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Online dating thread Online dating thread

07-03-2013 , 07:03 PM
@CDL: I think it's good to not go out with people that meet deal breakers for you. I hate it when people start dating and figure that they'll find a way around it if things end up working out, and then surprise surprise! The deal breaker still ends up breaking the deal. I don't think you were going to listen to those saying to date these women anyway, but I wanted to throw in my support for you.

Also, okc usually sends you a message after a little bit saying you're hot (most/all get this even when it's very much not true), and I think this does get you some different people to show up in your search? I don't remember, but it might be worth sticking with for a bit.

@text message times: The guy I'm seeing sent me a text 2 days ago. I took 16 hours to respond. He didn't respond so I sent another message 33 hours later and he replied in 33 minutes as if nothing was wrong. Because nothing is wrong, sometimes things happen.
Online dating thread Quote
07-03-2013 , 07:25 PM
I'm the same way with text messages. Sometimes go days without responding and sometimes insta respond. I've gotten lazy with searching and messaging girls. I'm typically just going on dates with girls that messaged me first. I probably average about 2 new messages a day from pof and about 30% of them are attractive. Out of those, about 50% of them the conversation ends when I suggest a date.
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07-03-2013 , 07:45 PM

my suggestion would be to stop looking at <25 year olds if a solid career is a deal breaker for you

is it standard to be finishing school at 25? no, but it isnt out of the ordinary to be getting a masters at that point.
Online dating thread Quote
07-03-2013 , 07:47 PM
Alright well I'm pretty much done with online dating. I've messaged just about every girl in my area that I would be interested in and there doesn't seem to be many new girls signing up. I find meeting girls at clubs easier anyway.
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07-03-2013 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by derada4
I think you're too quick to judge the person based in their profile. You never know how you're going to click or what is going to happen IRL.

The girl I'm with now, we get along incredibly well, both opened up to each other very quickly, all that stuff... but going into the 1st date, based on her profile, I would have NEVER guessed we'd click the way we did. I could have easily been like "eh, I'm not too sure an LTR could come out of meeting this girl so f it, I'm not gonna meet her"
Yeah I agree with this. I met my ex through a mutual friend and honestly didn't really like her when we first met. She was quiet and boring but then she opened up and was actually really cool. This was by about the 5th date or so. SO I'd say if you're interested, give it a chance.

Originally Posted by yeotaJMU

my suggestion would be to stop looking at <25 year olds if a solid career is a deal breaker for you

is it standard to be finishing school at 25? no, but it isnt out of the ordinary to be getting a masters at that point.
I think he means he wants a girl that is career minded. He wants to meet someone that is studying or working towards a good job. It shows skills greater than being able to earn money such as motivation and success. I highly value this in a person.

For example if I meet a girl who is working part time at Kmart and doing nothing else with her life, I don't want to date her. It's a massive turnoff.
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07-03-2013 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by lazer
This is a pretty definite yes. Remember, these girls have 500 options for dates. If she was lukewarm about you, she'd just say she has a busy next few the time she's free, she'll have tons of other offers. She wants one of those nights to be a date with you
Sounds good. Ill wait a couple days and then check back with her.
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07-03-2013 , 08:21 PM
She only said she's busy for two days. Why don't you just organise it now for in 4 days time?
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07-03-2013 , 08:23 PM
Suggesting a location before a date/time is #notagoodlook
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07-03-2013 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by kkcountry
Suggesting a location before a date/time is #notagoodlook
Who said to do that?

Find out when she's available in 4 days time and lock her in.
Online dating thread Quote
07-03-2013 , 08:44 PM
Okay this is awesome.

Backstory: I used to work with this girl, years ago. She is really ****ing pretty and was way out of my league back then. Now she is just somewhat out of my league. I am almost positive this girl didn't know I existed.

I see she's friends of a friend on FB so obv I add her cuz f it


Why the hell is abbreviations such a long word? Hey, you might not remember me, we worked together back back in the day.

Oh yea? Where at?

lol dayumn. --XYZ

Oh yea that's right I thought so. It's been a while.

me:You had the biggest crush on me!

her: I did! Lol

cliffs: a pretty blonde girl will believe she likes you if you simply tell her that she likes you.

She dies her hair so I won't bother wasting time with pictures but she's pretty hot in the irl
Online dating thread Quote
07-03-2013 , 08:45 PM
As an aside, I'm legit intrigued by cute 18-19 year old girls who use online dating. Isn't that the most puzzling thing ever? I couldn't imagine hooking up with someone under 27 now, so frankly from an attraction level I could care less. I'm just baffled by very nature of it. 18-19 has to be the easiest age ever to meet people in the real world, is it not? Specially if you're a cute girl?
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07-03-2013 , 08:49 PM
Pretty sure to today's 18 year olds, the real world and the internet are one and the same
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07-03-2013 , 08:51 PM
I be a bit afraid to meet someone that lists their age as 18-19. Too much of a possibility that they are really underage. I have a date with a 22 year old tonight. I'm 32. Will be interesting to see if this will be a bore for the both of us because of the generational gap. But hope she smells like homework and candy.
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07-03-2013 , 08:51 PM
Check that ID bro
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07-03-2013 , 09:41 PM
I did a search for 18-19 recently (I'm 31) cause it would be kind of cool to find some crazy college girl with daddy issues and also

Originally Posted by KPowers
cuz f it
They were highly skewed towards the unattractive side though.
Online dating thread Quote
07-03-2013 , 10:29 PM
Jumping back into the online dating thing because I'm moving back to Atlanta. Last time I was single there, I was on okcupid and had like 5 girls over 6 months, with the fifth girl lasting until I moved. I'm 33, 6'1", a private school teacher, and living in Buckhead. It shouldn't be too hard. Should I post some sections of my profile here for you guys to check for red flags?
Online dating thread Quote
07-03-2013 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Gabby Hayes
I'm the same way with text messages. Sometimes go days without responding and sometimes insta respond. I've gotten lazy with searching and messaging girls. I'm typically just going on dates with girls that messaged me first. I probably average about 2 new messages a day from pof and about 30% of them are attractive. Out of those, about 50% of them the conversation ends when I suggest a date.

I stopped messaging girls, it is a waste of time. I just keep my profile out there, and wait for girls to message me and it works, 2 girls messaged me recently and 2 dates. I think girls just get so many emails that they do not even bother reading them.
Online dating thread Quote
07-04-2013 , 01:33 AM
Went on a date with a supposed 19 year old once when I was 23 just out of college, except she turned out to be 18 and still in high school. She brought her homework to do on the date, and her 30-something sister picked her up, so that's how that went.

She did somehow manage to ask me to prom as a 2nd date, which I really regret turning down, just for the TR that would've come with that fiasco (that, and going to Senior Prom 5x would be an irrationally cool nostalgic notch in the belt).
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07-04-2013 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by KPowers
She dies her hair so I won't bother wasting time with pictures
This is very macho where you're like f it I won't even give a logical-sounding reason suck it y'all
Online dating thread Quote
07-04-2013 , 01:47 AM
So I'm sitting in a Vons parking lot waiting for this chick to meet me up with her lesbian partner to have an orgy. Just had a date with her in la jolla. She's nuts, former stripper. Dropped 200 on dinner yikes, obv I'm nuts. Wish me luck. Better be getting the 2 for 1 special tonight.
Online dating thread Quote
07-04-2013 , 03:08 AM

Online dating thread Quote
07-04-2013 , 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by Gabby Hayes
So I'm sitting in a Vons parking lot waiting for this chick to meet me up with her lesbian partner to have an orgy. Just had a date with her in la jolla. She's nuts, former stripper. Dropped 200 on dinner yikes, obv I'm nuts. Wish me luck. Better be getting the 2 for 1 special tonight.
Thread took a turn for the awesome
Online dating thread Quote
07-04-2013 , 04:23 AM
got this tonight after 3-4 messages back and forth with phd student (she messaged me first). do you guys think this mean I am expected to call? I have no problem calling but its not something I normally do like ever.

her message:

"I totally get why but i can't pin point it!

I like how you reply, but I think u'd do just as fine and dandy over the phone? So, call me maybe...? ;D

Online dating thread Quote
07-04-2013 , 04:37 AM
"do you guys think this mean I am expected to call?"

What else could "I think u'd do just as fine and dandy over the phone? So, call me maybe...? ;D" possibly mean? Genuinely curious.
Online dating thread Quote
07-04-2013 , 06:49 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
10) If I had to do it all over again, I might consider a burner phone. A lot of these girls are tremendously broken, and I'd never again add them to facebook within the first few months of knowing them. That's a time bomb waiting to happen.
Good advice here. What I do with my iPhone is download one of the calling/messaging apps that gives you another number for your iPhone. I then give new girls that number instead of my regular number. When I'm more comfortable with them, I'll give them my regular number.
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