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05-10-2013 , 12:49 PM

Sounds like Toughmudder or Warrior Dash pics, which are now very popular races that tons of people do.
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05-10-2013 , 01:16 PM
I thought I had pretty concrete plans tonight with 99%er. She's been extremely responsive via text message. I shot her a text this morning asking her to give me a heads-up on her work schedule, or if she's even working this evening... as she's indicated the timing of meeting up is dependent on that. No response. At what point do I assume that she's backing out?
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05-10-2013 , 01:19 PM
Also, I have another woman on the hook and her last message to me included a phone number and "give me a call". If I want to meet her, am I obligated to call in this spot?
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05-10-2013 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Ashington
I lived in Denver for three years. It's a beautiful city in a beautiful state, as long as you don't mind nine months of winter. But you're from Boston so it won't be much of a transition.
I have a close female friend who moved to Denver a few months ago and loves it. She also tells me that there are crazy hot, pothead girls out there who use okcupid all the time, so you have that going for you too
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05-10-2013 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Dyenimator
The fat girl BJ thing is unabashedly NOT true.
First and foremost I said slightly overweight, or at least meant to....second of all, I'm sorry that you've fooled around with fat chicks who gave bad bj's but in my experience, it has been great
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05-10-2013 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by d10
How has no one commented on this yet? This isn't standard is it? I consider an hour to be a pretty long session. There's no way I'd ever make 5. Do I need to step up my endurance?
i think most people assumed he meant:

Originally Posted by SINKIST
Sex was that good. I mean it wasnt 5 hours of stvraight penetration but it was like maybe 5 20-30 minute sessions with fooling around massages etc in between. We finally passed out at like 6am when we got to her house at like 12:30am...

Originally Posted by amazinmets73
Insidecorner5/8/2013 3:36:17 AM
Nothing beats a radical feminist!

/8/2013 7:55:03 PM
Uhhhh true?

Insidecorner5/8/2013 8:37:01 PM
Yes... Hopefully I didn't cross the line with that joke.

George Carlin had the best radical feminist joke of all time though

/8/2013 8:49:05 PM
Which was?

Insidecorner5/8/2013 10:16:49 PM
I'm tired of women who think name hyphenation is a radical act. "Hi, I'm Emily Jaden-Fudura." Oh yea? Well, I'm George jack me off **** you too!

Ladies, hyphenating your name is not a radical act. Castrating a guy in a parking lot with a broken coke bottle is a radical act.

/9/2013 8:04:48 PM
Sounds like a fun friday night for me, actually, so I guess I'd have to agree.

/9/2013 9:20:07 PM
Haha, yea, I thought you would get a kick out of that. So, when you're not castrating men, what does your typical Friday night consist of?

/10/2013 1:36:03 AM
I hang out at a place called The Mermaid Tavern a lot. it's basically a snobby hipster wine bar. You can get mead there. I dunno, apparently that's fancy. I didn't like it. I'll stick with a pinot grigio and a sly smile.

This was to a girl on POF who seemed very intelligent and progressive, and stated that she was a "radical feminist" in her profile. I should have the date here, no? What's my reply?
dude why the **** would you ever message a chick who advertises that she is a radical feminist.
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05-10-2013 , 03:32 PM
Alright tryin to keep it simple, one comment one hopefully interesting question. Last time I tried to be more of a PUA and think of the most clever/witty ****. Think I set a 15 minute limit which is still pretty ridiculous. Should be able to come up with something in 5 and don't want this **** consuming my life

Is there like a 1% chance girls read the questions? I was thinking about changing a couple answers but they might be hard to see.
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05-10-2013 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by amazinmets73
The answer lies somewhere in the middle. However, I believe it's much more an issue of those fat white girls being the only white girls those guys are able to get. Take a look at the wives-girlfriends of black male athletes. Russell Wilson, Tiger Woods, RGIII, Golden Tate, etc. How many fatties do you see there? The reason is obviously that their statues as athletes allows them to date white women that the average black man could not.

Take your average black man you see walking around with a fat white women. You really think he'd take her over Elin Nordegren?
Tiger Woods = black?

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05-10-2013 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier
i think most people assumed he meant:

dude why the **** would you ever message a chick who advertises that she is a radical feminist.
To hate **** them obviously
Also @the fat girls give better BJ.
Seems to be the case. They have to try harder cause they are not skinny.
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05-10-2013 , 03:54 PM
i thought it was because they are hungry?
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05-10-2013 , 04:03 PM
General question: do you guys think it matters what time of day you send messages? Obviously I'm avoiding like 3am HAI GURL but morning vs afternoon vs evening? Matter at all?
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05-10-2013 , 04:05 PM
i'd think u wanna be sending as close as poss to whenever they are most likely to be checking. otherwise u end up at the bottom of their inbox underneath a zillion other msgs.
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05-10-2013 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by movieman2g
General question: do you guys think it matters what time of day you send messages? Obviously I'm avoiding like 3am HAI GURL but morning vs afternoon vs evening? Matter at all?
I only send messages to girls that are online.
Unless they are really really ridiculously good looking.
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05-10-2013 , 04:12 PM
Yep, unless you have a super high match % with them, it's generally a good idea to wait until they're online.
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05-10-2013 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by movieman2g
General question: do you guys think it matters what time of day you send messages? Obviously I'm avoiding like 3am HAI GURL but morning vs afternoon vs evening? Matter at all?
In my experience- no, it doesn't. If they're online and insta-reply back, be prepared with some sort of routine to close them or you run the risk of losing them fast. I got into a IM like convo through messages with an older woman earlier in the week and since I was tired / thinking slow she just stopped responding.
Online dating thread Quote
05-10-2013 , 04:33 PM
Interesting question, in the past I'll just message whichever profiles catch my eye regardless of when they've last been online, but now I'm wondering if some of my messages might have gotten buried in their inbox whereas they might otherwise have been receptive.

For those that only message girls who are online, what's your gameplan if they insta-reply like ATF mentioned? Do you try and close right away or do you wait awhile to send your reply?
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05-10-2013 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
Interesting question, in the past I'll just message whichever profiles catch my eye regardless of when they've last been online, but now I'm wondering if some of my messages might have gotten buried in their inbox whereas they might otherwise have been receptive.
If you pay for A-List on OkC, this is not an issue as you can see when they've read your messages.
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05-10-2013 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
Interesting question, in the past I'll just message whichever profiles catch my eye regardless of when they've last been online, but now I'm wondering if some of my messages might have gotten buried in their inbox whereas they might otherwise have been receptive.

For those that only message girls who are online, what's your gameplan if they insta-reply like ATF mentioned? Do you try and close right away or do you wait awhile to send your reply?
If the first few messages go well and I think it could lead to something, I usually say something along the lines of "hey I've got to get off of here you should text/facebook me" if I don't think they'd want to text or fb then before I say I have to get off I say something like "we should hang out sometime/we should grab drinks sometime"
And see what their response is, then tell them to text/fb
Online dating thread Quote
05-10-2013 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
Interesting question, in the past I'll just message whichever profiles catch my eye regardless of when they've last been online, but now I'm wondering if some of my messages might have gotten buried in their inbox whereas they might otherwise have been receptive.

For those that only message girls who are online, what's your gameplan if they insta-reply like ATF mentioned? Do you try and close right away or do you wait awhile to send your reply?
It depends on the type of woman and the vibe I am getting...

The older they are, the more likely I wait it out a bit before responding. This is because they seem to notice those details and the younger generation < 25 is probably more inclined for instant contact.

I'm 23, and in my experience, because I prefer dating older women when I'm not looking for a piece of ass, I take my time in between responses because it makes me "appear" more mature (like you have a life). Most women, the older they are, will be turned off if it appears you are ready to click the send button ASAP. As if you have nothing better to do.
Online dating thread Quote
05-10-2013 , 05:14 PM
I've never gone after a hot chick, it blows my mind to learn that "getting buried in their inbox" is a concern.

Originally Posted by Ashington
I lived in Denver for three years. It's a beautiful city in a beautiful state, as long as you don't mind nine months of winter. But you're from Boston so it won't be much of a transition.
This New Englander thinks the transition to a Minnesota winter has sucked big, fat, elephant ass. New Enlanders think they know what winter is--they have no idea.
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05-10-2013 , 05:28 PM

It "blows your mind" that hot chicks get huge volumes of messages on dating sites? WTF.
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05-10-2013 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

It "blows your mind" that hot chicks get huge volumes of messages on dating sites? WTF.
Even unattractive girls get huge volumes of messages.
Online dating thread Quote
05-10-2013 , 05:40 PM
So my second online date ever was a former bartender at some hot/trendy place in the city. She opened with me online and I've been thinking about her entire approach. It seems almost optimal. The point is, she was a PUA I think:

1) Short open message complementing me by saying "No way you're 37"

2) two or three more msgs and then she opened again through the chatbox

3) some back and forth and she ships her number (edit: while in chatbox she writes "you don't ask a lot of questions" lol)

4) i text her immediately and we go back and forth until she says she's going to crash

5) she texts me pretty frequently - usually she'll reopen if i don't respond to her last text - for two days and she then randomly calls one evening

6) we have text and a few additional phone convos, always initiated by her, up until we meet a week later

7) she's super flirty on the date, pretty much initiating all physical escalation

Now I totally blow it on the date, obviously. I was still spun a bit from my first where I stuck my tongue down the girl's throat and her response was "I like to take it slow," this after she spent the prior week sending me sexy pics and engaging in some "sexts". I digress. My sister tells me not to be "that creepy online guy" so I'm super stand-offish with the PUA. Whatever, she got a free lunch and a coffee for her effort. I got a learning experience.

So, how would you rate her game?

Last edited by AnonymousTextField; 05-10-2013 at 05:52 PM.
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05-10-2013 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

It "blows your mind" that hot chicks get huge volumes of messages on dating sites? WTF.
Ain't nobody buying the mock surprise in this post, we all know YTF's schtick by now
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05-10-2013 , 05:56 PM

Wtf are you talking about?
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