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12-31-2013 , 08:09 AM
TR with AhhhHomework

I'm dead tired and feel like **** but decide to roll by her place after work anyway. Get there, give her a hug, chat a bit, take a call from my sister about some family drama, her roommate - a guy - comes home, I introduce myself to him.

Eventually I get off the phone and go to her room where we precede to talk about her website. She's "touchy-feely" but, since I feel like ass, I don't reciprocate. We order some Thai delivery, continue chatting, eventually the food arrives a hour later and we eat it out in the dining room while her roommate smokes a bowl on the nearby couch while watching Breaking Bad. Basically it's not a "date" since there's this guy there with us the entire time.

We go back to her room and she talks for another hour-plus about her life, her art, etc. Our physical proximity is much closer so we're touching for most of the time. Eventually it's 11, I confess that I'm exhausted and that I ought to roll. She walks me out, we make out a bit and I say we should go out sometime where I don't have work the same or following day. She offers this Saturday, saying we should start early on her website and then go out for dinner and drinks. She's very much unlike any girl I've dated but, along with being hot, there's something attractive about her personality and we have a decent amount of overlapping interests / views on the world. She's such a free spirit and very self-absorbed though that it's really, really difficult to get a solid read on her. She says her dominatrix gig is about money and it's all acting. She tells a story about her friend using a vibrator on her and she pretends to get off but she's really not - it's all an act for her client. This really blurs the line on physicality with her and what it means to her, if anything, so I think I'm going to try to cultivate a FWB scenario.
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12-31-2013 , 08:52 AM
You should have told him to **** off
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12-31-2013 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by dalerobk2

Any 27-y-o guy who gets involved in a serious relationship with a 20-y-o girl (about to leave the country to cheat on him for 6 months no less) probably has some issues himself. I mean 20 is ****ing young. She's just a kid. He likely can't see that she's unstable b/c of his own issues, so arguing with him about it is just dumb.
Nobody really responded to this so either everyone knows you're trolling or they agree with you but bolded (and that whole sentence tbh) is such a crazy generalization. I'm sorry, but there are enough girls that keep it inside for 6 months. It's not that special.

Last edited by Yakmelk; 12-31-2013 at 09:38 AM. Reason: cept for ddip
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12-31-2013 , 10:28 AM
What's up guys? Any online dating related New Years resolutions set for the new year?
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12-31-2013 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
This negative thinking saying she is going to 100% going to cheat on me is unhealthy and poor attitude to have in life. I'm very aware of the possibility of it happening, just like she is aware of the possibility of me doing it.
Just because she was rude to people online and is 20 doesn't mean she is a cheater. In fact, it seemed she was very against cheaters based on how she went all fidelity batman on OKC.

Short long-distance relationships 6 mos or less work all the time. The majority of people do not cheat. If the relationship dissolves because of other reasons, then that's a different story.

Don't spend your time worrying though, it won't solve anything and only nurtures insecurity.
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12-31-2013 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by slipslope
Well you shouldve had a perfect week by now (Instead of bragging about a whole 2 girls in 2 weeks)
Didn't mean for it to sound like a brag. I was merely responding to 3BB's comment of me "squandering opportunities".
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12-31-2013 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
The sucks man, but maybe too much porn watching?

As an aside, have you seen the movie Don Jon? I highly recommend it as it somewhat touches on the hypersexual world we live in today.
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12-31-2013 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by wutangpoker
Nah, I'm actually just so vain that I let them accumulate on purpose so I can feel good about myself/ screenshot them to people. Pretty dumb habit!
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12-31-2013 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
What's up guys? Any online dating related New Years resolutions set for the new year?
Actually get laid in 2014....
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12-31-2013 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by LazyTops5
Actually get laid in 2014....
Yeah, same.

Hey waiter! Two servings of pussy! One for me and one for my good friend over here! Make it quick!
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12-31-2013 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by UnoTrap
Yeah, same.

Hey waiter! Two servings of pussy! One for me and one for my good friend over here! Make it quick!
But Uno, you're good looking. Why don't you just start messaging some girls on fb that are single and posting a lot of photos of themselves. That usually means they are looking for attention.

Grab a drink together? But don't start studying her photos and upboating everything you see. You'll look like a stalker.
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12-31-2013 , 01:14 PM

Your "dating" progress sounds absolutely miserable to me, but hey, whatever floats your boat.
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12-31-2013 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by UnoTrap
Yeah, same.

Hey waiter! Two servings of pussy! One for me and one for my good friend over here! Make it quick!
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12-31-2013 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Jennitron
But Uno, you're good looking. Why don't you just start messaging some girls on fb that are single and posting a lot of photos of themselves. That usually means they are looking for attention.

Grab a drink together? But don't start studying her photos and upboating everything you see. You'll look like a stalker.
I think I'm likely to be the worst itt at talking to women, that may be the key problem. I'm not really sure what to say without sounding boring. I usually mess stuff up by either being too talkative just trying to impress, or not enough so they lose interest. I need to strike middle-ground. I've noticed a common theme of girls finding me attractive and then not doing so once they get to know me lol
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12-31-2013 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by LazyTops5
subtle brag that you have 10 unread text messages imo
meh, my girl Ami Winehouse had nearly a hundred
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12-31-2013 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by UnoTrap
I think I'm likely to be the worst itt at talking to women, that may be the key problem. I'm not really sure what to say without sounding boring. I usually mess stuff up by either being too talkative just trying to impress, or not enough so they lose interest. I need to strike middle-ground. I've noticed a common theme of girls finding me attractive and then not doing so once they get to know me lol
This has been by far the best year of my life in terms of women. I had only had sex with three girls in my life before 2013, one my senior year of high school who was my girlfriend, one my freshman year of college who was another girlfriend, and one around this time last year who was a one night stand, for a less than one woman a year average in that time. I've been with more than 20 different women this year, only two of which were girlfriends.

There are some other variables; for instance, this is the first year where I've been able to go to the bars. But by and large, the change in my fortune is attributable to my learning two things:

1) It honest to god doesn't matter what you say if you show a little passion about it. Avoid esoteric technical talk, but otherwise say whatever the hell you want. If you're worried that you're going to sound boring, you're going to sound boring. A minimal level of eloquence is necessary, but only to keep her mind engaged. Which brings up:

2) Girls are physical creatures. Body language and physical touch are far far FAR more important than what you say or how you look. This has been stated 100 times, but if you have strong body language and maintain strong eye contact, you become immeasurably more attractive to women. Also, physically escalating in a clear pattern (brushing arm ....> holding hands ....> brushing abdomen ....> putting your arm around her ....> kissing ....> etc.) can almost completely shut down her mental faculties, rendering your sense of humor, intelligence, interesting ness, and even attractiveness almost irrelevant. I've been borderline blackout drunk, completely incoherent, and just followed that escalation pattern with women, and they've said things like "you seemed so smart/ funny/ interesting/ etc." By building physical chemistry, you do far more good than always knowing what to say.

Bonus: just saying the first thing you think is usually pretty good. Open with observations and such.

Last edited by wutangpoker; 12-31-2013 at 03:58 PM.
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12-31-2013 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by wutangpoker
All girls know each other apparently. I met a girl irl a while ago at a park where people take their dogs, went out with drinks with her, banged her, and saw her a couple times since.

Last night I was doing a bit of Facebook snooping, and I find out that her older sister was my elementary school art teacher (kinda milfy, btw). Anyway, the sister now runs an experimental school, and who should work there but a girl I met online who I was scheduling drinks with!

The girl I met at the dog park also had mentioned me meeting her sisters at one point.

No cause for concern in this case like the last one, I don't think. But why does everyone know everyone?

Interestingly, I stumbled upon the sister/ my former art teacher's OK Cupid profile. She's 37 apparently. The sister I've been with is 24. Strongly considering messaging. Plowing my way through the family tree would be nice!
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12-31-2013 , 04:25 PM
This year I am going to try and keep my bipolarity under more control. I either go out in a manic mood (extreme confidence and euphoric state) or I'm depressed and self-hating. Obv the former is when I absolutely crush and pretty much pull and/or smash without fail. However, the latter depressed state last longer and I go on long streaks where I get no girls since I have a repellant personality that is depressing to be around and I'm constantly negative and pessimistic.

Mania mode is ****ing awesome though it's like when Mario (Mario Bros) gets the invincibility star just can't be stopped and feeling great

Last edited by 3BetBluffing; 12-31-2013 at 04:43 PM.
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12-31-2013 , 05:14 PM
Dumb question. What's infj and enfj mean ?
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12-31-2013 , 05:17 PM
Let me google that for you
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12-31-2013 , 05:20 PM
wes: Google Myers-Briggs.
E is extrovert, I is introvert, N is intuition, F = feeling, J = judging... there's a lot of info out there. I've taken the test twice over the years for work, it defines personality types, if you're into that kind of analysis.
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12-31-2013 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by yowsa
wes: Google Myers-Briggs.
E is extrovert, I is introvert, N is.. I think intuition, F = feeling, J = judging... there's a lot of info out there. I've taken the test twice over the years for work, it defines personality types, if you're into that kind of analysis.
Oh ok. I've seen quite a few girls list that on their okc profiles
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12-31-2013 , 05:27 PM
any girl that writes entj isfp etc is a dumb
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12-31-2013 , 05:31 PM
Damn good job Wu Tang

Sleeping with 20 different girls in a year is really good. Id like to think I have that potential but still not sure.
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12-31-2013 , 05:51 PM
Yeah wutang that is great. How many came from online out of those 20?
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