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OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters

03-02-2021 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by Neil S
1. Get an RF Demodulator to get from RF to Composite (though any old VCR will usually suffice)

2. Get a Retrotink 2x to get from composite to HDMI
This. Go fully original TV or get a Retrotink. Otherwise, you’re going to get input lag on a modern TV.
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03-02-2021 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
No dumbass, that was you failing. As usual.
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03-02-2021 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin
The story with Blockbuster and Netflix is that Netflix execs had a meeting with Blockbuster and laid out a business plan that Blockbuster would be the brick & motor side while Netflix would be their online business.

Blockbuster literally laughed them out of the room.

And we all know how that one played out.

i found it engrossing, it's super cheasy at times though the way they do reenactments and there's a bunch of stuff that they either straight up make up or they went super deep in research

if the podcast is to be believed, blockbuster was going to be what netflix became but Carl Icahn stepped in and put a stop to the move
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03-02-2021 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by Didace
This could be the start of some solid posting. I am hopeful.
While there's still time for him to turn it around, it looks like I'm going to be disappointed.
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03-02-2021 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll

i found it engrossing, it's super cheasy at times though the way they do reenactments and there's a bunch of stuff that they either straight up make up or they went super deep in research

if the podcast is to be believed, blockbuster was going to be what netflix became but Carl Icahn stepped in and put a stop to the move
Thanks, think I’ll check this out.

If I recall Enron as part of there questionable financial practices had an agreement with Blockbuster to do video streaming with them. Problem was this was before there was the infrastructure to support video streaming but it didn’t stop Enron from reporting a bunch of future earnings that never materialized.

I was an early convert to Netflix when they use to send you DVDs in the mail. Was great for a guy like me living in a shitty GE mill town and I could get somewhat obscure German silent films, Jim Jarmysch and all kinds of stuff not available at the local video store.
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03-02-2021 , 12:46 PM
I was early on Netflix also. Got motivated to get in shape and get more social after a breakup and resultingly I had the same three DVDs chilling on my nightstand for close to a year.

Couldn't bring myself to return them bc I MIGHT GET AROUND TO WATCHING THEM SOON.

Over time my plan changed to streaming only but the price has never gone up much. Still great value and between that and Disney/ESPN+ I'm pretty damn golden. I still never watch anything but I MIGHT GET AROUND TO IT SOON.
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03-02-2021 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll

i found it engrossing, it's super cheasy at times though the way they do reenactments and there's a bunch of stuff that they either straight up make up or they went super deep in research

if the podcast is to be believed, blockbuster was going to be what netflix became but Carl Icahn stepped in and put a stop to the move
Welcome back rickroll!
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03-02-2021 , 04:31 PM
I'll second that emotion.
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03-02-2021 , 05:54 PM

Cat update?
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03-02-2021 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by whatthejish
Go fully original TV or get a Retrotink. Otherwise, you’re going to get input lag on a modern TV.
Hmm. I'd prefer original TV. That's the way it should be, and lag does not sound good at all for those old games.
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03-02-2021 , 07:15 PM
After an exhaustive search, no AC adapter found. Have ordered an AC adapter, and an RF adapter to eliminate the switchbox. $20, should be here Monday. The results will be delayed a bit.

On another note, if anyone needs a random computer part, circa 1995-2010, it's probably in a box downstairs. No charge.
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03-02-2021 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by RoundGuy

On another note, if anyone needs a random computer part, circa 1995-2010, it's probably in a box downstairs. No charge.
Sold! I'll pay postage. Don't reneg.

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03-02-2021 , 08:24 PM
RoundGuy is SolidGuy!
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03-02-2021 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by txdome
Sold! I'll pay postage. Don't reneg
If it's there, it's yours. Just need details.

Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin
RoundGuy is SolidGuy!
Hmm. Where were you a couple weeks ago...
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03-02-2021 , 09:02 PM
You didn't deserve a defense a couple of weeks ago.
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03-02-2021 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
living in a shitty GE mill town
Pittsfield, MA?
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03-02-2021 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
You didn't deserve a defense a couple of weeks ago.
Noted, and agreed.
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03-02-2021 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by Bighurt52235

Cat update?

he's sadly now a eunuch, always been super pro "neuter your pets" but it broke my heart clipping his testicles - really wanted to let him stay intact but dude would just cry at the door all night to go out and find his bishes but that turd didn't realize the logistics of getting outside to the street ladies when he lives on the 22nd floor - a few weeks after neutering his episodic "must go outside and find females" finally subsided, but he's still very douchey, which was unexpected because i heard neutering will mellow them out

my constant time away trekking seems to really messed him up a little quite sadly - if i go outside he'll be crying on the other side of the door, every time i come home, even if i was just outside to pick up a package for 1 minute he'll be crying with happiness and purring - crazily dependent, kind of sweet but also a bit concerning - we've even had the neighbors call us to let us know our cat was crying when we're out sometimes - pretty grim

if there's ever a closed door between us he'll cry until i open it

loves water, will come into the shower with me and play with the water, super destructive, will bit and chew things like a dog, has destroyed a bunch of cords and even furniture

he loves to play fetch, would always bring me his toys and just sit and wait until i threw them for him - this happened totally organically, if i'm too busy or don't notice he brought a toy for me to throw he'll start biting me as punishment

he loves slapping, will often choose a slap location where people will regularly walk by and just gives anyone a swipe of the paw as they pass

wakes me up every morning jumping on the bed and meowing/purring incredibly loudly until i finally respond

he's basically a dog but without all the nice dog traits like not being an @sshole, incredibly sweet when he's tired or being fed though
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03-02-2021 , 10:24 PM
My friend has an overactive cat (the lil guy had been waking him up at night cuz he was playing so loudly) and he recently bought an activity laser toy from Amazon. So that might be an option to keep him occupied and to tire him out.
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03-02-2021 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
Pittsfield, MA?

Good guess but not quite that bad from what I heard.

Schenectady, NY, The Place Beyond The Pines.

Also a good movie filmed in Schenectady.
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03-02-2021 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by RoundGuy
After an exhaustive search, no AC adapter found. Have ordered an AC adapter, and an RF adapter to eliminate the switchbox. $20, should be here Monday. The results will be delayed a bit.
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03-02-2021 , 11:15 PM
We have a cat that likes to wake us up in the middle of the night. I finally figured out that if I quit letting that ***** sleep all goddamned day she'll sleep at night. So, I make sure to wake her up many times throughout the day. And ear plugs, lol.
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03-03-2021 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Good guess but not quite that bad from what I heard.

Schenectady, NY, The Place Beyond The Pines.

Also a good movie filmed in Schenectady.
yeah i'm not from there thank god but from that county

entire county peaked in the 19th century because it apparently had ideal rivers for mills - so pre-electricity it was a great place to do small scale manufacturing - iirc my town has the only surviving horse and buggy whip factory in america - which at one point was one of the biggest industries

re: GE - pittsfield population of about 50k and 10k worked directly for GE, never personally verified but local legend said Pittsfield was a top nuke target during cold war due to the GE manufacturing there was so crucial

GE then left abruptly leaving thousands unemployed and it led to a domino effect where businesses failed en masse

they also left the river so polluted that you can't swim nor fish in it, so they basically wrecked shop on there way out

not to date him but it's really heartbreaking reading here that Ray Zee said that was the best east coast fishing he'd ever done as I'm a very avid fisherman and we always had to drive a good distance to find places safe to fish when we had that river right there

crazy thing is like nobody left after GE shutdown, population has only gradually declined to about 40k today - but now there's massive amounts of crime, crack and heroine - all in a very small urban center otherwise surrounded by the weekend home mansions of new yorkers

the berkshires was a very interesting place to grow up - basically no middle class, you either had a weekend home there or worked as a landscaper on the weekend home - GE leaving killed the middle class of the entire county

125k county population in 2020

go back 100 years and it's

115k county population in 1920

it's always funny reading american history as i'll constantly see mentions of important people being born, living in or visiting the berkshires and yet today it's just nothing

but they literally have their own currency to encourage people to buy locally so i guess that makes up for it all
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03-03-2021 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Yikes, $150 on Amazon. Actually not sure this would work for an Atari.
Which is why I said you also needed to get an RF demodulator or a VCR.
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03-03-2021 , 01:22 AM
Thanks for the cat update! He looks good, sounds like he's got tons of personality!
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