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OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters

07-19-2018 , 06:09 PM
I have an extra trezor and am willing to sell it for bitcoin
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07-19-2018 , 06:23 PM

For your "just in case" use case, I'd just get a Coinbase account and buy however much you want.
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07-19-2018 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Natamus
Maybe her father is a decent enough guy
Lol, can you imagine?
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07-19-2018 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
I don't know, but there is something off and creepy.
The response to my PM is super creepy and screams of a rapist vibe/child molester vibe.
Constantly posting about me and saying I'm a disgusting person is creepy.... something is off.
Lol you are beyond delusional. That's a very serious allegation you threw out with 0 evidence. Get help
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07-19-2018 , 09:07 PM
Zero evidence?
Yeah, ok. Child molesters aren't know for saying kids are lying and rapist arent known for saying rape victims are lying or it was their fault, it's only the upstanding innocent people doing that.
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07-19-2018 , 09:10 PM
M, as always, your logic is lolterrible.
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07-19-2018 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit

You know what's creepy? Sharing vivid childhood sexual molestation and assault stories on a poker forum.
Yeah, this is weird and I don't know how it even came about. I know it would take you some time you would rather not waste, but I would appreciate if you could delete all that.
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07-19-2018 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
Zero evidence?
Yeah, ok. Child molesters aren't know for saying kids are lying and rapist arent known for saying rape victims are lying or it was their fault, it's only the upstanding innocent people doing that.
Conjecture. Try again.

Edit. That was probably too big a word for you. Here's the definition.





an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.
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07-19-2018 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

For your "just in case" use case, I'd just get a Coinbase account and buy however much you want.
El Henry,

You've listed the most expensive option.
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07-19-2018 , 09:28 PM
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07-19-2018 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by IRAZERIVER
Conjecture. Try again.

Edit. That was probably too big a word for you. Here's the definition.





an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.
Me so so dumb. What's the word for an opinion formed from creepy vibes from someone being a creep?
If you've never encountered a child molester, the vibe Nat is putting off is one and the same.
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07-19-2018 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
Me so so dumb.
I concur.

be of the same opinion; agree.
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07-19-2018 , 09:40 PM
Yes M, the ideal response to everyone telling you that your position is ridiculous is to double down on that position. It’s a bold strategy cotton, let’s see how it plays out.
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07-19-2018 , 09:52 PM
In Canada that's prolly libel.
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07-19-2018 , 10:01 PM
I would tend not to disbelieve someone about sexual and child abuse on the basis of a few things. Firstly it's unfortunately so prevalent that it has to be taken seriously. Secondly, I would rather take the chance and believe someone even if they're lying because to disbelieve someone who is telling the truth just turns my stomach. Thirdly, victim blaming is not a good look. I'm probably forgetting some other valid points but these are just the ones to come to mind. Having said that Mlylt has repeatedly lied about so many different things and has described her forum participation as a magic show so I do understand people having issues with her credibility. Nat didn't actually say that he didn't believe the sexual abuse he just said that there would certainly be elements of the story that aren't true. This doesn't give Mlylt the right to start implying Nat is a child molester/rapist. That's truly disgusting behaviour. It's a pity she doesn't have any money.
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07-19-2018 , 10:01 PM
Too bad we don't have any lawyers up in here
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07-19-2018 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by DoctorZangief
El Henry,

You've listed the most expensive option.
Funny how easier banking and investment options are a service most people are willing to pay extra for.
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07-20-2018 , 12:09 AM
I'd feel bad about going after someone over something like this. I understand she could be playing us, but there's so many other weak spots to go after.

What kind of person wants to grill someone over their account of abuse? You guys are really bashing her for looking for some kind of emotional outlet? You guys suck tbh.

I'd rather confront suicide threats headlong (and have) than something like this. Bulk of you need a reality check.
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07-20-2018 , 12:14 AM
Yeah I think Nat is clearly in the wrong here, and is overall a consistently bad/vile poster in MLYLT threads.

M's response is ridiculous too of course.
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07-20-2018 , 12:16 AM
Don't know about him being a sexual predator, but I'm certain that Nat is a small man (irrespective of physical stature).
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07-20-2018 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by DodgerIrish
I'd feel bad about going after someone over something like this. I understand she could be playing us, but there's so many other weak spots to go after.

What kind of person wants to grill someone over their account of abuse? You guys are really bashing her for looking for some kind of emotional outlet? You guys suck tbh.

I'd rather confront suicide threats headlong (and have) than something like this. Bulk of you need a reality check.
I agree with a lot of this. I apologise if my post was insensitive in anyway. I was trying to be moderate and see both sides. I still do think she could have responded better but possibly if someone accused me of a similar thing I'd go hard at them too. I should have followed my gut and just not posted at all.
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07-20-2018 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
So now it's my defensiveness....
Me expressesing to you the disgust I felt at your insensitivity is not being defensive. I don't give a **** what you believe.
God you are a creep. I hope you aren't a child molester and haven't hurt anyone, but if you are I hope you get put in prision and suffer a painful death. Don't correspond withe ever again or post about me again.

Your a moronic and rude women. Seriously stop posting at me and leave me alone. You’re rhetorical attacks on my character only continue to speak to how classless you are and how questionable your own character is.

It also doesn’t take away that your a proven manipulative liar and nothing you say carries any credibility.

You really are embodying Texas Trash the last two days. It’s a pity you won’t get yourself the mental healthcare you so clearly need, for your daughters sake.
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07-20-2018 , 12:47 AM

For the record, my mother was molested by her older brother for multiple years in her childhood, my younger sister was once sexually assaulted by a co-worker during a work trip.

It’s taking all the self-control I have to not unload a diatribe of insults and nasty phrases at MeLoveYouLongTime. She has gone beyond being highly insulting, she’s ignorantly questioned deeply personal parts of my life.


You piece of gutter trash. People like you, vile liars and attention vampires are why I had to spend thousands on a lawyer to pressure my sisters company to fire the man that assaulted her.

People like you are the reason why my mother nearly drank herself to death hiding from them shame of her childhood.

Because people like you lie and seek attention and make up Bull **** stories and then women like my Mother and my sister are questioned and victim blamed.

**** You. You’re the single worst person on a poker forum with a list of threads detailing various scammers, thrives and con artist.

You don’t deserve any respect or benefit of the doubt after you tried to trash my character tonight with the vitriol and attacks you’ve suggested on my character.

You want to talk about triggered, you boss hog, just set me off.
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07-20-2018 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Too bad we don't have any lawyers up in here

I’m about ready for a libel suit filed in LA County.

You know I’m Hebrew and litigious
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07-20-2018 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by DodgerIrish
Don't know about him being a sexual predator, but I'm certain that Nat is a small man (irrespective of physical stature).

We established that above
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