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***RoundGuy June (C)Leaver LC Thread*** ***RoundGuy June (C)Leaver LC Thread***

06-05-2020 , 05:37 PM
"I've played a ton with friends"
06-05-2020 , 05:40 PM
This has been the case for a while, I'm sorry that I've been derelict in my duties. I have news: I made the switch from cashews to almonds a couple of months ago.

It's been treating me mighty fair as a drinking companion. (Aside, definitely helps with constipation - I'm more regular than ever.)
06-05-2020 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
serious question does anyone ever disclose their history with the game when playing in a soft low stakes game with pure recs?

for me personally, if someone asks about my history with the game or whatever i don't go into specifics but i'm always super clear i used to play heavily for not insignificant amountswithout stating any fancy or specific words like pro but i never bring it up on my on my own but feel kind of scummy for not voluntarily disclosing
The game is about deception.

"I've played some in the past. Nothing crazy." It's all relative, after all.
06-05-2020 , 05:43 PM
Anyone worth their salt is gonna size you up pretty quick, otherwise it's moot regardless.

You're just unnecessarily adding levels of thoughts to decisions imo.
06-05-2020 , 05:58 PM
If the stakes are really low, there's nothing to feel scummy about when you're talking about cheeseburger money.
06-05-2020 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by DodgerIrish
The game is about deception.

"I've played some in the past. Nothing crazy." It's all relative, after all.
I suppose in RG's Inception a sketchy reply is best choice for action.
06-05-2020 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
serious question does anyone ever disclose their history with the game when playing in a soft low stakes game with pure recs?
If it's a friendly game and the stakes are really low, I'm likely to play recklessly for the fun gamble of it. It hardly matters that I have some idea what I'm doing.
06-05-2020 , 06:32 PM

Who cares if you lose $30 after multiple buy-ins? (Still not playing K5o to a raise.)
06-05-2020 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I will never again get a kitten.

Thankfully my cat has become about 50 times more chill since that dreadful period.
But is your cat more human than most humans you've met?

Originally Posted by RoundGuy
Not really, if you think about it for 3-seconds.

Mrs RG: Guys really have no clue about girl fantasies, do they?
RG: Probably not.
Mrs. RG: Rocky over Rambo, seriously?
RG: They are both the same dude, babe.
Mrs. RG: Guys are dumb.

Was that a double "whoooooosh" from greg and Mrs. RG? I can't tell anymore....
The original Rocky movie is more than anything else, a love story.

Tell that to Mrs RG!


As far as disclosing poker skill / previous extensive experience, caveat emptor bitches!
06-05-2020 , 08:12 PM
Fridays have been disappointing lately

06-05-2020 , 08:48 PM
nice touch with the avacado

anyhow i'm planning on getting a bit smashed tonight. it's Friday!

And RG don't let them kill your creative instincts.
06-05-2020 , 08:56 PM
Yeah R*R !!!!

06-05-2020 , 09:07 PM
SBCB itt
06-05-2020 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by DodgerIrish
You're blue now, no one can touch you baby. You're a made man.

I don't know if that's true but you should proceed as such.
I've been made for 10-years. Thanks Mat.

I've noticed that Blues and Oranges argue with the Reds. Greens argue with everyone -- and have all the power. Purples and Pinks just have fun.

But that's a very subjective opinion.
06-05-2020 , 09:32 PM
As opposed to a very objective opinion?
06-05-2020 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
As opposed to a very objective opinion?
I might be a bit dull, LKJ, but I'm not stupid. I know what I can and can't say.

Just sayin'.
06-05-2020 , 10:07 PM
06-05-2020 , 10:13 PM
There has undoubtedly been a shakeup in Modtown.
06-05-2020 , 10:25 PM
Mrs. RG: What's the deal with the chipmunk and a flamethrower?
RG: I thought you were done.
Mrs. RG: Well, you know.
RG: Just read your book. I got this.
06-05-2020 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by chopstick
You are a good dude.

This also makes things much easier on those who care about you during a difficult time for them.

Every adult should have their **** in order in the event of their death. Not doing so is just being selfish and reducing your own suffering at the expense of those you care about.

There are many lists out there of what to do in advance. The goal should be to reduce the impact on your loved ones. That means reducing their burdens as much as you can by doing what you can to:

1 - reduce probate headaches (the legal oversight of the distribution of your remaining estate aka the things you owned)
2 - reduce asset distribution / disposal headaches (the decisions and practical efforts on what to do with your physical stuff)
3 - reduce decisions and costs related to your death, disposal, and the process around it (funeral/wake decisions, costs, etc. cremation vs burial, etc)

Anything you can do to reduce the burden on those who will still be around after you are gone is going to make things a lot easier on them. Estate planning is a lot more than just writing up a will. Make it very clear what you want done with your leftover stuff, what you want done with your body, what if anything you want done using your assets prior to distribution, and so on. Set funds aside to pay for these things directly out of your estate so people aren't trying to put your coffin on their personal credit card.

Not doing these things is just selfish and cruel to those who will have to deal with it later because you were too chickenshit to do it now. They'll already be suffering enough, don't make things even harder on them by being a crybaby now.

A couple of things to look into if you haven't already:

- will
- trust
- living will
- durable power of attorney for health care
- pre-paid funeral plans
- what an executor is and how to choose one
Many lawyers tell people they need a will because wills require probate and lawyers make a lot of money from probate. (Probate is a long, complicated, expensive process where someone goes through the court system to get legal permission to pay your debts and distribute your assets.)

What most people really need is a living trust. It's just a legal document you sign saying you are creating a trust, then you title your house and accounts in the name of the trust, with you as trustee. When you die the person you name as successor trustee takes over and there is no probate required. You can easily write your own trust using books or software such as these:

Make Your Own Living Trust by Denis Clifford Attorney $21.49

Get It Together: Organize Your Records So Your Family Won't Have To by Melanie Cullen $17.99

Quicken Willmaker & Trust 2020: Book & Software Kit by Editors of Nolo $56.99

You can make a trust for your parents too and they can sign it in front of a notary. If you have elderly parents you should also look into estate planning/asset protection for Medicaid purposes so that if they have to go to a nursing home they/you don't lose their entire house value to pay for it.
06-06-2020 , 12:08 AM
I wonder if my girlfriend would be able to cash out my roll? I need to tell her to make sure she converts my points to cash first! ***RoundGuy June (C)Leaver LC Thread***
06-06-2020 , 02:30 AM
If this is a serious question. This thead in LVL is great thread about Caesers ( **** and there's a bunch of knowledgeable people who would likely help you out.
06-06-2020 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by R*R
If this is a serious question. This thead in LVL is great thread about Caesers ( **** and there's a bunch of knowledgeable people who would likely help you out.
It was mostly a joke. Could obv just leave my login credentials. The real thing would be to get it out of my checking account.
06-06-2020 , 02:44 AM

I did tell my buddy McLovin that I was going to get ****ed up tonight. But this is not prime time around here but I might give it a go and do a bit of posting. Hopefully chostick's ok with that.

drop short lived drama bomb.
06-06-2020 , 02:54 AM
*hears the low rumbling of YouTube videos in the distance
