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11-04-2023 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
Probably explains why the Clooney line used to be pretty effective. A girl could be into you and intending to go out on a date with you, but maybe she didn't have time to respond to one of your messages, and before you know it, you're buried beneath 100 new guys. Then we'll overanalyze every message and wonder where we went wrong and really there's not much we could have done. That's why I pretty much always used to strike while the iron's hot. Once you get 2-4 decent responses (more than 1 word or a simple sentence), then you might as well ask her out. The other reason is that you never know what in person chemistry will be like. I've had girls where the messaging was great and I thought for sure we'd hit it off and then 10 seconds into the date I knew there wouldn't be a 2nd (or maybe she'd know).
Don't know what the Clooney line is but the rest is dead on and even more important today than 10 years ago. With everything on apps now women are just getting male attention constantly. By actually meeting up for better or worse that separates you from every one else fast.

It's nice when it goes way better than expected.
I met up with a girl once that the messages were pretty bleh with who didn't live that close to me. The only reason I bothered was I was going to be in neighborhood for something else that week anyway so I figured I'd get a quick drink with her expecting it to be nothing and the chemistry was great and we dated for close to a year.

And it's definitely gone the other way lol.
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11-04-2023 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
Don't know what the Clooney line is but the rest is dead on and even more important today than 10 years ago. With everything on apps now women are just getting male attention constantly. By actually meeting up for better or worse that separates you from every one else fast.

It's nice when it goes way better than expected.
I met up with a girl once that the messages were pretty bleh with who didn't live that close to me. The only reason I bothered was I was going to be in neighborhood for something else that week anyway so I figured I'd get a quick drink with her expecting it to be nothing and the chemistry was great and we dated for close to a year.

And it's definitely gone the other way lol.
i forgot the line so googled it - seems i wasn't the only one

so i'm just repeating the good work mclovin did last year with the bump

Originally Posted by lazer
I had a girl that I wrote a great opener to, she wrote back with a solid message and then disappeared after my response...after a few days I decided to take a shot in the dark because I have enough going on that I don't care if she doesn't answer. Wrote:

Well, I have to assume one of two things happened. Either you're on George Clooney's yacht somewhere or I got buried beneath a pile of dudes doing the duckface in the mirror. One of those things I can do something about...the other, well...I don't blame you.

She wrote back 20 minutes later:
Very well played- sorry for the radio silence, it was definitely number two. It gets overwhelming and combined with a crazy week so far at work (and it's only Tuesday!) I forgot.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't...but the key is, George Clooney is the ****ing man.
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11-05-2023 , 12:16 AM
JFC I forgot how cringe that was.

I guess it could be used on a chick you just wanna get physical with, I couldn't respect a woman who thought that line was witty enough to go on a date.

Been on a decent roll recently in the last few weeks on meeting women, at the casino of all places.

Usually its a waste of time to chat up a woman while she's punching buttons, but for some reason I've run across women wanting to talk while getting a drink at the bar.

I used to think its a ploy for them to get a bankroll started, and many times in the past was right.

It was typical to have some girl chat me up and end up trying to get a 20 to play on after a little small talk.

But the last few weeks its been them approaching me, actually having decent conversation and no money being exchanged.

Actually have had 2 of the 6 ask me to go home with them but im kinda out of the random hookup game right now.

My mindset is still messed up from life the last few years so im just wanting to have nice conversation, a couple drinks and im good.

Otherwise it would be a different story.

Good luck with others out there trying to find luck or just a good time, I know its gotten so much harder to meet decent women the last few years online, so much trickery now.
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11-05-2023 , 12:46 AM
happy to hear that, probably a good thing to avoid those van excursions
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11-05-2023 , 06:49 PM
Ya, you guys are wasting your time, you are better off being single or defo not going online, I tried for 13-15 years off and on mind you and it is the biggest stress and depressive thing ever! Every "Woman" thinks every guy is bad but they stay online anyway, still see the same Woman from 8 years ago and it is the biggest mystery in the world,lol
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11-07-2023 , 11:48 PM
I sparingly use OKCupid still and sometimes forget how out-there some of the profiles can be, like this:

I have a speech impediment and I walk pretty ****ed up bc i have a severe and extensive traumatic brain injury (tbi)- Just giving you fair warning I’m a story ��*♀️ And I can’t drive atm��

Lol the story is basically that I was running from the police in the woods, accidentally ran off a cliff and fell ~30ft. The fall broke my pelvis, wrist, nose, bones around eyes, cheek bones and shattered my skull to expose part of my brain. Almost bled out and stopped breathing…��
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11-08-2023 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
I sparingly use OKCupid still and sometimes forget how out-there some of the profiles can be, like this:

probably a beast in the sack tho
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11-08-2023 , 12:32 AM
Just poker, no dating
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11-08-2023 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
I sparingly use OKCupid still and sometimes forget how out-there some of the profiles can be, like this:
The story is not complete if she isn't hooked on painkillers.
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11-08-2023 , 03:22 PM
I feel like the punchline has to be, '...but I have really big knockers.'
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11-08-2023 , 03:29 PM
This list some girls came up with being shared on social of where men shouldn't take them on first dates is pretty funny:
Here’s the full list:

Cheesecake Factory
Olive Garden
The Movies
Your House
Any Fast Food Chain
Buffalo Wild Wings
Red Lobster
A buffet
The gym
Coffee dates
Ice cream dates
Family functions
Movie night (Netflix, Hulu, and etc.)
Somewhere that requires a long drive
Hookah Bar
A bar for just drinks
Waffle House
Sports events"

I mean some of these are obvious no-gos but others are totally fine for first dates: bars, ice cream date, etc.

I had no idea 'the gym' was even a possibility. And lol to whoever would suggest that.

Also pretty obvious that some girls would love to go to a game on a date, gives you something to talk about and bond over. I've taken girls to hockey, football, baseball games with good results.

If your potential girl doesn't like anything on the above list, tell her you've got an extradimensional plane of existence you could visit.
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11-08-2023 , 04:36 PM
i had a belgium friend who always suggested they go for a jog on a first date

he said it was a great way of screening of secret fatties or women who wouldn't want to stay in shape and then afterwards it was a very natural transition to "do you want to come up to my place and shower" which often led to good things happening

didn't hurt that he owned his own company and looked like a ken doll - unsure how well the "let's go jogging" approach would work on someone who needs to work a little harder

also dated a woman who was all about the gym so much that a lot of our early dates were just that, going to the gym together and then doing some stuff together afterwards - was a bit of a pain in the ass coordinating everything etc and she was the jealous type so whenever some girl started working out in lululemon and a sports bra in front of me she'd be sure to switch machines and head over to that area herself - it was to the point that when we moved in together we let those memberships expire and got a membership at a 24 hour one and would go at like 5 am when no women were there (all her idea obviously) it was not a fun experience combining the irrational jealousy with timing everything - ie i go back to the locker room and need to be cognizant that we're meeting in 15 minutes so i can't really just chill out on the sauna and I couldn't go early to the locker room to get in my sauna time because then she'd feel abandoned etc (which was dumb because we often weren't even within sight anyway) - just really sucked all around - did get in phenomenal shape though

i think it could work with the right girl who didn't get jealous and didn't mind being left solo while i got my schvitz in

agree that sporting event would be difficult with most women but probably pretty awesome with most

my go to thing in Beijing was to just meet up at a nice bar, have a few drinks, and then get them to go for a bike ride with me to a cool location and then just chill/makeout - worked incredibly well and if the girl wasn't down for a 2 am bike ride then I knew for a fact we wouldn't gel well at all

this was my go to spot, it's outside the northeast corner of the forbidden city, it's a casual 15-20 min bike ride from where most of the bars are, there's a narrow walking path with benches along the moat and on the northern side it's all residential street there and thus super private at night with a baller view - in fact the only other people i've ever run into are people trying to capture this exact photoo

actually just now reminded of this terrible mistake i made, I'd been pursuing this artist from Detroit for a while, would flirt with her at parties etc, she often blew me off but had been making progress because she started playing echo and the bunnmen at a party and I was the only one there who knew of that band, so finally had the number and we had a date scheduled for later in the week - so i'm out at a live music venue and it's one of those situations where one of my friends knows one girl in a group of them and so two strange groups start intermingling as they chat and we sort of combine, after about 2 minutes of flirting with this polish girl in the group she grabs my hand and says "i need to show you something" and then takes me into the bathroom where she starts blowing me and then we start ****ing but now people are banging on the stall door saying "stop ****ing we need to pee" so we cut it off early, I'm not even really into this girl, like she's alright and everything but she's not someone i would have picked out and approached she was just there so i started flirting because why not - but now I clearly had unfinished business so I'm not going to not finish ****ing her by any means, so we went back to the group and by then the concert had started, then afterwards i told her to grab a bike and we went to that spot and then went to her place

i wake up the next morning and we bang again and she's like loud, really ****ing loud and I'm like ok I guess you don't give a **** about your neighbors, so then I'm like ok I gotta go and got dressed and we both step out the door and there are her two roommates sitting down eating breakfast - and of course one of them is that smokeshow artist who I'd finally convinced to go on a date with me earlier in the week

Last edited by rickroll; 11-08-2023 at 04:46 PM.
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11-10-2023 , 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
i forgot the line so googled it - seems i wasn't the only one

so i'm just repeating the good work mclovin did last year with the bump
Thanks rickroll!

Well, I have to assume one of two things happened. Either you're on George Clooney's yacht somewhere or I got buried beneath a pile of dudes doing the duckface in the mirror. One of those things I can do something about...the other, well...I don't blame you.[/QUOTE]

It was later suggested itt that These days you probably want to update it to Leonardo DiCaprio.
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11-10-2023 , 02:18 PM
this is what that artist looked like that i blew it with

remember seeing the pilot episode and for a second i thought it was actually her
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11-10-2023 , 04:23 PM
i dunno, in my bad party days I had a similar instance where I went home with a rando, and coming out of her room ran into a hottie i had seen around and tried to meet but got the cold shoulder every time.

Likewise i locked eyes with her sitting on the living room sofa and I stare at her and smile, to establish dominance, ofc.

It worked i guess, next time i saw her she was very flirty and down to meet up.

Ended up FWB with both of them, but tried to get serious with hottie, roomie got jealous, and ended up high and dry a few months later, they both dumped me at the same time.

And no threesome, best I did was hookup with one, then went into the others room and got busy.

But tbh, they were pretty bad boozers and cokeheads, it wasn't going to ever end well.
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11-10-2023 , 04:51 PM
yeah i blew it, was hungover and was just trying to pee and then bounce, and only noticed it was her as I was already heading out the door so i kind of blew it by sheepishly walking out - when i tried messaging her on wechat (nobody texts/calls in china everyone uses wechat) a day later i saw she'd unfriended me and the next few times i saw her at a party she wouldn't even talk to me - often wondered if i had just played it cool and walked over and said hi if it would have changed anything

i did end up seeing the polish girl fairly often as she became a regular thing - i never told her why but always made sure she came over - but also didn't resume that until i was sure the detroit artist was not salvageable

Last edited by rickroll; 11-10-2023 at 04:56 PM.
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11-11-2023 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
This photo reminds me of a Polish girl I dated. When the EU opened up freedom of movement in 2004, the UK was flooded with hot, well-educated women from Eastern Europe - they all stood out a mile in local bars. It was an insane time for dating as most came with very little in the way of resources, so if you had a half decent job, house and car you could take your pick.

Anyway, I had so many options back then someone else caught my eye after a few weeks, but both the Polish girl and the one who followed her are probably top 5 material.
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11-11-2023 , 04:40 PM
think the most interesting thing was that she just picks and chooses amongst the men who dm her on instagram

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11-12-2023 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
think the most interesting thing was that she just picks and chooses amongst the men who dm her on instagram

I actually watched all of it, decently intriguing. Thanks for sharing

I haven't bothered with apps in a long time but my in-person game is pretty strong as I'm fairly quick with my wit (as you guys could probably expect!).
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11-13-2023 , 11:05 PM
Might as well give a trip report for my Cleveland weekend trip for poker. So hit the dating apps hard trying to get girls to hang. 2 most promising and attractive- one was a lawyer and other actually played a little poker (cash). Both very attractive but so damn non comittal. I got messages Friday night from both girls saying they were out. I message both and say when are where are we meeting (during my cash game session- I was ready to leave and meet up with a girl to grab a drink). Both go radio silent. I say yolo and just message both the next day to see if they will hang and one doesn’t answer and other went to a concert and won’t go out after- in her pjs lol.

Ok so I match with a Brazilian 23 year old girl Saturday. She invites me out after chat and I go to the hot spot (flats) Cleveland. She’s with 5 Brazilian girls. One is really hot- blonde, nice boobs, maybe a little thick/ than the other 3 are kinda meh- one has short hair and masculine looking, then 2 girls are chub. My girl is cute- big eyes and a tattoo- a little thick but cute wavy hair. We talk yada yada. Nothing really. She leaves me after 45 min saying she had to get home and she doesn’t live near the bars. I offer to pay for her Uber if she stays out but she declined. I super beta it and keep offering to pay for her Uber- she says it’s expensive. The blonde girl says she is just shy. Prolly tried too hard.

Meh- think she wasn’t into me which is ok. I smoked numerous cigs before going out and didn’t shower which is derpy. I kinda wish I made a play at the blonder or at least complemented her bc I found her really attractive- don’t think I had a shot with these girls though. They were 23-25 year old au pairs I assume and here I am- 34 year old jkpoker (I look super young though and prolly can get away with a 25-28 year old look).

Final note- the Brazilian au pair I met in cuse I talked about here moved to Chicago. She invited me after seeing my IG this weekend to visit her in Chicago or said she could come to Syracuse if I paid for her flight. I’m like I’ll just come visit maybe bc I’ve never been to Chicago. I kinda wanna visit her but she’s kinda needy and got mad at me in past when I didn’t text her often (we weren’t even dating- just friends and I was slightly courting her). I might go hang with her but I feel she’s going to tell me she wants me to be her bf which I don’t want to do (I hate long distance- and I’m not sure I like this chick like that). Per our convo- she’s def DTF and said she would visit me and stay in Chicago if I go (she lives with a family as an au pair). I might just go to Chicago for a weekend next month for some nice diners and company.
Online dating thread Quote
11-14-2023 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by Jkpoker10
I smoked numerous cigs before going out and didn’t shower which is derpy.
You may be underestimating the effects of this. This isn't derpy. It's nasty.
Online dating thread Quote
11-14-2023 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
think the most interesting thing was that she just picks and chooses amongst the men who dm her on instagram

Hot girl rizz nonexistent lol. Interesting video for sure. They are in for like 200$+ and it does nothing.

I love how the one clever line came from her guy friend
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11-14-2023 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by ncboiler
You may be underestimating the effects of this. This isn't derpy. It's nasty.
Ah idk if I explained myself well. I ended up showering that morning but normally would
Shower before a date if I was looking to maximize my chances. I couldn’t shower bc it was 11:30 at night and girl wasn’t staying out all night most likely.

Yea it’s pretty bad on my end though. I didn’t expect to meet any chicks so I smoke a little as girls I talked to were really anti making plans. This chick was like a last minute game winning shot- I’m still surprised she met out with me (even though she was already out with friends).
Online dating thread Quote
11-14-2023 , 10:30 PM
i miss smoking cigarettes, the routine, the way it occupied you, the way it helped get out of boring conversations (i gotta go smoke), or get to know people (always bonded 10x better with coworkers who smoked because of smoke breaks)

but quitting was one of the best decisions of my life and also opened up the dating pool quite a bit
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11-16-2023 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by AnonymousTextField
What's the online dating scene like these days? I've checked OKC and bumble a few times over the last couple years and in my current age bracket the pickings are a huge downgrade from what seemed like the mid 2010s golden age. Did Bobbo get married? Does wutang need me to pick him up from some random sloot's mom's house?
I just ended it with the Indonesian girlfriend of 5.5 years, each visited the others country a few times but never got married. Last visit just realized I was unhappy and everyone older said problems only get worse after marriage

Not hitting the apps for a few months most likely, though I hear Hinge and maybe Bumble are the way to go where I'm at (Tampa / St. Pete area). Trying to let emotions fade, drop some pounds get better pictures and pay off debt (because I'm an idiot and we have a rental together which I took the loan for, on top of other excessive travel spending for us)

I did join ChristianFilipina on an impulse and that seems like a promising fallback if I run through the pool here. Plenty of hot 30 somethings with age ranges going up to 60. I'm getting a bunch of winks and buddy list with just 2 not great pics and a half assed profile. It's expensive but they seem to have good customer service which weeds out scammers among other things.

Due to a recent degen strip club phase with a Persian dude I met poker table I now know where to get the good yayo if you're ever in town.
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