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OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters

08-10-2017 , 11:01 AM
There is no having a normal conversation with you. You turn every thread into your manufactured drama.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
WTF would it hurt anyone to just have a normal conversation with me
Conversations are two-way interactions.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 11:10 AM
No, everyone else turns threads into drama. I made normal post before and then got contained because of what everyone else was saying. I believe I was talking about putting together a bed with missing instructions in the LC thread when I got contained when several posters started saying whatever. No matter what I say it's turned into making fun of me or being abusive instead of just having a normal response. I couldn't even make a blog about positivity without everyone making fun of me.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
You understand all this(not completely correct, but 90% on point), and a mercy perma ban is your solution instead of just letting me participate in cooking a steak or a discussion and stop being absuive?

WTF would it hurt anyone to just have a normal conversation with me or let me feel like I was part of the contest or whatever?
One consideration is the mix of posters that frequent threads other than this is more volatile and less understanding than the ones frequenting this thread. Like, chances are good you would have posted the egg-poop-pie elsewhere on the forum, and for basically anyone else it would have been a troll but for some reason it's supposed to be accepted that it's not your best effort and a normal occurrence.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
No, everyone else turns threads into drama. I made normal post before and then got contained because of what everyone else was saying. I believe I was talking about putting together a bed with missing instructions in the LC thread when I got contained when several posters started saying whatever. No matter what I say it's turned into making fun of me or being abusive instead of just having a normal response. I couldn't even make a blog about positivity without everyone making fun of me.
So you're saying you're the only normal person in a forum full of drama queens? Seems rather unlikely, maybe it's a good idea to consider the possibility that it's all you.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 11:14 AM
When everyone else is the problem, you are probably the problem.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by Tuma
One consideration is the mix of posters that frequent threads other than this is more volatile and less understanding than the ones frequenting this thread. Like, chances are good you would have posted the egg-poop-pie elsewhere on the forum, and for basically anyone else it would have been a troll but for some reason it's supposed to be accepted that it's not your best effort and a normal occurrence.
Welcome back, Tuma
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
No, everyone else turns threads into drama. I made normal post before and then got contained because of what everyone else was saying. I believe I was talking about putting together a bed with missing instructions in the LC thread when I got contained when several posters started saying whatever. No matter what I say it's turned into making fun of me or being abusive instead of just having a normal response. I couldn't even make a blog about positivity without everyone making fun of me.
It's everyone's fault but MLY's! Again!

Consider why you don't have good social support in your real life for a minute.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 11:44 AM

Your steak was posted after the contest had finished.

Your vote post did not follow the very simple instructions posted.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 11:44 AM
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 11:52 AM

Here are some reasons I did not bother to take any effort in copying your post to the steak thread.

1) you repeatedly whine about how OOT is always mean and negative to you, with ridiculous claims like 100-1 negative posts about you.

2) you made the ridiculous claim that nobody cared or said anything positive in response to your suicide threats.

3) you constantly ignore positive comments made to you.

4) you constantly ignore questions you don't want to answer.

That's why I didn't bother making any extra effort to deal with your posts.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Now, on to the tax question. Did you really think you don't owe taxes if you win $4000 at poker?
No, she knows she owes taxes on it, she just thinks it's easier to get away with if she keeps it under $5,000.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
I don't want to discuss my thoughts or views on taxes,
You should. If you're going to cheat the IRS you should know what you're doing.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Here are some reasons I did not bother to take any effort in copying your post to the steak thread.

1) you repeatedly whine about how OOT is always mean and negative to you, with ridiculous claims like 100-1 negative posts about you.

Not a rediculous claim at all.

2) you made the ridiculous claim that nobody cared or said anything positive in response to your suicide threats.

No, when I came back the next day everyone was saying how ****ty it was of me that I didn't check in with the thread earlier, and I pointed out that no one in OOT had bothered to check in with me and I was completely out of my mind and dealing with work, so I wasn't the one being ****ty. I said I responded to the people who reached out and asked how I was. Why would I be coming into oot if no one asked how I was to give an update if no one cared?
People really calling the person that almost killed themselves ****ty because they didn't respond in a thread to no one asking how they were. What in the ****?

3) you constantly ignore positive comments made to you.
Nope. I say "thanks" or whatever. It probably seems like I am ignoring because you don't see me saying "thanks" that often, because there are so few occurrences where something positive is said.

The guy from the steak thread thought I was ignoring him when I was going to post a steak made from his instructions.

4) you constantly ignore questions you don't want to answer.
Oh well. What do you do when you are asked something you don't want to answer. Why am I obligated to answer every question? Some things I don't want to discuss.

That's why I didn't bother making any extra effort to deal with your posts.
And, you should check the times again for when my steak was posted. I'm pretty sure it was posted the day before the 8 deadline, and I corrected my vote to bold with one person.

Please feel free to post some positive comments from oot towards me. I bet you $50 you can't find 10 within the past 6 months. Then look at the post in this thread and compare the ratio of positive to negative. It's going to be more than 1:100 that you think is a rediculous claim.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 12:16 PM

I don't want to take any money from you, but if you open that offer up to other posters it's an easy free $50 for someone.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 12:19 PM

My god you are really delusional. Just wow.

Seriously take a step back.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 12:24 PM
My recollection is that the steak contest ran through the weekend and you asked what the deadline was around 11pm EDT on Sunday night and then posted your steak the next day.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 12:32 PM
I am not being delusional with my post to El D.

The bet is open to anyone. We can have 3 judges decide if a post is positive.

I will just do the past week. I'll rank post negative, neutral, positive.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 12:36 PM
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 12:37 PM
literally paying people money for attention
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 12:39 PM
You've had at least 3 posts telling you to pay your taxes. If that's not positive, especially in the sense of making your life easier, then I don't know what is.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 12:41 PM

Just so you know, someone, right now, is culling positive posts directed at you. Prepare to ship that $50.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 12:41 PM
10 posts, in OOT, giving positive wishes of assistance and advice to MLYLT would be trivial to find.
OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters Quote
08-10-2017 , 12:44 PM
You can find 10 posts just from greg alone in the last month, lol. At least 7-10 posts from the suicide thing.

Like I just can't. She's genuinely incapable of seeing reality.
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