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Online dating thread Online dating thread

07-11-2013 , 01:29 PM
Whoops, wrong thread. I guess it hardly matters.
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07-11-2013 , 01:49 PM
I'd ask other poker pros about that. It seems like a relatively specific office setting to try and navigate through.

If you can relate her position to another position, it would help in being able to give advice. If it's like she's a bartender (in my mind, that's the closest thing) then you might be best just asking her out for a drink one day
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07-11-2013 , 01:51 PM
Be curious to hear comments on the all important transition from "hey I'm going on dates with other people several times a week" to "hey I just want to date you".

I always found that to be the hardest part of online dating, in that the whole cake and eat it to part of online dating is sometimes addictive if you're getting the best of it. When you're getting the worst (rick rolled by fatties over and over), it's never hard to quit. Variance is a bitch.
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07-11-2013 , 02:42 PM

From my experience when 2 people are really really into each other things progress natural and fast.

From your description of where the relationship is at, her hinting that she "more than" likes you is far from a red flag.


That plan is not going to change whether the girl is going to agree to hang out with you or not. Just try to find some appropriate times to flirt with her then when you get a chance ask her out.
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07-11-2013 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

What was the woman like?
Haha I even forgot that I wrote that quick tr, got lost reading the love issue.

The woman was really cool. She had recently moved to the city to get away from her small town life and wanted to try something new. I could relate to that since I moved to Calgary roughly a year and a half ago. I decided on our date to be at a higher end bar/lounge and it was a good choice. Lots of people but not over crowded, had a good atmosphere. We drank and chatted. She actually lived on the east coast, next to the ocean but never had seafood before. I teased her about that and she tried sushi for the first time and she said it was alright lol.

She wasn't sure if she was going to stay in Calgary for school or go back east, said pof was just a way to meet some new people. She wants to get into broadcasting so Calgary is probably a better chance than her 'village' of 400 people back home lol. I actually wasn't sure whether she was actually taking this as a date or just someone to hang out with. She would text co-workers about things maybe three or four times that night and didn't always keep eye contact with me when she talked. It was slightly annoying actually lol.

In the end, she seems really cool and laid back. Made kinda drunken plans for another date so we'll see. Idk if having sex in her car last night will make her feel like a slut and scrap those plans but if it comes up I'll downplay it (is that the right move?) and try to keep seeing her.
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07-11-2013 , 03:16 PM

How old are you? What kind of car was it? Where was it parked?
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07-11-2013 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by derada4
Yeah I mean I greatly appreciate everyone's help looking out for me, but me and this girl have opened up a lot to each other and there are no other red flags/concerns about her being a psycho. I'm pretty sure I did hit the lotto, which is ****ing awesome.
Well if you want, I'm in NJ. I can stalk her for a bit and give my opinion.

Originally Posted by derada4
looks wise I'm probably a 9.
That's just asking for you to post a pic.
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07-11-2013 , 03:55 PM
I'm supposed to go to a comedy club tomorrow after sushi with a girl for date 2...but I just googled the headliner and he's not really funny, though the most recent vid I can find is 2 years old. (It's a big club, not some hole in the wall)...take my chances and go anyway or plan something else?
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07-11-2013 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Well if you want, I'm in NJ. I can stalk her for a bit and give my opinion.
lol im actually in central NJ as well. woo hoo for PokerStars in October.
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07-11-2013 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

How old are you? What kind of car was it? Where was it parked?
I'm 23. Her car was an old neon and it was parked in the lot but it was empty. Only cars left were employee cars it seemed like.

I figure my next move is to just text and try to make plans for another day and just go from there.
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07-11-2013 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by mashoo
I'm 23. Her car was an old neon and it was parked in the lot but it was empty. Only cars left were employee cars it seemed like.

I figure my next move is to just text and try to make plans for another day and just go from there.
Damn those neons are tiny....
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07-11-2013 , 04:33 PM
LOL I was gonna make a joke about it being a neon then didnt

For a comedy show I'd go as long is the ticket wouldn't rape me. If he sucks you can make fun of him together or whatever, or bail pretty easily.
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07-11-2013 , 04:37 PM
It was tiny but was good enough. I'm bigger, 6'1" but she's only 5'7". It worked out alright in the back seats lol.
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07-11-2013 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by lazer
I'm supposed to go to a comedy club tomorrow after sushi with a girl for date 2...but I just googled the headliner and he's not really funny, though the most recent vid I can find is 2 years old. (It's a big club, not some hole in the wall)...take my chances and go anyway or plan something else?
'Hey, I checked out [comedian] and he's pretty bad, let's do [blues bar/shoot pool/hookah/other cool suggestions] instead?]'

Exception is if she recommended him, better to stick that out depending upon her personality.
Online dating thread Quote
07-11-2013 , 06:26 PM
The comedy club was my idea, so she won't be offended if I say the dude sounds lame. As for the profile you posted, I'm going to make her my wife....after I drive the 698KM to get to her
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07-11-2013 , 08:09 PM
Who is the comedian?
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07-11-2013 , 10:02 PM
Well, she just bailed. I'm a bit surprised given the context but maybe she's being honest. We've been talking since the date, she texted me last night and I didn't answer (was busy arguing with my roommate) and she messaged me again this morning asking how my day was and referencing how much she enjoyed the leftovers from our date. After more back and forth (with her always furthering the conversation) she just wrote:

__________, I'm really sorry but I won't be able to hang out this weekend. I just have a really busy week coming up. But I had a really nice time with you and would definitely like to see you again soon when I have some time to breathe

Our date was planned yesterday, fwiw
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07-11-2013 , 10:16 PM
She most likely won't have time to breath for a while I think. I struggle with these messages though lol
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07-11-2013 , 10:18 PM
was just gonna reply with standard : no problem, hope things settle down for you. Let me know when you're free.

To which she replied "I will. Let's keep in touch. How was your day?"

Last edited by lazer; 07-11-2013 at 10:36 PM.
Online dating thread Quote
07-11-2013 , 10:42 PM
Just saw this profile on OKC (of a gay guy, of course). I don't know what part annoys me most, the arrogance, the probable racism (I prefer white guys as well, but I would never write it like that), or the constant references to him being a doctor using words that I bet most non-medical people don't understand. He has one picture, which is of him, shirtless, in a speedo (for the record, he does look good, but nothing crazy, certainly not warranting what he wrote).

My self-summary
Just out here to find someone to have fun with.

What I’m doing with my life
Working in the medical field as a surgical resident; saving lives; not taking **** from anyone; also swimming and working out on my off days

I’m really good at
having a hot body despite being in residency and living on a fast food diet because of calls. Also, i would have to say, I am good at my job and suturing, otherwise the patients would probably eat it.

The first things people usually notice about me
that I look good. In fact, I get many patients going all weak in the knees when they see me as well as a lot of requests to know if I would like to go out sometime. Those poor girls, it must be heartbreaking when I tell them I can't.

Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food
Mostly action movies, sitcoms (if I get the time), pop music, and I am not particular about food. Love watching football and baseball games if I am out at night.

The six things I could never do without
my job, size 7.5 latex gloves, my phone, a drink, Danskos, and scrubs

I spend a lot of time thinking about
why the quiver keeps giving me only asian matches. Also why I keep getting messages from Asian guys. Not that I am racist, but I am seriously NOT interested in guys who aren't caucasian.

Considering I say this, I am also wondering why non-caucasian guys keep hitting on me. I mean seriously, get it thru your thick skulls, I AM NOT INTERESTED IN YOU!

On a typical Friday night I am
out and about in NYC if that is my night off, which happens once every couple weeks. Otherwise, in the OR dealing with a lap appy or ex lap, if it is an exciting night. However most of the time, I am down in the ED for a bull$hit consult for an I&D or sutures because the ED staff can't deal with it

The most private thing I’m willing to admit
nothing on here

I’m looking for
Gay guys only
Ages 23–31
Near me
Who are single
For casual sex

You should message me if
we are a really good match and you aren't ugly. I am serious.
Online dating thread Quote
07-11-2013 , 11:02 PM
Well, atleast at the end he does say he is serious in case anyone was unsure given his tone.
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07-11-2013 , 11:22 PM
Far out, what a dick.
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07-11-2013 , 11:45 PM
So I've come across a ton of profiles that say "looking for partner in crime" whether it's in headline or bio. I'm sure we all have. Do you think this is a subconcious tell that these types are looking for a bad boy persona? Or is it just such a generic phrase that's thrown around that it's more about them lacking originality and articulation?
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07-11-2013 , 11:59 PM
option 2
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