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06-06-2013 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by RippinHeads
That's why I threw in the 'depends on what you do for a living' comment. The richest guy I know (millionaire) doesn't have a degree. I guess I was thinking along the lines of a girl looking at your profile, guy is in his 30s and under education it says 'HS' or 'some college'. That would probably look bad. Also, I'm in DC. You might be right though, who knows?
I hope you're wrong because I just entered my 30s and I was hoping the lack of a degree would start mattering less. I think it's still working against me for the mid-late 20s girls I'm after. I've never been explicitly rejected because of it but I get the impression it's a big deal. FWIW I put space camp graduate on my profile. I realize that's a red flag and excludes me from some searches but it can't be as bad as saying high school graduate.
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06-06-2013 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by AnonymousTextField
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06-06-2013 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by d10
I hope you're wrong because I just entered my 30s and I was hoping the lack of a degree would start mattering less. I think it's still working against me for the mid-late 20s girls I'm after. I've never been explicitly rejected because of it but I get the impression it's a big deal. FWIW I put space camp graduate on my profile. I realize that's a red flag and excludes me from some searches but it can't be as bad as saying high school graduate.
I had space camp for a while too but dropped it because it seemed stupid. It screams "Hey I didn't graduate or go to college but I'm actually intelligent, really. Believe me please."
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06-06-2013 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by d10
I hope you're wrong because I just entered my 30s and I was hoping the lack of a degree would start mattering less. I think it's still working against me for the mid-late 20s girls I'm after. I've never been explicitly rejected because of it but I get the impression it's a big deal. FWIW I put space camp graduate on my profile. I realize that's a red flag and excludes me from some searches but it can't be as bad as saying high school graduate.
There are a bunch of other factors involved in whether or not she responds you: how physically attracted to you she is, if your career seems legitimate, how much you have in common, how funny your profile is, etc, that could easily override having no degree. But I maintain that on its own, being in your 30s (esp in DC area) and having no degree is probably a negative, more so than in your 20s. Maybe time to break out your GI Bill benefits. Have you noticed on OKCupid, the question about 'a college degree is...' almost every chick I see that answered that questions says 'necessary'. Though, what they say and what they actually go for are not necessarily the same.
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06-06-2013 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by AnonymousTextField
I might be in the minority but an obvious misspelling like this is different from the examples I pointed out earlier. One is just a typo where the others make you look like you don't know english.
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06-06-2013 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by LaShawnda
I might be in the minority but an obvious misspelling like this is different from the examples I pointed out earlier. One is just a typo where the others make you look like you don't know english.
Obviously no mistakes or slips are better than any but as long as ur aint riting like dis I don't think it really matters all that much.
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06-06-2013 , 12:55 PM
Anyone else have a girl frequently use "hun" and "love" or similar **** in texts? Mercedes does it to me often and frankly I find it a bit patronizing given that it's coming from someone I've spent three hours with in person.
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06-06-2013 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by AnonymousTextField
Anyone else have a girl frequently use "hun" and "love" or similar **** in texts? Mercedes does it to me often and frankly I find it a bit patronizing given that it's coming from someone I've spent three hours with in person.
No. And it would annoy me too. Just flip the script on her and start calling her "bebe" or whatever the **** BL suggested. See how she likes that ****, imo.
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06-06-2013 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by AnonymousTextField
Anyone else have a girl frequently use "hun" and "love" or similar **** in texts? Mercedes does it to me often and frankly I find it a bit patronizing given that it's coming from someone I've spent three hours with in person.
you are way too sensitive, hun.
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06-06-2013 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by AnonymousTextField
I had space camp for a while too but dropped it because it seemed stupid. It screams "Hey I didn't graduate or go to college but I'm actually intelligent, really. Believe me please."
Did you graduate college? If so the space camp line is not ideal. But in my case what it screams is basically what I'm trying to say. My only other option is to lie or leave it blank and I don't like either of those.

Originally Posted by RippinHeads
There are a bunch of other factors involved in whether or not she responds you: how physically attracted to you she is, if your career seems legitimate, how much you have in common, how funny your profile is, etc, that could easily override having no degree. But I maintain that on its own, being in your 30s (esp in DC area) and having no degree is probably a negative, more so than in your 20s. Maybe time to break out your GI Bill benefits. Have you noticed on OKCupid, the question about 'a college degree is...' almost every chick I see that answered that questions says 'necessary'. Though, what they say and what they actually go for are not necessarily the same.
Yeah but I would probably say the same. Only because I want an intelligent, educated girl who wont be relying on me financially. 99% of the time that means a degree. But if I find the 1% who's doing that without a degree it's all the same to me. Hopefully it's the same for the girls because I'm not going to spend 4+ years in college to improve my dating pool.
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06-06-2013 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by AnonymousTextField
I'm struggling with appropriate texts with a girl I'm set to see for a third time. I told her on the phone that at this point I find texting to be too impersonal and that I don't respond to hers because I'm terrible at texting and don't want to slam her with the weird, overly sarcastic crap that comes out of my mind . While I was being honest, she didn't seem fond of my statement and understandably so. So what's normal within the context of "making convo" type texts? I was thinking about sending "I realize when I don't get a text from you I miss them!" But that's not entirely true and seems too mushy to me. At the same time "Hey good morning. How's your day going?" seems equally bad to me.
this seems like such an awkward line to take with a girl. i would almost never tell a girl this unless i had the hooks deep set.
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06-06-2013 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by dalerobk2
No. And it would annoy me too. Just flip the script on her and start calling her "bebe" or whatever the **** BL suggested. See how she likes that ****, imo.
Yeah she might be a lot more crazy than I was led to believe. Maybe my expectations are out of whack but she and I had A LOT more interaction via text and phone before we met. I mentioned that it seemed odd to me and she went into a little diatribe about why it's like this and even wrote "and you're not the only one I'm dating hun". I've spent a total of maybe three hours with this broad and kissed her on the ****ing cheek. WTF?

Originally Posted by ObezyankaNol
you are way too sensitive, hun.
That's EXACTLY the context it comes across in. "Listen you sad, little puppy begging for attention, here you go love."
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06-06-2013 , 01:18 PM

I absolutely despise texting. And I hate when women are constantly texting me with nonsense. I just try to minimize it by never texting her with pointless bs. I only text for a very specific purpose. I never text to just chat. So I don't initiate and I respond to them with relatively short texts. If they get to know me at all, they'll realize that I hate texting and it's nbd. But I'm not going to sit there and text like a ****ing idiot all day about bull****. I have 2+2 if I want to mindlessly waste my time.
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06-06-2013 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by mburke05
this seems like such an awkward line to take with a girl. i would almost never tell a girl this unless i had the hooks deep set.
Normally I would never even consider it but she's basically said she wants me to text her because it makes her happy that I'm thinking of her or some such ****. She's extremely complementary and, unless she's FOS and her agenda is to use me for dinner/drinks and to get laid, said a bunch of stuff that indicate that the hooks are already relatively deep. She's exactly the personality type that historically falls for me though so I'm not so surprised.
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06-06-2013 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by dalerobk2

I absolutely despise texting. And I hate when women are constantly texting me with nonsense. I just try to minimize it by never texting her with pointless bs. I only text for a very specific purpose. I never text to just chat. So I don't initiate and I respond to them with relatively short texts. If they get to know me at all, they'll realize that I hate texting and it's nbd. But I'm not going to sit there and text like a ****ing idiot all day about bull****. I have 2+2 if I want to mindlessly waste my time.
Exactly. Someone I've known for a while, sure whatever; some banter can be fun. But a relative unknown? It just seems so contrived half the time.

"How is your morning going?"

"Great! Working hard. You?"

"Same! But hardly working lol"

"Haha, I wish!"

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06-06-2013 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by LaShawnda
i have a few female friends that do online dating and they all say spelling/grammar mistakes are one of the easiest ways to weed out guys (and i've also talked to several girls on dates about how mistakes are a big no-no).
This really pisses me off. Not just because these girls don't understand that some are inherently worse spellers than others and in no way does that make them dumber, but because their understanding of English is typically lackluster and its shown in their piss-poor sentence structuring.

They're SO PROUD of having a high school level of understanding of the English language that they need to look down on anyone who didn't get a B or better in 10th grade English.
One of these days I'm just going to go full ****** and point out every grammatical error in the profile of those who do this.

<<< pretty good speller, pretty good at not giving a crap

Last edited by KPowers; 06-06-2013 at 01:36 PM. Reason: inb4 errors in mah post are pointed out
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06-06-2013 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by AnonymousTextField
Exactly. Someone I've known for a while, sure whatever; some banter can be fun. But a relative unknown? It just seems so contrived half the time.

"How is your morning going?"

"Great! Working hard. You?"

"Same! But hardly working lol"

"Haha, I wish!"

Are you not setting up dates while this banter is going back and forth? For me I set up the date over a couple days so there is always a legit reason to text. So for example last night I set up dinner for Saturday, but not all the details. So come Friday or even today I will text her hoping she is having a good day or some other crap and follow it by the real reason I'm texting her, which is to set up the time we are meeting at or when I'm picking her up etc...

I find this keeps things pretty natural while leaving an opening to actually text back and forth.
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06-06-2013 , 01:41 PM
It's 2013, if you misspell something on the internet there should be a big red line underneath it. It shows a lack of caring that you come off like an idiot more than anything

Last edited by Dudd; 06-06-2013 at 01:42 PM. Reason: lol internet explorer
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06-06-2013 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by AnonymousTextField
I'm struggling with appropriate texts with a girl I'm set to see for a third time. I told her on the phone that at this point I find texting to be too impersonal and that I don't respond to hers because I'm terrible at texting and don't want to slam her with the weird, overly sarcastic crap that comes out of my mind . While I was being honest, she didn't seem fond of my statement and understandably so. So what's normal within the context of "making convo" type texts? I was thinking about sending "I realize when I don't get a text from you I miss them!" But that's not entirely true and seems too mushy to me. At the same time "Hey good morning. How's your day going?" seems equally bad to me.

Come on.


In what universe is writing that anything other than ****ing awful?
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06-06-2013 , 01:46 PM
Has anyone done online dating for awhile, eventually found a girlfriend, been happy, content, etc., but still have the urge to seek out variety? Last night a girl I was seeing last summer texted me something like "Heyy in the mood for a drink?" or something equally booty call-esque and I didn't go see her but **** if I wasn't tempted. Not really sure how to keep from falling off the wagon because I really don't want to cheat on this new girlfriend but when it comes to pussy I'm afraid I'm just mentally weak. And I feel like the variety afforded by online dating just made it 10x worse.
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06-06-2013 , 01:49 PM
Just started using that "hey you visited my profile and didn't send a message." Who came up with that? Been batting 1.000 with it so far on getting responses. Lol.
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06-06-2013 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
Are you not setting up dates while this banter is going back and forth? For me I set up the date over a couple days so there is always a legit reason to text. So for example last night I set up dinner for Saturday, but not all the details. So come Friday or even today I will text her hoping she is having a good day or some other crap and follow it by the real reason I'm texting her, which is to set up the time we are meeting at or when I'm picking her up etc...

I find this keeps things pretty natural while leaving an opening to actually text back and forth.
Setting up dates is different and what I prefer text messaging for. This girl has explicitly said she likes getting texts from me because it means I'm thinking of her. Whatever, it's almost a zero effort way to keep her interest.

Her last text was "I'm okay with nice thoughts or naughty thoughts (: just not mean"

Is she basically indicating that she wants me to sext with her or something? God, I hope not

Originally Posted by lazer

Come on.


In what universe is writing that anything other than ****ing awful?
Well, I said the bolded over the phone. I'm still figuring out what level flirtatiousness is normal versus sappy, etc.
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06-06-2013 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by AnonymousTextField
Her last text was "I'm okay with nice thoughts or naughty thoughts (: just not mean"
Wow. Seems like she is just bored and using you to keep her entertained throughout the day. Just like how you post here to keep us entertained.
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06-06-2013 , 01:56 PM

Ship her a pic of the d.
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06-06-2013 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by AnonymousTextField
Setting up dates is different and what I prefer text messaging for. This girl has explicitly said she likes getting texts from me because it means I'm thinking of her. Whatever, it's almost a zero effort way to keep her interest.

Her last text was "I'm okay with nice thoughts or naughty thoughts (: just not mean"

Is she basically indicating that she wants me to sext with her or something? God, I hope not

Well, I said the bolded over the phone. I'm still figuring out what level flirtatiousness is normal versus sappy, etc.
This doesn't make it better
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