Things are progressing quite nicely with the FWB plan.
Matched with a 25 year old today, went through the script and she was pretty enthused so we're planning to meet up tomorrow after her work at 5 at the bus station near my place. She doesn't have any body shots, but she's pretty cute. From her face it's hard to imagine she's fat, but likely carrying a few extra pounds, which doesn't bother me if it's just a FWB.
And then there's this 35 year old. I explained the plan and she said something like "she preferred to get to know me, but liked the idea of the plan". So I've chatted with her quite a bit and actually found that she's super cool and worth considering as a LTR option. We connect on a ton of levels and she's just super open and honest, which is refreshing.
We made plans to go to a movie on Saturday near my place, which normally would be a bad idea, but this seems like a slam dunk, and I want to see Cpt. Marvel. She's already sent full nudes. Here's the only that's thread safe (I think):
And tonight FWB #1 hit me up an hour ago and is getting off work at 11, so there will be a repeat performance with her tonight.
It's actually kinda fun seeing the different reactions to my "look, I just want to be straight up that I'm only looking for a FWB" message. I think I'll keep going.