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Quitting Alcohol Quitting Alcohol

07-02-2011 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by art__vandelay
so you're going to steal liquor from the people you are house sitting for? Jesus Christ, get it together man, you are supposed to be an alcoholic, not some thieving *******.
If friends invite you to dog sit for the weekend they usually tell you to eat/drink whatever. So chill out, and get some non-jewish friends.
Quitting Alcohol Quote
07-11-2011 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by LFS
I don't believe I can be the "couple of glasses of wine" guy. I wish I could. Once I've had a couple of drinks I lose any ability to stop. I have much more control over not having the first drink.
The phenomenon of craving.

IMO, this is what sets alcoholics apart from non alcoholics.

I too get an overwhelming urge to keep drinking. And when I wake up from a night our drinking, this first thing my mind tells me is get more.

Also, after a night of drinking, I get very jittery. If I have been drinking two days in a row and stop, I will probably get sick when I decide to stop.
Quitting Alcohol Quote
07-11-2011 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by EmpireMaker2
AA is literally the dumbest thing ever. I went just to check out if all the horror stories were true. It is a collection of some of the weakest minds that are full of every excuse that you could ever hear. I have compassion for the people but they don't seem to realize everyone goes through **** in their life. The whole powerless angle will drive any rational person insane because we do indeed have a choice over every action we make. People then relapse and use the powerless angle as another excuse blah blah blah. Basically if you want to hear a ton of excuses and sob stories go to AA. The only good thing about AA is the accountability factor from sponsors and the group. Someone recommended Allen Carr's book which I would cosign.

Kinda pisses me off that you would call something that saves lives dumb.
Quitting Alcohol Quote
07-11-2011 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
Your nurse friend doesn't know wtf she's talking about. Very typical for nurses.
So you're saying I'm 'ok' drinking 2-3 shots 3-4 time a week? I hope so, because that's the answer I want to hear.

Last edited by JulesDeane; 07-11-2011 at 07:41 PM. Reason: What qualifications do you have to say that?
Quitting Alcohol Quote
07-13-2011 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by JulesDeane
So you're saying I'm 'ok' drinking 2-3 shots 3-4 time a week? I hope so, because that's the answer I want to hear.
You could drink 2-3 drinks a day 7 days a week and you will be fine. Keeping it at that limit will be the real problem.
Quitting Alcohol Quote
07-13-2011 , 02:14 PM
Also if you're literally doing shots 3-4 a week, that could be a problem. "Dammit honey I work hard, and I just need a few mind erasers to relax when I get home. Get off my back."
Quitting Alcohol Quote
07-14-2011 , 07:34 AM
Meh, it's a bit weird, but not a problem.
Quitting Alcohol Quote
07-14-2011 , 09:47 AM
Well - after getting a pretty good streak going - I slowly let myself begin drinking a little again. Started with a drink at dinner - then turned into a beer when I got home from work - which turned into somewhat regular 2-3 drink nights - and occasionally loading up.

I'm dry again - today is my day 7
Quitting Alcohol Quote
07-14-2011 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by EmpireMaker2
AA is literally the dumbest thing ever. I went just to check out if all the horror stories were true. It is a collection of some of the weakest minds that are full of every excuse that you could ever hear. I have compassion for the people but they don't seem to realize everyone goes through **** in their life. The whole powerless angle will drive any rational person insane because we do indeed have a choice over every action we make. People then relapse and use the powerless angle as another excuse blah blah blah. Basically if you want to hear a ton of excuses and sob stories go to AA. The only good thing about AA is the accountability factor from sponsors and the group. Someone recommended Allen Carr's book which I would cosign.
Oh is that why you went? Just for fun huh!
Quitting Alcohol Quote
07-14-2011 , 10:22 AM
It's not how much you drink, it's what it does to you when you drink. For anyone questioning his or her drinking, there are resources on the website that provide good questions in pamphlets such as "20 questions" that can aid in self - diagnosis.

Questions like:

When you start drinking with a limit in mind, do you wind up drinking more than you intended (typically by changing your mind)?

Do you feel guilt or remorse around your drinking?

Do you ever forget what happens when you drink?

Quitting Alcohol Quote
07-15-2011 , 07:16 AM
Just wanted to give a small report on my progress.

I haven't gotten drunk alone for about 3 months now.

I've had 3 family gatherings where I didn't care how much I drank but I stuck with beer at those and had a good time. I went to a concert and had 5 big beers or so. And I drank 3 beers at a bar. Overall I'm very happy with my progress.

Actually the first social event I went to after I stopped drinking alone in April was a bachelor party. That experience helped me with not wanting to drink much again for quite a while.
Quitting Alcohol Quote
11-05-2011 , 10:04 AM
Hello thread, it's been a long time.

I didn't even notice my two year sobriety anniversary - somebody in October randomly asked me how long it'd been and I was like "Wow, over two years. How about that?"

My life has transformed so much over this time. In some ways I think my good circumstances made it easier to stay sober, but I also think that being sober put me in a place to improve my life and enjoy the results. I'm finally "making something of myself", but my definition of what that means has changed immensely. Ironically, by caring more about the things I've come to believe are truly important I've made it easier to succeed in the areas that I used to think were the real goals.

I'm bumping this thread because I was sent a PM by someone who is having some trouble but wants to remain anonymous. The PM:

So I told u a few weeks ago I wasn't going to drink anymore and I was t an alky. I didn't drink for a few days. That was it. I guess I am an alky. So I did what many of them do, I drank. Then I realized I didn't want it to be real hard to quit. So I went ahead and tried AA. I think it's pretty weird but it's been 4 days since I drank and it's honestly more of a struggle than I thought.

U may not remember me but I asked u to anonymously post for me in ur quitting alcohol thread. I didn't drink for almost ten years and then for the hell of it I started again. Started as no more than 3 drinks once a week. It turned into every day a pint of vodka on the way home from work. I tried to drink the majority of it right before I got home so I would t be drunk and driving. No one in my family ever saw me drink and I was going to keep it that way.
To the sender of this PM: for me, alcohol was something I used to take the edge off of being miserable. Quitting drinking without getting down to being less miserable would not have lasted. It's a start, but I urge you to be truly honest with yourself about the way you feel and RESOLVE to do something about it. We sometimes can change what's going on around us, many times we cannot. The ONE thing we can control is how respond to our circumstances. Try to work on the things you can change and try not to be held down by the things that are outside of your control - it will make you sad and keep you from making the positive changes that are actually possible.

Last edited by LFS; 11-05-2011 at 10:19 PM.
Quitting Alcohol Quote
11-05-2011 , 10:58 AM
Solid bump LFS.
Must be nice to not even worry about alcohol.

Good luck anonymous. Keep reaching out for help. Remember those 10 years.

I'm doing fairly well these days. Alcohol isn't my drug, sugar is. Been off it for a couple of weeks, and it's amazing how much better I feel.

Would love to hear updates, and not just from those doing well.
Quitting Alcohol Quote
11-05-2011 , 12:39 PM

I am not growing a stache this November.

But I am attempting to have an alcohol-free November.

I'm not sure how serious I am about this but I'm going to try. Thought about creating an incentive such as owing $10/day I miss to the movember fund, but I haven't agreed with myself that I will do that yet.

We'll see. Thursday and Friday were hard. I just wanted to have 1 beer after school to chill.

I went 6 weeks in the summer, but the environment I was in was much different than the school environment.
Quitting Alcohol Quote
11-05-2011 , 01:37 PM
anonymous sounds like rnr rnr hobgoblin to me
Quitting Alcohol Quote
11-05-2011 , 06:21 PM
good luck anonymous!

I'm just past 4 months without a drop. It's gotten a lot easier - I like being a 'non' drinker
Quitting Alcohol Quote
11-05-2011 , 09:53 PM
Solid bump. Got me thinking about pulling the trigger on sobriety. Scary, but it has to happen sooner rather than later.

I've known my entire life (48yo) that I'd need to stop someday, but someday never comes. A couple years ago I switched to light beer thinking that somehow that'd be better. Nope. Easier to chug and plow though an 18 pack before bed.

GL everyone on your freedom from the evil spirits. I'll hope to be on board soon.
Quitting Alcohol Quote
11-05-2011 , 10:57 PM
Does AA have internet groups? It would be cool if 2plus2 had a room, with meetings. How do the more experienced people with AA think this would work? Certainly a more anonymous venue. Anyways, booze is such an easy way to self medicate away the stress of our rat race society, good luck with leaving it behind you.
Quitting Alcohol Quote
11-06-2011 , 09:52 AM

That's the closest thing I know to what you're describing. Not a substitute for IRL meetings, but a good resource nonetheless.
Quitting Alcohol Quote
11-06-2011 , 10:03 AM
A couple weeks ago, I decided to not drink for 30 days. Just as a lil personal test. I was getting black out drunk far too often for my liking. It's been 18 days, and has not been a problem at all. I've always maintained that I don't need to drink to have fun, I just enjoy doing so.

Great thread.
Quitting Alcohol Quote
11-06-2011 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by ContactGSW
Does AA have internet groups? It would be cool if 2plus2 had a room, with meetings. How do the more experienced people with AA think this would work? Certainly a more anonymous venue. Anyways, booze is such an easy way to self medicate away the stress of our rat race society, good luck with leaving it behind you.
Quitting Alcohol Quote
11-06-2011 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by RichGangi
A couple weeks ago, I decided to not drink for 30 days. Just as a lil personal test. I was getting black out drunk far too often for my liking. It's been 18 days, and has not been a problem at all. I've always maintained that I don't need to drink to have fun, I just enjoy doing so.

Great thread.
mbn. I'm usually drinking by the 3rd day.
Quitting Alcohol Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:02 PM
Just read through this thread. Very interesting stuff. It really makes me feel fortunate that I've never had any problems with drugs or alcohol.

To all of you working on controlling it, keep your stick on the ice. Good luck guys.
Quitting Alcohol Quote
11-07-2011 , 01:34 AM
Ok, been watching 2p2 for a while, but this is one of the threads that made me actually wanna sign up. I gotta drink problem. I've tried many a time to quit. I get so far then all of a sudden I'm drunk again. Each time I push myself to new lows. I have a job so its vry easy to stay sober on a day to day basis, but weekend comes i destroy myself. How can I stop the relapses?
Quitting Alcohol Quote
11-07-2011 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by rightonwrong
Ok, been watching 2p2 for a while, but this is one of the threads that made me actually wanna sign up. I gotta drink problem. I've tried many a time to quit. I get so far then all of a sudden I'm drunk again. Each time I push myself to new lows. I have a job so its vry easy to stay sober on a day to day basis, but weekend comes i destroy myself. How can I stop the relapses?
Walk us through the last time all of a sudden you were drunk again. Cause I absolutely remember that feeling, but it's like saying "Sorry, honey, I was gonna stay loyal, but I tripped and my dick fell into this other girl." It just doesn't happen that way.
Quitting Alcohol Quote
