly don't want that. So just leave that ridiculous bullshit at the door.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 06:01 AM
There was no context, you ****ing friendless internet loser. You referenced an unrelated and random post of mine in another thread that I created over a decade ago. You repeatedly referencing it out of nowhere is abnormal and weird.

Your "context" is that other people think your insane behavior is reminiscent of drug abuse. Your defective brain makes you think that's a greenlight to reference old posts of mine in unrelated threads about different topics. It isn't. At all. Nobody is confused except you, which is your permanent state.

There was no irony. There was no hypocrisy. There was no context. There was no issue with how unfunny they were. Nobody expects you to be funny or even to make sense.

Alright, I'm done. Either I'm going to bully this dude into killing himself or I'll just keep having the same argument with an actually mentally handicapped person. Someone feel free to ping me if either he's finally banned for good or that first part happens.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 06:09 AM
Here, you want a discussion:

Originally Posted by 6ix

Originally Posted by Phresh

Hey, 6ix. How about instead of saying the dumbest things ever in the most annoying and rhetorical way, why don't you just state what it is you think is so important?
I already did. Before all this.
Originally Posted by KingOfFelt
It has already been explained to you that not everyone here is married to those numbers in that Time article.

You posted again some bullshit video with some bullshit made-up number. What you call a discussion is apparently me not calling out that bullshit. They have r/banpitbulls for that. You're doing everything in your screeching power to avoid a discussion.


Last edited by 6ix; 07-13-2023 at 06:19 AM. Reason: discuss
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by Phresh
There was no context, you ****ing friendless internet loser. You referenced an unrelated and random post of mine in another thread that I created over a decade ago. You repeatedly referencing it out of nowhere is abnormal and weird.

Your "context" is that other people think your insane behavior is reminiscent of drug abuse. Your defective brain makes you think that's a greenlight to reference old posts of mine in unrelated threads about different topics. It isn't. At all. Nobody is confused except you, which is your permanent state.

There was no irony. There was no hypocrisy. There was no context. There was no issue with how unfunny they were. Nobody expects you to be funny or even to make sense.


6ix: {makes some thoughtful and interesting rebuttals}

People, including Phresh: Omg you drug addict SSI library computer using lunatic you post like you do All The Drugs.

6ix: Well actually, not that this is terribly relevant, but it is kinda funny; Phresh actually does the drugs.

Phresh: This doesn't look like anything to me.

Bruh no wonder you think Pit Bull Type Dogs are Dark Magicks Jesus ****ing Christ.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 06:17 AM
Glaucon he ain't.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 07:51 AM
6ix explaining his own posting vs the reality of his posting is like that scene in Beerfest with Barry at the bar being the life of the party.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
07-13-2023 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
6ix explaining his own posting vs the reality of his posting is like that scene in Beerfest with Barry at the bar being the life of the party.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
