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Online dating thread Online dating thread

06-05-2013 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by calmlikeabomb
I need to start using this line. For every 10 messages I send, I would say 9 out of 10 at least view my profile, but as far as actual messages back, it's maybe 1 out of 10. Or I'm just running bad lately. Or I'm ugly. Got a date tonight tho. Stealin' ur gurlz ATF.
I only used it as an opener. What age range are you targeting? Depending, I can pass you my failures, of which there are many, if you want.

Originally Posted by citanul

If you hate talking about superficial crap so much, why do you engage in 5 rounds of decreasingly funny jokes about conspiracy theories? That sounds like superficial crap of the highest order.
Are conspiracy theories really superficial? At the very least I find them to be fun thought experiments. Superficial to me is talking about the latest episode of Grays Anatomy, what Brittney is in trouble with now or w/e. I just don't care.
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06-05-2013 , 04:38 PM
I'm with el d. If a woman messaged me "wow, your really cute" I might not respond because that message sucks for all kinds of reasons, but a "hey there" is good enough for me. If she continued with the 1-2 word responses after I try to get a conversation going that would be a deal breaker, but it's worth trying at least.

This is all purely hypothetical in my case because hot girls don't initial message me. I'm just happy when I get a 5 star rating from one.
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06-05-2013 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by TommyTrash
I haven't really dated online much at all but it seems like (from this thread) that women have become much, much more of a challenge. I can't think of the last time we heard a string of...met up with hot chick, had some drinks, went back, banged, and now she's blowing me up to bang again.

I read that whole makin maneys thread from like 2011....
I can't say for sure since I've only been doing this online dating things for about a month now, but I would think things have likely changed a lot from back in 2011. I think because of how well known all the PUA crap is etc.... now girls are just being bombarded with stupid messages, which puts them in defensive mode. They don't want to be taken advantage of or look stupid for falling for PUA gimmicks. They are therefore a lot more careful with who they choose to communicate with than they probably were in 2011.

Just my 2 cents on it.
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06-05-2013 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by skater3598
I think I just figured out a key piece of logic here: when writing these profiles, you don't want to appear that you put too much effort into it by either making it too long or too deep and descriptive. at this point in time our society judges online dating as unequivocally uncool... and even if that's not totally true (but i do think it is, and it effects all of us, just like excessive money being cool), then other factors like people being averse to people who talk at length about themselves, or people being averse to people being picky, or trying too hard, or whatever is not alpha. For me this kinda makes it easier to get something written because I realized, like a few ITT were saying, that I was overthinking it, and that that is in fact a bad thing for how I appear when it's reflected in my profile, and not only a bad thing on it's own because I'm not getting anything written.
You're way over thinking it. I can sympathize however. Drop the whole "dating" concept and think of it as looking to spend a few hours hanging out with someone. That the someone happens to be a female, hopefully is attractive, and may possibly be interested in ****ing you... just ignore all that.
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06-05-2013 , 04:44 PM
I think there has been a shift in the promiscuity of girls via online dating, though. I truly believe that in the earlier days girls who did it, did it under the radar, and let out their "inner slut" and used it as a hookup device. Now that it's become more well known as a tool for dating casually to dating seriously girls have their foot off the accelerator and have definitely much more of a challenge to get a date or to even make out on a date. Sex on the first or second date seems damn near impossible from recent trends.

There has been too large of a sample size here where guys are getting no action to say otherwise. All peoples dates are relatively the same. They meet, they chat, they have a few drinks. What guys were doing in 2006, 2009, etc. when having success can't be much different from the posters who are in this thread since I started reading it in late 2012. Girls have definitely made some alterations to the approach. Now we have to figure out the code to re-crack them to burst through that hole.

I would wager to say that if you turned back the clock the guys in this thread struggling would be getting laid at a much more rapid pace two to five years ago.
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06-05-2013 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
I think because of how well known all the PUA crap is etc.... now girls are just being bombarded with stupid messages, which puts them in defensive mode. They don't want to be taken advantage of or look stupid for falling for PUA gimmicks. They are therefore a lot more careful with who they choose to communicate with than they probably were in 2011.
This is like super FPS, girls aren't on this level you+TT think they are. If anything online dating is more socially acceptable than it's ever been and the ratio of guys:girls is probably more favorable now than in recent years.

Originally Posted by TommyTrash
I think there has been a shift in the promiscuity of girls via online dating, though. I truly believe that in the earlier days girls who did it, did it under the radar, and let out their "inner slut" and used it as a hookup device. Now that it's become more well known as a tool for dating casually to dating seriously girls have their foot off the accelerator and have definitely much more of a challenge to get a date or to even make out on a date. Sex on the first or second date seems damn near impossible from recent trends.

There has been too large of a sample size here where guys are getting no action to say otherwise.
utterly clueless
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06-05-2013 , 04:51 PM

"Sex on the first or second date seems damn near impossible from recent trends."

That's definitely false in SF. Having sex on a second online date is very common. And there's plenty of first date hookups as well.

Online dating parallels IRL dating quite a bit. If you are good at quickly having sex with girls you meet at bars, you'll prob be good at quickly having sex with girls you meet online. If you have trouble closing the deal IRL, you'll prob have trouble closing the deal online.
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06-05-2013 , 04:52 PM
A while back, I spent like 3 months on match. Sent out tons of emails, hardly ever received responses. Went on one date...and a couple more with the same girl. She was a little bigger IRL than her profile pictures. She was also a squirter...and I still have nightmares about it.

Thinking of trying PoF or OkC for kicks. Any suggestions?
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06-05-2013 , 04:54 PM
The popularity of "social media" has definitely made online dating more acceptable. As such, it's now considered a legitimate method of meeting someone who isn't necessarily some middle-aged fat dude living in his mom's basement. That women communicate via facebook, twitter, and the like means they've become accustom to and comfortable with the internet as a way of "getting to know someone". Hence, it's more about dating in the traditional sense than just hooking up.
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06-05-2013 , 05:00 PM
I thought of online dating was sort of like dating with training wheels. As in girls are horny and want to hook up so if you are struggling approaching at the club/bar here's your opportunity to skip that phase, have some drinks, and bang a lot of horny girls.

The bang the horny girls phase is not happening. Which I attributed to the girls not being as promiscuous in the past. If you are saying it's lack of game by these guys we'll never truly know.

It's sort of depressing to me that you are saying that if guys suck IRL they suck online. I sort of just figured that if they sucked IRL they'd bang girls online. I guess I based it off of 2 friends I used to know 3 years ago (coworkers) that sucked IRL but had a field day online.

Fact remains that these girls are not putting out as much as in the past or else more of these dates would be going better. I believe all girls like sex and there has been some shift in their minds where they are slower to give it up than before.
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06-05-2013 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by TommyTrash
I thought of online dating was sort of like dating with training wheels. As in girls are horny and want to hook up so if you are struggling approaching at the club/bar here's your opportunity to skip that phase, have some drinks, and bang a lot of horny girls.

The bang the horny girls phase is not happening. Which I attributed to the girls not being as promiscuous in the past. If you are saying it's lack of game by these guys we'll never truly know.

It's sort of depressing to me that you are saying that if guys suck IRL they suck online. I sort of just figured that if they sucked IRL they'd bang girls online. I guess I based it off of 2 friends I used to know 3 years ago (coworkers) that sucked IRL but had a field day online.

Fact remains that these girls are not putting out as much as in the past or else more of these dates would be going better. I believe all girls like sex and there has been some shift in their minds where they are slower to give it up than before.
Girls are still horny...they always will be. I just think they have their guard up a lot more than they used to, which make it just a bit more challenging for us. Put in a bit of work though and no doubt you will get there, just may take a bit longer than you expected.
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06-05-2013 , 05:05 PM
I agree, Don'tDoIt.

What I mean (to Diablo/Goofy/etc) is that in prior years girls got an online dating account, saw pics of a guy they deemed attractive, agreed to a date and predetermined before the date that they would have first date sex. And did.

Now girls create an online profile and predetermine that they are not having first date sex due to the aura of online dating.

That's what we are seeing here. A definite tougher challenge with this batch of girls.
Online dating thread Quote
06-05-2013 , 05:11 PM
It's nothing to do with girls being sluttier, or 2013 being different than 2011. I was on POF in 2010 and met girls that, like the ones I am meeting today, are smart, nice, and looking to date people (not just hook up). It's just a different venue.

Personally, I struggle more with meeting women at bars or whatever because I'm quiet in groups w/ people I don't know and I'm bad at approaching. Online dating removes both of those obstacles from the equation and puts me 1 on 1 with girls that are interested enough to meet me. It's not dating on ez mode, it's just a different avenue of arriving at the same destination: being on dates with women.

Originally Posted by TommyTrash
Fact remains that these girls are not putting out as much as in the past or else more of these dates would be going better. I believe all girls like sex and there has been some shift in their minds where they are slower to give it up than before.
Originally Posted by TommyTrash
What I mean (to Diablo/Goofy/etc) is that in prior years girls got an online dating account, saw pics of a guy they deemed attractive, agreed to a date and predetermined before the date that they would have first date sex. And did.

Now girls create an online profile and predetermine that they are not having first date sex due to the aura of online dating.
You are terribly, offensively wrong with almost everything you post, but especially with these passages.
Online dating thread Quote
06-05-2013 , 05:12 PM

No, what you're seeing here is that people who are bad at having first date sex IRL are bad at having first date sex online.

Having said that, when it was less socially acceptable, there were prob a higher percentage of desperate women online, whereas now the women prob more closely mirror the distribution of women IRL. So, yes, the chances of just landing on a super desperate, horny slut are prob a little lower now.

But pretty much everyone I've talked to in SF (and most everyone, male and female, online dates in SF) converts meeting someone online->sex from online at equal or faster rates than meeting someone IRL->sex.
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06-05-2013 , 05:14 PM
And your terrible oversimplification of women's thought processes to "in 2011 they decided before first dates they were going to **** the guy, now in 2013 they decide before first dates they won't" is incredibly misogynistic, not that I should expect any different from someone who posts like a TheAceMan gimmick.
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06-05-2013 , 05:15 PM
The market has fragmented in that there's a clear distinction between hook-up sites and dating sites. There's people involved so there's overlap but in my experience the women are definitely approaching it from a "do I want to date this guy?" perspective.
Online dating thread Quote
06-05-2013 , 05:22 PM
It's not misogynistic at all to say that women determine before a date whether or not they are going to have sex with a guy or not.

Why do I have most of my sex on a third date? Because girls are following that rule that society has set. They don't want to appear trashy or slutty so they make the guy hold off to date #3 before the sex occurs even though they likely want to on date #1.

It's not like on date #3 the guy came out with a whirlwind of game that pushed it over the top. Going into date #3 the girl agreed to have sex.

There are studies saying that girls know within instances whether or not they would sleep with a guy. If you believe that to be true you believe that girls determine what will occur at the end of the night.

They control the outcome which in turn leads to what is occurring in this thread. Girls nowadays are less likely to sleep with guys quickly online than in years past. It's evidenced by this thread. Guys with no game, from what we know, were getting laid at will back five years ago. Now they are not.
Online dating thread Quote
06-05-2013 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Your position is silly IMO. The "hey there" message is simply the woman letting you know she's interested, just like a wink/flirt/thumbs up/etc on various systems. She's letting you know if you want to interact with her, she's receptive to it, and as an attractive woman she doesn't need to write a real message to guys who may or may not be interested.

That's the case with all attractive women on these sites, and most don't even bother to message anyone, they just sit back and wait for messages. Assuming you are interested in this woman's looks and profile and would message her if you came across her profile, it seems stupid to not reply to her when she took the extra step of bothering to signal "hey, FYI, I'm interested."
You seem to have missed the part of my post where I said she was ******ed. There's a pretty big difference between a wink or even a "Hey there." message and a message of "wow, your pretty cute". I obviously looked at her profile and she seemed just as dumb as her message. I have actually had women wink at me and have responded to those. I even went out with a woman who winked at me. But a dumb message with improper English is not a huge turn on for me, especially when her profile is just as dumb.

Basically, I'm not going to go after a woman whose only positive attribute, imo, is her looks. Does that really seem silly to you?
Online dating thread Quote
06-05-2013 , 05:29 PM
TT, your other recent posts here have made it quite clear that you think women are basically devices useful for sticking your dick into (after all, you try to find hot girls and "put up" with them aside from sex, since there's no such thing as a cool girl who isn't crazy - right, you don't have issues with hating women at all), so assigning them such simplistic decision making ability as "they decide before the date if they're going to sleep with you or not" is a perfect fit for you.

You have no business posting your drivel in this thread as any kind of authority on the subject of dating.
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06-05-2013 , 05:33 PM
This thread was better when it was the online dating thread and not the EDF relationship advice thread
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06-05-2013 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by AnonymousTextField
I only used it as an opener. What age range are you targeting? Depending, I can pass you my failures, of which there are many, if you want.
Was just kidding, but I'm 25 so looking for 21-27 I guess.
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06-05-2013 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
This thread was better when it was the online dating thread and not the EDF relationship advice thread

trying to get this thread back on track - i went to the beach for a one man photo shoot yesterday - i think i made it happen with only two euros seeing me
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06-05-2013 , 05:36 PM

your generalizations are terrible and incorrect
Online dating thread Quote
06-05-2013 , 05:55 PM
I don't see how I'm in any way misogynistic and take large offense to that. Anyway, I'm done. Back to the online dating questions. Sorry for the sidetrack.
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06-05-2013 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by kkcountry

trying to get this thread back on track - i went to the beach for a one man photo shoot yesterday - i think i made it happen with only two euros seeing me
show the pics? What was your setup like?
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