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OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters

08-13-2017 , 05:37 PM
I know everyone here from the old days is thinking about the you know who saga in the back of their minds. I don't follow the thread really but I do just enough to vote(again) for a mercy perma ban.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-13-2017 , 06:00 PM
Gregs option seems ok imo.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-13-2017 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Gin 'n Tonic
I don't think she's done anything egregious enough to warrant a permanent ban. Simple as that. She gets value from her H&F log and is welcome there - I don't see any reason to invoke a site-wide ban just because she's rustled a few jimmies in OOT.

Personally I'd let her continue posting, contained, in OOT, but I seem to have a higher tolerance than most of you for her shenanigans.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-13-2017 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by Tuma
In a few hours we'll know the truth.

BTW - you were lucky to avoid containment with that hot rounders take!
I skate a thin line.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-13-2017 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
That's rich coming from an exiled poster back on a different account posting in the same style that got him exiled with no reprecussions.
Boom roasted
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-13-2017 , 07:42 PM
Zangief stays flexing
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-13-2017 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
I think containment is the worst option for MLY and OOT. It makes MLY feel shunned; it gives her a place to make OOT her blog, which isn't the point of a containment thread; it ensures that every post she makes--even the benign ones--will be met with trolling. There's no way she can post well in that thread in it's current form.

Treat her like any other poster and let her post in throughout OOT. Most of her posts would be fine in their appropriate threads. If people follow her around and troll her when she makes normal posts, then temp them. If she starts making a thread all about her, or starts blogging in the ****Monthly**** then temp her. If she gets temp'd a few times, then exile her. If people like her personal drama, then let her continue to blog in the bad posting thread; otherwise, let her do that in House of Blogs or her H&F log and temp/exile her if she does it anywhere in OOT.
I actually think this sounds terrible, particularly for the mods, but whatever.

I don't see how anyone could suggest she be treated like just another poster when she's consistently proven she's anything but. It would take her less than a day to get temped or banned from OOT for dragging her constant drama into another thread(s).

Contain her, ban from OOT, or straight ban, whatever, but OOT is basically my favorite place on 2p2 at this point and the idea of her tarding up multiple threads as an experiment we already know will fail just seems asinine to me.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-14-2017 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by gregorio
There goes our struts TR.
I would like to address the current topic of the perma ban, but I have a lot of catching up in the thread to do and I want to really think on it before I formulate a response.

In the mean time, here is the Strut TR I promised. It rained most of the time lol...can't move or fix anything now without expecting to do it in a thunderstorm.

OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-14-2017 , 12:38 AM
Well done, M.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-14-2017 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Eat two cans of tuna for breakfast every day.

Babs!!! Hey man, glad you are doing well and are working on yourself . I'll give you a call sometime.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-14-2017 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by pokeraz
Well done, M.
Thank you!
It was a lot of fun and it really felt good to get something accomplished this weekend.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-14-2017 , 01:04 AM
...and not a single tool was touched by Code that day.

OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-14-2017 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
...and not a single tool was touched by Code that day.

He went to his sister's to change the oil in her car.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-14-2017 , 02:00 AM
wow the magic looks really real today
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-14-2017 , 07:34 AM
So this morning I step on the scale expecting to see 165. I see 158. That can't be right.. pick up the scale, put it back down, step on it again, 165. Thought of this thread.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-14-2017 , 07:37 AM
158 counts if you saw it.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-14-2017 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime

Welcome back!
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-14-2017 , 01:59 PM
Good work on the repair. Impressive.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-14-2017 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
I think containment is the worst option for MLY and OOT. It makes MLY feel shunned; it gives her a place to make OOT her blog, which isn't the point of a containment thread; it ensures that every post she makes--even the benign ones--will be met with trolling. There's no way she can post well in that thread in it's current form.

Treat her like any other poster and let her post in throughout OOT. Most of her posts would be fine in their appropriate threads.
If people follow her around and troll her when she makes normal posts, then temp them. If she starts making a thread all about her, or starts blogging in the ****Monthly**** then temp her. If she gets temp'd a few times, then exile her. If people like her personal drama, then let her continue to blog in the bad posting thread; otherwise, let her do that in House of Blogs or her H&F log and temp/exile her if she does it anywhere in OOT.
Wtf is this nonsense?
Are you just brushing aside her past 2 years worth of posts? She doesn't get treated like any other poster because she doesn't behave like any other poster.

You seem to think if you just give her one more chance she's going to magically become a model citizen and blend right in without causing another problem. I guess your are either unaware, or just choose to ignore how many chances shes already been given.

The fact is, she is bad for OOT and OOT is bad for her. Neither party provides any positive value whatsoever to the other.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-14-2017 , 02:29 PM
Where did I say I think she'll be a model poster if she gets one more chance? I said treat her like any other poster and ban/exile her if she's disruptive instead of giving her special treatment and her very own thread.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-14-2017 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by cs3
Wtf is this nonsense?
Are you just brushing aside her past 2 years worth of posts?
She doesn't get treated like any other poster because she doesn't behave like any other poster.

You seem to think if you just give her one more chance she's going to magically become a model citizen and blend right in without causing another problem. I guess your are either unaware, or just choose to ignore how many chances shes already been given.

The fact is, she is bad for OOT and OOT is bad for her. Neither party provides any positive value whatsoever to the other.
It's really just a different phrasing for uncontaining her. That wouldn't be brushing anything aside, it's just exactly that: uncontainment.

It's one last chance before exile/banned, it's a Bobby Knight situation.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-14-2017 , 02:33 PM
If Larry is going to tempban her for bad posting in this thread anyway, then Gregorio's proposal makes a lot of sense.

Give her one last chance to meet OOT's standards, or exile her.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-14-2017 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Where did I say I think she'll be a model poster if she gets one more chance? I said treat her like any other poster and ban/exile her if she's disruptive instead of giving her special treatment and her very own thread.
Ok I apologize. Maybe i misconstrued your intention. If you want to uncontain her simply so that she can be perma banned when she inevitably ****s up again, then I can understand where you're coming from.

However my argument is, she's had 2+ years of being terrible already. Why isn't that enough to ban her?
People can call it a mercy ban, or say its for her own good, or whatever makes them feel better about it, but this place is better without her antics.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-14-2017 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
...and not a single tool was touched by Code that day.

Originally Posted by sumey
Good work on the repair. Impressive.
Thanks guys! Code 3 actually had to finish compressing the spring because I wasn't strong enough and he replaced my headlight.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-14-2017 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Neil S
If Larry is going to tempban her for bad posting in this thread anyway, then Gregorio's proposal makes a lot of sense.

Give her one last chance to meet OOT's standards, or exile her.
Then the Containment Thread becomes purposeless.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
