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OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters

03-22-2018 , 11:11 PM
get a fish

also, with all that traveling, you'd want priority boarding with emotional support fish
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03-22-2018 , 11:56 PM
I still have enough fish at work, don't worry

I might just get myself a bunch of VR characters: more emotional and human than a fish, but less demanding than a human.

Last edited by coon74; 03-23-2018 at 12:15 AM.
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03-23-2018 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by coon74
Sorry for interrupting with a philosophical question to you all...

The first time when you took and enjoyed a major responsibility that you didn't have to take, what made you enjoy it? (Making children probably doesn't count - the initial process may be pleasurable, but the full consequences are too long-term to forecast.)
Feeling of power.
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03-23-2018 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by coon74
Sorry for interrupting with a philosophical question to you all...

The first time when you took and enjoyed a major responsibility that you didn't have to take, what made you enjoy it? (Making children probably doesn't count - the initial process may be pleasurable, but the full consequences are too long-term to forecast.)
Spending the ransom money
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03-23-2018 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by lapka
Feeling of power.
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03-23-2018 , 02:07 AM
That's a pretty good way to visualise power, thanks to you and lapka
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03-23-2018 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by ChipWrecked
I feel bad that I tried to troll N1H into contacting his wackadoo ex.
Originally Posted by Didace
Don't worry. That kid has talent. He'll find himself in another ridiculous sexual situation in no time.
Poor N1H He seems too keen on playing the games where he's the fish.
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03-23-2018 , 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
Very different visuals. 🤣
And empowerment comes not with whip but with responsibility.OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters
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03-23-2018 , 06:15 AM
Power comes from doing squats with correct posture.
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03-23-2018 , 12:51 PM
Well, one of the main reasons why I'll be making VR characters after I retire is that they'll always consent to flagellation and never feel pain afterwards I don't want to whip real people.
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03-23-2018 , 01:52 PM
Hey guys, its Udummy. I think this is the best place to put this, sorry if its not.

I was fully going to abide by the if you say youre leaving you cant come back rule. I had an experience that made me feel people were trying to steer me back here. I also learned that being an adult is about doing the right thing for everyone and not just myself. So I wanted to at least try to come here and apologize.

If I hurt you then I am truly sorry. I learned a lot about myself in the last year. I learned that I am bipolar and Im most likely on the autism spectrum. I didnt even know what bipolar was until 2016. A few weeks ago I figured out I was probably autistic. I had no emotional intellegence and I learned that taking things too far is a common personality trait with someone like me. Its also a common trait that I hold myself to a high standard and by default hold others to a unneccesarily high standard which is just a dick move I was unaware I was doing. I gravitated towards OOT because we could **** with each other but I got out of hand with it.

The sad thing was I was also using OOT to thicken my own skin. I didn't think I handled adversity well. It didn't really work. What I know now is that it wasn't dealing with adversity I needed to work on, it was managing Bipolar and autism. Clinical depression is less adversity and more my brain malfunctioning.

Using that screenname and thinking or knowing I am smart makes me 10x a bigger dick. I thought it was funny and harmless but it came off as rude *******. Please understand that I had no inputs telling me I might be smart. I dropped out of high school at 14. Dropped out of community college. Never took an IQ test or SATs. When I told my best friend I was pursuing music he said "Chicks dig broke musicians." I really thought everyone on the forum was as smart if not smarter than me. They were certainly more accomplished.

Im not trying to make excuses for my behavior. Just showing that my lack of self awareness was off the charts. Me being a dick from autism plus me being a dick from mania. I feel so bad about it. The guilt made me think it probably wouldnt be a bad idea if I just avoided all people but I think some people are mad that Im doing that. I don't know what the right thing to do is and Im so rusty at communicating that I dont even know how to end this. So in conclusion, Im sorry everyone for being such a dick.
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03-23-2018 , 02:07 PM
How standard is it to use a Tinder profile to find people 'to do stuff with' that doesn't involve dating or sex? I thought the mechanics of Tinder makes it unsuitable for non-dating, as some people swipe without reading the profile thoroughly, just on the basis of their affinity for the photo.

Last edited by coon74; 03-23-2018 at 02:26 PM. Reason: to me, sex is a kind of dating too, unless it's had with a hooker or a fwb
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03-23-2018 , 02:17 PM
That's what Grindr is for.
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03-23-2018 , 02:22 PM
Ah, so the existence of Grindr implies that same-sex meetups via Tinder are expected to be neither romantic nor sexual. That's a smart setup
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03-23-2018 , 02:39 PM
You should invent Friendr
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03-23-2018 , 02:40 PM
OIC, Friendr and Friender are both things already.
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03-23-2018 , 02:52 PM
Fortunately, there are a lot of apps for making friends already (Cliq is another one) (even though Tinder Social has been discontinued).
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03-23-2018 , 02:54 PM
Apology accepted.
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03-23-2018 , 03:13 PM

Not actually saying it is. I just love that song and saw an opportunity to post it.
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03-23-2018 , 04:26 PM
Udummy, you're not banned and don't even have any user notes or infractions. Based on your apology, I was expecting something more dramatic. After looking up your history, it seems like you went on a bit of a bad posting spree in an OOT LC thread three years ago and stopped posting after that. That's all water under the bridge by now.
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03-23-2018 , 04:49 PM
I love that song too.

That was a manic/schizophrenic event. I was literally trying to decipher messages in the cereal aisle at the store. It was all kinda a blur.

I really miss shootin the **** with you guys, but knowing what I know now Im very reluctant. I was thinking about writing a blog about mental illness. Theres a lot to be gleaned from the cautionary tale that is my life but then I think who gives a ****. It feels great to apologize though.
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03-23-2018 , 05:05 PM
must... not... meme... gngngn...
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03-23-2018 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by HeretoApologize
I love that song too.
Then you're ok in my book and I look forward to your future postings.

F OOT though - aim higher imo.
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03-23-2018 , 05:33 PM
The whole story is even funnier. I was actually thinking about trying stand up once I process. With this prognosis I don't take this life **** so seriously anymore. Thanks for understanding and Thanks for being merciful Morph.
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03-23-2018 , 09:09 PM
Seeing how much traffic the online dating thread gets, I've started wondering again what's so special about sex as opposed to masturbation (apart from trying for children, of course). Perhaps people value the social aspect of sex very much.

However, here's a limitation that I find weird - apparently, it seems a taboo to think about anyone else than the partner during an act , though a survey has found that such thoughts happen to >40% of respondents.

In particular, when masturbating, I was seldom focused on 1 person per orgasm even when I was crushing on particular girls; most often, my fantasies would switch among several quite random people (99% girls - I need to balance the gender range better).

Attempts to control the partner's mind sound bizarre to me. Am I alone in this?

Last edited by coon74; 03-23-2018 at 09:21 PM.
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