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08-17-2013 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by AnonymousTextField
What's the mindset behind this one woman who has not responded to my message but has pinged my profile two days in a row? She hit my profile, I sent her a message, she hit my profile, hit it the next day, and then again today. Normally I wouldn't care but she's actually pretty cute. Misclick or do I reopen with her again?
I don't know, I have sort of the same thing. I blew off a girl who hesitated with replying to a suggested date, I just ended with "I don't think you're serious enough here but GL in the future" and she went like "I am serious but haven't had much time lately, GL to you too" (yet she was online a lot) and now she's just keeping revisiting.

With Mets' $100, I can tell you that in this situation I probably wouldn't care and let scumbags be scum if they absolutely want to, but I'd resent myself for it later more than they'd feel bad. I'd suggest you try and get it somehow. The "I'm short on cash from the last couple of days" line in some appropriate form usually gets the job done.

Cheers and good luck to all
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08-17-2013 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by Fabian
amazin, I'm not sure if you mentioned this or not, but do you or do you not want your 100 bucks back?
I want it back. I also want the money I blew on drinks and dinners but that's never happening.
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08-17-2013 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by fanapathy
I don't know, I have sort of the same thing. I blew off a girl who hesitated with replying to a suggested date, I just ended with "I don't think you're serious enough here but GL in the future" and she went like "I am serious but haven't had much time lately, GL to you too" (yet she was online a lot) and now she's just keeping revisiting.

With Mets' $100, I can tell you that in this situation I probably wouldn't care and let scumbags be scum if they absolutely want to, but I'd resent myself for it later more than they'd feel bad. I'd suggest you try and get it somehow. The "I'm short on cash from the last couple of days" line in some appropriate form usually gets the job done.

Cheers and good luck to all

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08-17-2013 , 08:53 PM
I just went and sat on the couch with her, was feeling her up again, but her babysitter called so now she's on the phone. Her girlfriend's supposed to be showing up in 30 to pick her up.
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08-17-2013 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by dalerobk2
He's not the closer at this point. He's the last guy left in the pen coming in to close out the 9th down by 9 runs.

Originally Posted by wesrwood
Have u not asked for the money? Pm me her phone number ill call her for u and get the money
feel more like getting her full name/baby daddy's full name would be more likely to be useful in getting the $100...

**** mets, you really ****ed this up. i mean, i've been married for 4 years but if my wife disappeared *poof* i'm pretty sure if a girl took a damn flight to hang out for the weekend, i'm not going out like that.

at some point, if she's leaving to go with the other girl (did she ever say anything? your other friend? like, you didn't check with her on wtf you were doing wrong??) you just straight up go "yo so about that $100..."

i assume you're gonna drive her there? come on man. don't go out like this.

this whole saga brought me out of lurk mode itt, now i'm emotionally invested.
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08-17-2013 , 09:00 PM
Wow mets, the twists and turns. Why do you even feel her up at this point (and why the hell isn't she getting turned on or letting you kiss, but is otherwise fine with it).

Originally Posted by lazer
It wasn't that literal, there were some more messages in between but that's what happened. I'm a bit stranger than the average and less patient so no worries.
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08-17-2013 , 09:01 PM
The chain of events of: her sleeping on the couch, you feeling her up, the phone ringing, you checking your phone to update us - feel a little disjointed

I feel like you're posting too much itt to not be noticeable
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08-17-2013 , 09:02 PM
also, as per usual, el d is on point...

she came with it in the back of her head that she most likely was gonna have sex with you. you just messed it up somewhere along the line. i assume it was during the touching. you gotta be a little bit nimble with the words in that spot man...i'd eventually be interested in some more details in the conversation that happened after that.
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08-17-2013 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by fanapathy
I don't know, I have sort of the same thing. I blew off a girl who hesitated with replying to a suggested date, I just ended with "I don't think you're serious enough here but GL in the future" and she went like "I am serious but haven't had much time lately, GL to you too" (yet she was online a lot) and now she's just keeping revisiting.
I can relate to "your" girl. I'm busier than ever and really don't have the time or energy to actually go on a date, however I'm still on the site every now and then and occasionally blast a few messages out. I'm doing it out of habit and to continue to polish my game. Also, and this probably makes me pathetic, but it makes me feel better about myself knowing I have options should I actually want to do a first date. But, yeah, the profile spamming is ****ing weird. I also have this one girl who has hit my profile every 2 or 3 weeks since March. It's like, come ****ing on, just tap out a "Hi!" or something.
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08-17-2013 , 09:22 PM
Amazin I want you to go out tonight, bring a girl back, then for your girl to come home all horny only to hear some loud sex noises from your room. Make it happen.
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08-17-2013 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by dalerobk2
Also, the I can't b/c I teach college students is just dumb and weird, imo. I teach college students and I have photos. I have plenty of friends who are academics and they do online dating with photos.
Yeah, it's no longer surprising that people are doing online dating. No need to hide from people. I'm a psychiatrist and I have patients that I know use online dating (one woman called it "plenty of fishes"), so I know one of them might eventually find me, but that's not a reason to have a blank profile. It'll be an interesting situation to deal with, but not really a big deal.

Originally Posted by dalerobk2
Are you thinking of responding to this guy? I would advise against it...
No, definitely not. To begin with I don't, as a rule, respond to any messages that are just a greeting. Plus, I've been seeing a guy for the past 3.5 weeks and I'm liking where it's going so I wouldn't respond to a new message at the moment anyway.
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08-17-2013 , 09:31 PM
amazin didn't get used he just failed real hard
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08-17-2013 , 09:32 PM
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08-17-2013 , 09:33 PM
Her GF is coming to pick her up. According to her, they're going out somewhere in Tampa, she's coming back to my place tonight.

During me feeling her up, I put my hand on her breasts and she said "Are you putting your hand on my boob? You're being pretty sneaky about it" I pretty much ignored her. About 5 minutes later I did it again, just to gauge her reaction, and she didn't say anything. Then her friend showed up. I have not brought up the 100 dollars, if she does indeed come back tonight I will. If her friend takes her the rest of the weekend I'd consider that a more than fair exchange.
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08-17-2013 , 09:45 PM
The saga of amazinmets, in gif form:

Don't blame the rim
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08-17-2013 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by amazinmets73
Her GF is coming to pick her up. According to her, they're going out somewhere in Tampa, she's coming back to my place tonight.

During me feeling her up, I put my hand on her breasts and she said "Are you putting your hand on my boob? You're being pretty sneaky about it" I pretty much ignored her. About 5 minutes later I did it again, just to gauge her reaction, and she didn't say anything. Then her friend showed up. I have not brought up the 100 dollars, if she does indeed come back tonight I will. If her friend takes her the rest of the weekend I'd consider that a more than fair exchange.
Dude... since you're touching her breast to reality test, why not just stand up in front of her and drop trou? If she has a bad reaction to it, just **** on the floor or something.
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08-17-2013 , 10:00 PM
Amazing, you keep doing pretty much everything except what you should be doing. I'm cheering for you, but c'mon.
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08-17-2013 , 10:03 PM
Get with her gf!
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08-17-2013 , 10:12 PM
I'm definitely back to rooting for amazin again after kinda loling at him earlier.

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08-17-2013 , 10:14 PM
For fun, here's a screen shot of my POF "viewed me". The girls outlined in blue opened with me, the girls in red I opened with.

Third row, second column girl was converted to text messages but she lives like an hour away and I'm not in the right space to deal with it. Third row, eighth column shut me down because our taste in board games was lol different, bottom row, six column I saw one time three weeks ago, had a few drinks, made out for a bit, and we occasionally text one another.
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08-17-2013 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by amazinmets73
Her GF is coming to pick her up. According to her, they're going out somewhere in Tampa, she's coming back to my place tonight.

During me feeling her up, I put my hand on her breasts and she said "Are you putting your hand on my boob? You're being pretty sneaky about it" I pretty much ignored her. About 5 minutes later I did it again, just to gauge her reaction, and she didn't say anything. Then her friend showed up. I have not brought up the 100 dollars, if she does indeed come back tonight I will. If her friend takes her the rest of the weekend I'd consider that a more than fair exchange.
wait was this a second feeling up incident or the same one? Really don't understand feeling her up before making out with her but either way it seems clear that it's unlikely she consciously made a decision to use you in order to get a subsidized vacation...
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08-17-2013 , 10:22 PM
Just got another message:

Heyyyyyyy I came across your profile and thought it intrigued me a bit. We seem to have A LOT of the same interests/qualities...and I was hoping we could chat if you'd be up for it. Hit me back...hopefully I'll hear from you soon. ~Marc
I like this message better than the "Hi", but I recognized both the name and message because he sent me exactly the same message exactly 8 months earlier. I even wrote about it itt:

Originally Posted by ganstaman
I got a message on OKC from someone that google maps tells me is 1 hour 10 minutes away, but knowing those roads it will always take longer than that. So I responded thanks, but that's too far for me. In response, I get:

"I'm closer than u think...I really enjoyed ur profile and I'd really like to get to know u...give it a shot I don't understand this site...everyone thinks u gotta be neighbors it seems...if I wanted to get to know people that close, I wouldn't need the site...ya know? just give me an honest chance that's all I ask... "
So what do I do?

1) Nothing. Boring but respectable.

2) Give him exactly the same response I gave him 8 months before.

3) Tell him I already rejected him/that message before.
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08-17-2013 , 10:24 PM
critique him on his annoying-ass use of ellipses
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08-17-2013 , 10:25 PM
I'm very curious as to who everyone here would rate as the 'hottest' girl on ATF's viewed me list, just by taking a glance or two and not fully analyzing/inspecting. My first inclination is second row, last column
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08-17-2013 , 10:25 PM
And since you guys have helped me so much, I thought dumping a few of my openers into a post might have some value:

Heeeeerrrrreeeee's _____!

You've less pics than I (congrats!) and I dig your taste in movies) As a fellow sponge of useless information, it's a hard knocks life being "that" person, no? Correcting others all the time with those pesky things called facts. Where do get your history fix from?

Aug 16, 2013 – 7:47pm
Ha! Yeah not a fan of taking pix of myself.
NPR, lectures, history channel website, PBS, go to museums and talk to the staff, I volunteer so we get authors, teachers, and curators.
It's a match!

.. but not really because you stipulate that only those who live in (IN!!) Chicago ought to message you. Oops! Do you pull out the Vanilla Ice's sister card to one-up chronic name droppers?

Aug 14, 2013 – 11:06pm
Okay... I have to amend (IN) Chicago to include ______. I am actually there quite often. So thank you for the playful reprimand... :-)

No... I have never once used Amy Vanwinkle as an ironic name drop. It just seemed like a ridiculously fun "secret" to share.

How has your day been?


So I'm looking at you pics and wonder what else people first notice about you besides your eyes. You have s boat? You ride horses? You have a pretty intimidating dog?

Aug 14, 2013 – 2:00pm
Most guys typically notice I have large boobs... but thanks for seeing the other stuff. The dog tho is a pussy cat her looks are deceiving.
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