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Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed?
View Poll Results: Should pitbulls be allowed to breed
392 46.83%
290 34.65%
Yes but only if you have to have a special license to own one
155 18.52%

12-04-2009 , 10:48 PM
I honestly don't think so. And the people who own them should have to take a class to get a special license that holds them criminally libel if the dog does anything to another person or animal.

Cool story time: Tonight I was walking past the Chinese takeout place by my house - I go past this car with windows rolled down and a big ol pit bull staring at me from the passenger seat. Got spooked a little, kept walking. About 10 seconds later I hear dogs going at it and some woman screaming. I went back to help and by the time I got there the dogs were locked onto each other.

The dude had a hold of his dog - the pit bull obv. So I grabbed the other dog, some medium-sized scruffy mutt, and started pulling. It finally let go but the pit bull was clamped on for all it was worth. Luckily it only had the dog by the scruff on the bottom of its neck. The woman of course was hysterical screaming that her dog was dying and calling 911.

The dude was punching the **** out of his dog in the head, telling them to get a butter knife from inside the chinese place. I considered trying to hook the dogs mouth but thought better of it. Finally one of the workers at the chinese place came out with a bucket of cold water that he managed to get all over me as well as the pit bull. Finally the other dog's skin started to slip out of the pit bulls mouth and we got them apart. The dog was ok but a little scraped up. He was wagging his tail 30 seconds later.

No other breed latches on like that and won't let go. Combine it with ****ing cinder block head that's made to destroy whatever it gets a hold of - scary as hell. And not even any warning that I heard. Just shot straight out of the car and attacked. Most other breeds at least bark a while first. Pitbulls stalk.

Caesar Milan is one of my heroes but I think he's wrong about pit bulls. I agree a good owner that gets the animal young enough can make it turn out ok. But you never know when you get some moron owner like this walking around with a loaded weapon leaving his windows rolled down. To the guy's credit he did stick around for the cops and was very nice and apologetic and very very worried about them taking his dog. But why are people so dumb?

cliffs: pit bulls suck especially when they have moron owners
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 10:50 PM
I was under the impression that the popular conception of the pit bull was mostly a media driven creation.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 10:57 PM
It's not the breed of the dog. It's the way to owner raises them.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 10:59 PM
OP should not be allowed to breed.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by I_AM_EVIL
It's not the breed of the dog. It's the way to owner raises them.
I agree. But you could say the same thing about automatic weapons or bazookas. But you can't have those w/o very special licenses. My point is I think it's just too easy to access those fighting genes, in a dog that is built to destroy.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:06 PM
Too lazy to look it up, but I've read that Pit Bulls have a good disposition. There's some sort of scale and they rate similar to/better than Golden Retriever as a breed. They mix w/ Boxer or other breeds to make them aggro.

Either way, it isn't the dogs fault. Just make owners responsible. Your dog escapes your yard and kills a 3 year old = you are tried for murder.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:06 PM

how about if the pit bull attacks someone, the owner is no longer allowed to breed?
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by I_AM_EVIL
It's not the breed of the dog. It's the way to owner raises them.

that is really not true.

pitbulls have been bred for decades and centuries to be highly dog aggressive. (it makes them better in the dog ring)

they are selectively bred for this trait.

it is pretty much the same way that golden retrievers are selectively bred to run up to strangers and lick them. (although there is a rise in golden retrievers biting people. this is due to irresponsible breeders who onlyh care about making a quick buck)

--or border collies having an instinctive urge to chase things down and nip at the lower leg.

--or german shepherds and chows being aloof to strangers

i work with dogs and i see their different personalities.

pitbulls are a timebomb waiting to go off.

owners can def contribute to the problem tho
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:13 PM
My next door neighbor got a pit bull about a year ago. It's a victous little f'er. My neighbor told me last week that it's gotten completely out of hand and he's taking it back to the shelter. He's had 4 pit bulls in his life and the one before this one was very friendly. If anyone can raise one properly it's my neighbor. For him to give up on this one is pretty telling. We were joking that if some normal dumbass had gotten the dog first, Missy (Yea the dog's name is Missy) would have killed someone by now. Sad part is that it's probably true.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by scott1
Too lazy to look it up, but I've read that Pit Bulls have a good disposition. There's some sort of scale and they rate similar to/better than Golden Retriever as a breed. They mix w/ Boxer or other breeds to make them aggro.

Either way, it isn't the dogs fault. Just make owners responsible. Your dog escapes your yard and kills a 3 year old = you are tried for murder.
They constantly try to be the Alpha Male and will attack anything if they have the height advantage. That's why little kids are at a danger around them.

Last edited by Matt Williams; 12-04-2009 at 11:18 PM. Reason: LOL if anyone thinks they are par w/ Golden Retrievers as far as disposition goes.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by scott1
They mix w/ Boxer or other breeds to make them aggro.
heh my dog growing up was a pitbull mixed with a boxer. he didnt like strangers but it wasnt much of an issue, just put him in a room if someone comes over. He wasn't aggro outside of our house and overall was a cool dog.

edited to add: didn't need any alarm system in the house with him roaming around either.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:17 PM
try stopping them
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by FrankieBigNuts
that is really not true.

pitbulls have been bred for decades and centuries to be highly dog aggressive. (it makes them better in the dog ring)

they are selectively bred for this trait.

it is pretty much the same way that golden retrievers are selectively bred to run up to strangers and lick them. (although there is a rise in golden retrievers biting people. this is due to irresponsible breeders who onlyh care about making a quick buck)

--or border collies having an instinctive urge to chase things down and nip at the lower leg.

--or german shepherds and chows being aloof to strangers

i work with dogs and i see their different personalities.

pitbulls are a timebomb waiting to go off.

owners can def contribute to the problem tho
[ ] Knows What He's Talking About


Pitbulls aren't even a breed, so I have no idea how you would stop people from breeding them.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:24 PM
by far the most vicious, mean, ill-tempered, poorly-behaved, rabid ass hole dogs I see are chihuahuas. i hate those little ****ers.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by iillllii
edited to add: didn't need any alarm system in the house with him roaming around either.
Not to get off topic or anything, but did you ever watch the show "To Catch a Thief"? They had an expert come on and explain that most dogs only really protect the owner if the person is present. Otherwise, they are usually curious animals. A dog is not going to know you are breaking into the house to rob them. Jon used to break into houses and play w/ the dogs because there was no one home. Then he would rob them blind.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
by far the most vicious, mean, ill-tempered, poorly-behaved, rabid ass hole dogs I see are chihuahuas. i hate those little ****ers.
Those aren't dogs; they are rats on steroids.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:26 PM
Pitbulls catch a bad rap because it's the cool dog of choice for bad people. If these scumbag's culture dictated that Doberman's were the dog everyone should have, Doberman's would run around killing people also.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
[ ] Knows What He's Talking About


Pitbulls aren't even a breed, so I have no idea how you would stop people from breeding them.
LOL huh? If pitbulls aren't a breed, what are they?
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:28 PM
also, punching pit bull in the head will get you nowhere. go for the ribs.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by Matt Williams
LOL huh? If pitbulls aren't a breed, what are they?
They're a mix of American Staffordshire Terriers, Boxers, Bull Terriers, and even some bulldog. Every "pitbull" is different. I don't know what you're LOLing about. You have no clue what you're talking about either.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
Pitbulls catch a bad rap because it's the cool dog of choice for bad people. If these scumbag's culture dictated that Doberman's were the dog everyone should have, Doberman's would run around killing people also.
I think that's the myth of the myth. I've been around dogs my whole life and I've never seen an adult pitbull that was friendly enough that you could trust it around a defensiveless child.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Matt Williams
I think that's the myth of the myth. I've been around dogs my whole life and I've never seen an adult pitbull that was friendly enough that you could trust it around a defensiveless child.
That's just your own fear and nervous energy making the situation worse.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
They're a mix of American Staffordshire Terriers, Boxers, Bull Terriers, and even some bulldog. Every "pitbull" is different. I don't know what you're LOLing about. You have no clue what you're talking about either.
no ****....that is an awesome bar bet, as Im sure 75% of the people in a bar would bet their car that pitbull is a breed of dog
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
[ ] Knows What He's Talking About


Pitbulls aren't even a breed, so I have no idea how you would stop people from breeding them.
pitbulls have been bred for ferociousness towards other animals.

they are very good at killing wild hogs, other dogs, cats and sometimes even humans
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
Pitbulls catch a bad rap because it's the cool dog of choice for bad people. If these scumbag's culture dictated that Doberman's were the dog everyone should have, Doberman's would run around killing people also.
Dobermans were the idiot dog of choice when I was a kid. Every white trash loser on my block had one. I got bit by one when I was 8 or so. We were always scared of those dogs getting out.

Some major differences in behavior and physical attributes though. Doberman's yap a lot, and they are frisky. Pitbulls just sit there with that icy stare, then start stalking until they can get close enough to bite. I've walked past a pit bull when I was walking a little dog - and the pit bull just sat there like it was completely disinterested. Then I turn around and it's very silently trying to creep up on me from behind - to eat the little dog basically.

The doberman that bit me was just an unruly adolescent basically. Also he bit and let go immediately. A pit bull probably would have been clamped to my leg until someone could pull it off, if not go for my throat. Pit bulls are a hell of a lot stronger and harder to control than a doberman. And their bite strength has to be orders of magnitude stronger. That head is just a giant block of muscle. The one I had the run in with tonight had a really big head, even for a pit bull. That is much much scarier to me to see coming at you than a doberman or even a german shepherd.

Last edited by suzzer99; 12-04-2009 at 11:42 PM.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
