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08-23-2013 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
Damn! My date just canceled on me for tonight lol.

Confirmed plans like 3 hours ago and then 20min ago I receive a text saying she isn't feeling well and is going to have to reschedule.... Pretty sure I'll never hear back from her, which sucks.

Here is the text convo:

HER: Hey x, I am sorry to do this but I am going to have to reschedule tonight. I am really not feeling and think it's best if I take it easy. I am truly sorry I hope you understand

ME: That's too bad, I was really looking forward to it. I do hope you feel better soon though!

HER: I was too. I am sorry. I wish i didn't feel yucky.

ME: No worries, just bad timing. Let me know when you're feeling better and we'll try to get together again.

This was the girl I had an amazing first date with and I was really looking forward to tonight. Damn I'm running so bad lately.

So you guys think it's just her way of passively rejecting me?
That looks pretty reject-y. For me, any cancellation without an explicit rescheduling date is usually a rejection. I would just forget about it unless you get another text back in the next few days.
Online dating thread Quote
08-23-2013 , 07:08 PM
Found a counterexample to ATF's "You need to get the short response girls to open up before getting the #" hypothesis.

My lines felt very PUA-esque in this one. She's 19 so I went for dinner instead of drinks.

What was your worst ever part time job, and is the one you have now any better? I use to work at Little Caesar's in high school and it was terrible because I had to get down on my hands and knees to scrape dough off the floor at the end of the shift.


I have worked at KFC for three years now... Still sucks just as much as it did when I moved >.<

Aug 22, 2013 – 6:20pm
Damn. I put in a couple years at Taco Bell, but I actually kind of liked it. Are you drive thru material?

What kinds of food do you like to cook?

Aug 23, 2013 – 12:46am
I am drive thru :P lol

Aug 23, 2013 – 2:53pm
That's good to hear. I was a photogenic drive thru worker and couldn't be seen with a lowly grill girl.

You have to be sick of eating that food by now. Let me take you out for something better sometime next week. Send me your number


Aug 23, 2013 – 6:49pm


Last edited by bobboufl11; 08-23-2013 at 07:15 PM.
Online dating thread Quote
08-23-2013 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
Damn! My date just canceled on me for tonight lol.

Confirmed plans like 3 hours ago and then 20min ago I receive a text saying she isn't feeling well and is going to have to reschedule.... Pretty sure I'll never hear back from her, which sucks.

Here is the text convo:

HER: Hey x, I am sorry to do this but I am going to have to reschedule tonight. I am really not feeling and think it's best if I take it easy. I am truly sorry I hope you understand

ME: That's too bad, I was really looking forward to it. I do hope you feel better soon though!

HER: I was too. I am sorry. I wish i didn't feel yucky.

ME: No worries, just bad timing. Let me know when you're feeling better and we'll try to get together again.

This was the girl I had an amazing first date with and I was really looking forward to tonight. Damn I'm running so bad lately.

So you guys think it's just her way of passively rejecting me?
i might send a text next week sometime just like "hey are you feeling better" or something like that. and wouldnt go much farther/deeper than that.
Online dating thread Quote
08-23-2013 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by movieman2g
i might send a text next week sometime just like "hey are you feeling better" or something like that. and wouldnt go much farther/deeper than that.
I'm definitely letting her follow up with me and not going to chase after her.

This one just caught me completely off guard. Our first date was around 5.5hours and was amazing, couldn't have gone any better IMO. On the date we mentioned getting together tonight, but at first she wasn't sure she was free since she was supposed to go to another city with some of her girlfriends.

She got back to me Tuesday letting me know her trip with her girlfriends was cancelled and she was now free Friday. Then this afternoon, I asked if she needed directions to my place. She made a joke and thanked me for asking and ended the conversation with a .

So everything seemed to be going super well, so I want to believe that she is actually feeling like crap, but it's hard to believe...
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08-23-2013 , 07:28 PM
If she reached out to you to say she's free then she probably is just not feeling well.
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08-23-2013 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
I'm definitely letting her follow up with me and not going to chase after her.

This one just caught me completely off guard. Our first date was around 5.5hours and was amazing, couldn't have gone any better IMO. On the date we mentioned getting together tonight, but at first she wasn't sure she was free since she was supposed to go to another city with some of her girlfriends.

She got back to me Tuesday letting me know her trip with her girlfriends was cancelled and she was now free Friday. Then this afternoon, I asked if she needed directions to my place. She made a joke and thanked me for asking and ended the conversation with a .

So everything seemed to be going super well, so I want to believe that she is actually feeling like crap, but it's hard to believe...
Is this the blonde girl you posted a pic of? I can't seem to remember who's seeing who any more.
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08-23-2013 , 07:32 PM
Given the cancellation less than 3 hours after confirming the date I would say the likelihood it's a rejection shoots up.
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08-23-2013 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
So everything seemed to be going super well, so I want to believe that she is actually feeling like crap, but it's hard to believe...
Stop doubting yourself, I thought only girls (or me?) did that! You need to believe in yourself - & if you guys had a great time, I wouldn't read anything into her message except that she isn't feeling well. Maybe she didn't suggest a new date for the reschedule because she doesn't know when she'll be feeling better & doesn't want to have to cancel on you again. If you don't hear from her, follow up in a couple days to see if she's feeling better.
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08-23-2013 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by SandraXII
Is this the blonde girl you posted a pic of?
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08-23-2013 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
I'm definitely letting her follow up with me and not going to chase after her.

This one just caught me completely off guard. Our first date was around 5.5hours and was amazing, couldn't have gone any better IMO. On the date we mentioned getting together tonight, but at first she wasn't sure she was free since she was supposed to go to another city with some of her girlfriends.

She got back to me Tuesday letting me know her trip with her girlfriends was cancelled and she was now free Friday. Then this afternoon, I asked if she needed directions to my place. She made a joke and thanked me for asking and ended the conversation with a .

So everything seemed to be going super well, so I want to believe that she is actually feeling like crap, but it's hard to believe...
My guess is you're her #2 or 3 and #1 made an offer for Friday.
Online dating thread Quote
08-23-2013 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by bobboufl11
Found a counterexample to ATF's "You need to get the short response girls to open up before getting the #" hypothesis.

My lines felt very PUA-esque in this one. She's 19 so I went for dinner instead of drinks.

What was your worst ever part time job, and is the one you have now any better? I use to work at Little Caesar's in high school and it was terrible because I had to get down on my hands and knees to scrape dough off the floor at the end of the shift.


I have worked at KFC for three years now... Still sucks just as much as it did when I moved >.<

Aug 22, 2013 – 6:20pm
Damn. I put in a couple years at Taco Bell, but I actually kind of liked it. Are you drive thru material?

What kinds of food do you like to cook?

Aug 23, 2013 – 12:46am
I am drive thru :P lol

Aug 23, 2013 – 2:53pm
That's good to hear. I was a photogenic drive thru worker and couldn't be seen with a lowly grill girl.

You have to be sick of eating that food by now. Let me take you out for something better sometime next week. Send me your number


Aug 23, 2013 – 6:49pm

These are A+ lines
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08-23-2013 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by yowsa
Stop doubting yourself, I thought only girls (or me?) did that! You need to believe in yourself - & if you guys had a great time, I wouldn't read anything into her message except that she isn't feeling well. Maybe she didn't suggest a new date for the reschedule because she doesn't know when she'll be feeling better & doesn't want to have to cancel on you again. If you don't hear from her, follow up in a couple days to see if she's feeling better.
Well, yowsa it appears you were correct. We've been texting back and forth the last hour. Looks like we're going to try again for tomorrow night.

She said she felt like a douche having to tell me. LOL Never had a chick refer to herself as a douche before.

I was just nervous since I really dig this chick and I had a chick flake on me like 3 weeks ago 45min before the date saying she had a headache.
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08-23-2013 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by Tyler Durden
They banged four times in one night? Is the guy 16 years old?
Originally Posted by El Diablo

I don't think four times is that crazy the first time you meet someone. Bang, cuddle for a bit, round two, sleep, wake up super early (I always do with a new person/place, round 3, sleep some more, round 4 before actually getting up.

When my current gf and I are with each other it's pretty standard for us to bang between 3 and 4 times in a 2 hour period. Sometimes with only a 15 min break or so. We've been doing this since we've been together.

Prior to her after I finished once I would basically be down for the count for the most part.
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08-23-2013 , 11:12 PM
****, right after I give my opinion on the sick excuse, I get one. I think she's gotta be mildly interested here too(if not why reply at all) but I'm going with a similar hypothesis, that she has one for the weekend and wants to see how that goes

I mostly lift weights when I go to the gym but every once in a while I go for a run too. What's your favorite pair of running shoes? I'm kinda looking for a new pair.

4% Enemy 74% Friend 75% Match
An image of null
Aug 21, 2013 – 7:36pm
Brooks are phenomenal. Ever runner swears by them. Way better than Asics. I like Saucony, too. often has sales.
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An image of null
Aug 21, 2013 – 11:28pm
Thanks. I have bad knees from high school injuries so it's probably worth it for me to invest in a good pair to minimize impact.

I try to watch what I eat as well but health food is kind of an ambiguous term. What foods do you try to eat in your regular diet? Do you cook at all?
An image of null
Aug 22, 2013 – 4:58am
Haha, yep! I'm not vegetarian, either. I eat a lot of stir fries, sweet potato patties, black bean salads, quinoa stuffed veggies, etc.

So how's UF rugby? I saw that pic.
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An image of null
Aug 23, 2013 – 2:51pm
You knew exactly where I was headed with that question. Vegetarian doesn't seem healthy to me. Lean meats should be the main building blocks of meals.

UF rugby team is great. I love the sport and it is a great group of guys to be a part of. It was intense at first but I'm glad I stuck with it.

It's good to eat healthy but you need a cheat meal every once in a while. How'd you like to have dinner sometime next week?

Aug 23, 2013 – 8:53pm
Thanks for the offer! I've actually been pretty sick since Wednesday night. I haven't missed work, but I'll try to get caught up on rest and feeling better, then I'll let you know my schedule. Hope you have a fun weekend, and it rains less.
Online dating thread Quote
08-24-2013 , 03:43 AM
I'm not big into health & fitness so I may be off here, but I can't imagine that subject getting too many girls in the mood for a date. She was responding because you have a common interest that she enjoyed talking about but that doesn't mean she was interested in a date. You need to show a good sense of humor to land dates imo. Either that or be ridiculously rich and/or good looking.
Online dating thread Quote
08-24-2013 , 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by stinkypete
some more sublime gold. i hope the ladies appreciate it as much as i do:

She did not. lol

Her response ignored the joke and told me she had a lot of work to do this weekend. that was the end of her message. why would she even waste the keystrokes to respond?
Online dating thread Quote
08-24-2013 , 05:39 AM
Seems that about half of the girls in the 'who's new' search on OKC haven't had their pics approved yet. I'm wondering if a good strategy is to search on OKC by 'Who's new' and message tons of girls with decent sounding profiles but whose pics aren't up yet by virtue of getting in first. Then boom, pic appears, dialogue already on, run good with pic, profit, easy game. Hopefully.

There's a lot more potential lurking in the who's new search compared to the same old girls who have been festering on the site for months.
Online dating thread Quote
08-24-2013 , 05:46 AM
Bob, that was a boring set of messages.

Dude, just try asking girls out quicker. Having had access to a female friends account I have seen first hand how awkward the online conversations typically are. A woman will be refreshed to be asked out so quickly.

You: I like your profile, you seem really ambitious. Any quick recs on sneaks for etc?

Her: blah blah blah

You: Cool, thanks. Hey I think we should grab a quick drink early next week. If you're interested let me know what times you're free. Feel free to text me xxxx

Bam, smooth and efficient. She's either into you or not. Telling her your beliefs on vegetarianism is not going to make her nahnah sweat nor increase the chance of a date.
Online dating thread Quote
08-24-2013 , 06:25 AM
Originally Posted by sublime
Bob, that was a boring set of messages.

Dude, just try asking girls out quicker. Having had access to a female friends account I have seen first hand how awkward the online conversations typically are. A woman will be refreshed to be asked out so quickly.

You: I like your profile, you seem really ambitious. Any quick recs on sneaks for etc?

Her: blah blah blah

You: Cool, thanks. Hey I think we should grab a quick drink early next week. If you're interested let me know what times you're free. Feel free to text me xxxx

Bam, smooth and efficient. She's either into you or not. Telling her your beliefs on vegetarianism is not going to make her nahnah sweat nor increase the chance of a date.
I have to disagree. This and the starbucks style opener will work for some guys all the time and for all guys some of the time, but theyre not the optimal line.
Obviously the better looking the guy is the more itll work.

Starbucks line is gold for live, i dont think it works as well online. The best is to pick up something in her profile and make a teasing line out of it imo. Or a canned opener thats more related to the setting.

If you go right for the date in the second message, again unless someone wants to rely on his looks, its not gonna work as often and itll lead to subsequent flakiness as theres zero investment and connection yet. Dont drag it out for days but a few messages never hurt nobody.
Online dating thread Quote
08-24-2013 , 06:43 AM
Am I missing something? That Starbucks line seems terrible?!

I get it if trolling but is that a genuine attempt?

I feel like canned is fine for those ****ty profiles with a hot pic, but any profile with decent info should always be individualized IMO. Takes like 2m

Assuming you don't live in NYC or London where I imagine numbers are basically limitless
Online dating thread Quote
08-24-2013 , 07:28 AM
Whoa I just got negged after a few exchanges. How cool!
She said the sarcasm in my profile was a bit over the top and therefore not that funny.
Possibly has a point but why bother sending a message about it?
I just took the standard David D line "Thanks, I'm glad you like it."
Seems a bit of a challenge this one, very blunt profile. Intriguing and revolting at the same time. Looks a lot like Liv Tyler
Online dating thread Quote
08-24-2013 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by bobboufl11
It's good to eat healthy but you need a cheat meal every once in a while. How'd you like to have dinner sometime next week?

Aug 23, 2013 – 8:53pm
Thanks for the offer! I've actually been pretty sick since Wednesday night. I haven't missed work, but I'll try to get caught up on rest and feeling better, then I'll let you know my schedule. Hope you have a fun weekend, and it rains less.
I hope for your sake that she is actually not feeling well, but I don't think it's looking good. The "Thanks for the offer" is never a good a sign plus you never mentioned a specific day next week, so her saying she wants to get caught up on rest screams of a BS excuse.

On another nitty note, I don't like the "How'd you like to have dinner sometime next week?". I think being more direct is best, so "Let's grab dinner sometime next week" and end with your name and #.
Online dating thread Quote
08-24-2013 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by sublime
She did not. lol

Her response ignored the joke and told me she had a lot of work to do this weekend. that was the end of her message. why would she even waste the keystrokes to respond?
Girls don't think the way we do. That ATM line is gold to the guys reading this thread, looking for the nth level of wit. To a girl quickly scanning her messages, that almost certainly registered as "ok, he doesn't know me from the bank. He uses an ATM. Why do I care? Bored."

The first clue that she would react this way was when she ignored the obvious joke from your first message. Instead of taking that hint, you went for even more subtle humor, which was completely lost on her.
Online dating thread Quote
08-24-2013 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by sublime
Bob, that was a boring set of messages.
Agreed. It's not what you say, it's how you say it. Those messages were about as mundane and void of seduction as you can get.
Online dating thread Quote
08-24-2013 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by d10
I'm not big into health & fitness so I may be off here, but I can't imagine that subject getting too many girls in the mood for a date. She was responding because you have a common interest that she enjoyed talking about but that doesn't mean she was interested in a date. You need to show a good sense of humor to land dates imo. Either that or be ridiculously rich and/or good looking.
Always better to be funny, but spending more than a couple minutes on an opener is too much effort. Otherwise I'll just try to go to a common interest.Her profile was pretty short+boring now that I look back at it. Pretty sure I've gotten dates without making a joke in the message. An overly jokey message line where you only got the # because of some crazy line could lead to a higher flaking % as well

Originally Posted by sublime
Bob, that was a boring set of messages.

Dude, just try asking girls out quicker. Having had access to a female friends account I have seen first hand how awkward the online conversations typically are. A woman will be refreshed to be asked out so quickly.

You: I like your profile, you seem really ambitious. Any quick recs on sneaks for etc?

Her: blah blah blah

You: Cool, thanks. Hey I think we should grab a quick drink early next week. If you're interested let me know what times you're free. Feel free to text me xxxx

Bam, smooth and efficient. She's either into you or not. Telling her your beliefs on vegetarianism is not going to make her nahnah sweat nor increase the chance of a date.
I haven't looked at a girl profile but I feel like they get asked out on the first and second message all the ****ing time by guys playing the numbers game.

Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
I hope for your sake that she is actually not feeling well, but I don't think it's looking good. The "Thanks for the offer" is never a good a sign plus you never mentioned a specific day next week, so her saying she wants to get caught up on rest screams of a BS excuse.

On another nitty note, I don't like the "How'd you like to have dinner sometime next week?". I think being more direct is best, so "Let's grab dinner sometime next week" and end with your name and #.
Ya I'm not super nitty on the how vs lets but the way I wrote that one it comes off awkward. It probably doesnt make too much of a difference but always best to optimize.

I actually filled up my rotation with the last number and don't have time unless I do a coffee/lunch date(maybe good for a girl who lists drinks:rarely?) Strangely I just got a message from this girl at 8 AM asking how my first week of school was.
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