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04-20-2013 , 10:23 PM
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04-21-2013 , 11:17 AM
Sounds like a dream date to me, k2.

My 2nd date with biting girl went as expected. Terribly.

The idea was to play Bocce ball and grab dinner. I called the destination earlier in the day and there were no open courts until much later in the evening. She drops by my place and I explain that if she is married to the idea we'd need to wait. She wasn't. I suggest we pick up food and watch a movie / play a game / etc. She doesn't explicitly reject the idea however I can tell it instantly made her uncomfortable, setting the tone for the remainder of the date. For example: I sit down on my couch and offer a seat to her, she elects to sit on the floor, she doesn't take her coat off, etc. Though the conversation was fine, the vibe became so awkward that I eventually say "you seem really uncomfortable" to which she replied "I am uncomfortable". In an effort to get her to explain why this might be I needle her a bit, to which her reply is always "I don't know / I'm not sure / etc.".

At this point - about 30 minutes in - I think "**** this" and tell her my intent is not to make her uncomfortable and that perhaps she would feel better if the date ended now. She declines. ****. Fast forward and we pick up a pizza and return to my place to eat, which she does with her coat still on. Eventually she opens up a bit and confesses that she's uncomfortable because she interpreted my offer to "stay in" as a ploy to try to have sex with her (duh)... and that suggesting to stay in on a second date at my place makes me a jerk. While not banging certainly isn't a deal breaker, that she's so hung up on 'social mores' and 'dating convention' bothers me, especially so given that it was not the impression I got from our first date. I spend the next hour to hour and a half talking about myself until, thankfully, she eventually says she should go.
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04-21-2013 , 11:36 AM
You're just using the wrong tactics on the wrong female. Shouldn't have stayed in, if she said she wasn't comfortable. You extrapolated the awkwardness by not offering to do anything else, aside from staying in.

Also, lol she is crazy, so who cares
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04-21-2013 , 12:23 PM
Yeah, I can see her point of view here. Did she come to your house at the start, or did you go back there after meeting at the courts? You should've found some place to get drinks/food immediately. Watching a movie at yours on date #2 is creepy if you're leading off with it. Had you gone out, had a fun time, things got physical, THEN you invited her back to watch a movie, it wouldn't be so bad of a play. Just because she came off one way on date #1 doesn't mean you should assume she's a tramp or anything.

Why would you talk about yourself for an hour at the end of all this? If you really want to try and save this, apologize, organize something fun for date #3 that is far away from yours (but close to hers), but be prepared to just let this go entirely and learn from your mistakes. It doesn't seem like you were trying to trap her into banging you at yours, but it did come off that way objectively.
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04-21-2013 , 01:32 PM
Is there a daily maximum we can send ? Seems like none of my messages are getting received and I can't receive any message anymore either.
I've tried to create another account with same computer (and IP) and will do the same. Does anyone have a clue ?
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04-21-2013 , 02:48 PM
Sounds like kind of a weird gal, but I understand her POV as well. For all she knows, bocce ball was never on the table, other than to get her over to your apartment. On the way over, she was probably thinking of the date back at the cemetery, wondering "where you stood" since you didn't kiss, etc etc. Your offer to "stay in and watch a film" (which is an overture for sex 100% of the time) probably seemed abrupt and a tad suspicious.

That's super uncomfortable, though, so I can sympathize. Sitting on the floor with her coat on, lol. As Jackitos said, the right move would have been to take charge and leave the apartment to try and change the mood.
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04-21-2013 , 03:19 PM
The right move is actually never contacting this chick again, tbh.
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04-21-2013 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by SammyDeluxe
Is there a daily maximum we can send ? Seems like none of my messages are getting received and I can't receive any message anymore either.
I've tried to create another account with same computer (and IP) and will do the same. Does anyone have a clue ?
Which site? How do you know you aren't sending or receiving messages?
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04-21-2013 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by AnonymousTextField
Sounds like a dream date to me, k2.

My 2nd date with biting girl went as expected. Terribly.

The idea was to play Bocce ball and grab dinner. I called the destination earlier in the day and there were no open courts until much later in the evening. She drops by my place and I explain that if she is married to the idea we'd need to wait. She wasn't. I suggest we pick up food and watch a movie / play a game / etc. She doesn't explicitly reject the idea however I can tell it instantly made her uncomfortable, setting the tone for the remainder of the date. For example: I sit down on my couch and offer a seat to her, she elects to sit on the floor, she doesn't take her coat off, etc. Though the conversation was fine, the vibe became so awkward that I eventually say "you seem really uncomfortable" to which she replied "I am uncomfortable". In an effort to get her to explain why this might be I needle her a bit, to which her reply is always "I don't know / I'm not sure / etc.".

At this point - about 30 minutes in - I think "**** this" and tell her my intent is not to make her uncomfortable and that perhaps she would feel better if the date ended now. She declines. ****. Fast forward and we pick up a pizza and return to my place to eat, which she does with her coat still on. Eventually she opens up a bit and confesses that she's uncomfortable because she interpreted my offer to "stay in" as a ploy to try to have sex with her (duh)... and that suggesting to stay in on a second date at my place makes me a jerk. While not banging certainly isn't a deal breaker, that she's so hung up on 'social mores' and 'dating convention' bothers me, especially so given that it was not the impression I got from our first date. I spend the next hour to hour and a half talking about myself until, thankfully, she eventually says she should go.
If you're actually interested in her, I'd suggest being honest. Based on what you've told us, I'd email and say "That was awkward and weird and largely my fault for not having a backup plan and for us winding up at my place, which naturally gave you the wrong impression. Do over?"

The problem is, she basically nailed it. And so if all you wanted to do was have sex, I agree you just let it go.
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04-21-2013 , 04:55 PM
She's not hung up on dating conventions. She expected to go out and then you pulled a bait and switch on her to hang at your place. Most girls would smell that out and feel uncomfortable. Instead of doing things to make her comfortable, which might have ended up with sex (for example going to do something and getting to know each other) you told her she looked uncomfortable. Not exactly a tension reliever.

Also, LOL at the not banging on 2nd date comment. All that means is that you'll almost definitely have sex on the 3rd date and maybe she isn't a slut. Or maybe she would've had sex if you had made her feel comfortable.
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04-21-2013 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Sly Caveat
She's not hung up on dating conventions. She expected to go out and then you pulled a bait and switch on her to hang at your place. Most girls would smell that out and feel uncomfortable.
This is right. The key, I think, is that if you're interested it's really not game over (especially because I agree with SC, and she's clearly not into the conventional). But it will take some opening up.
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04-21-2013 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by ElSapo
But it will take some opening up.
You mean her legs or her heart?
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04-21-2013 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by Jackitos
You mean her legs or her heart?
I'm just softballing them in there today. ****.

EDIT: Damnit. That's too easy.
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04-21-2013 , 05:28 PM
Beats snowballing
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04-21-2013 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Sly Caveat
She's not hung up on dating conventions. She expected to go out and then you pulled a bait and switch on her to hang at your place. Most girls would smell that out and feel uncomfortable. Instead of doing things to make her comfortable, which might have ended up with sex (for example going to do something and getting to know each other) you told her she looked uncomfortable. Not exactly a tension reliever.
Ya, this +1. you should have called a better audible. So many other options out there that you could have chosen instead of "hey let's sit on my couch for a date"
Online dating thread Quote
04-21-2013 , 08:01 PM
Would you believe that this woman on OKC has two bachelor's degrees in chemistry and biochemistry, a master's degree in analytical chemistry, dual Ph.D in analytical chemistry and nanotechnology, and now works as a scientific director and attending clinical pathologist?


Online dating thread Quote
04-21-2013 , 09:04 PM
Been having a bit more luck, but still frustrated with the whole thing. What's the move for transitioning into a meetup in the following situation?

Me: "[One-sentence observation about 3 painters she likes] [Generic question about how she's enjoying the city]"

Her, 8 days later: "[Mildly enthusiastic agreement w/ observation, ending on rhetorical question] Yeah, I just moved here, and it's been really great so far."

Seems like the third volley is the best time to give or ask out a #, but there's not much to work with here, and there's sort of a blow-off vibe. (The other girls have sent back longer messages with questions about my profile.) A weird situation as there's zero rapport, but she's pretty good-looking and I'd like to try and meet up.
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04-21-2013 , 09:24 PM
Sounds like a clear "Well have you been to ________?" With something like a "let's go at ____ time/date" or "send me your number or text me and we'll set something up."
Online dating thread Quote
04-21-2013 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Sounds like a clear "Well have you been to ________?" With something like a "let's go at ____ time/date" or "send me your number or text me and we'll set something up."
This. She'll ignore you a fair amount of the time here, but w/e. Also, I never specifically ask for a number. Once she agrees to a meet up, I just give her my number. Not sure it matters though.
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04-21-2013 , 09:32 PM

No I don't believe it. I've never seen an educated, attractive, sexy woman before. Head asplodes.
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04-21-2013 , 09:49 PM
If a girl replies and doesn't ask you anything in return, vast majority of the time, you will not be getting a date with her unless they aren't good at conversation at all
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04-21-2013 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by dalerobk2
This. She'll ignore you a fair amount of the time here, but w/e. Also, I never specifically ask for a number. Once she agrees to a meet up, I just give her my number. Not sure it matters though.
100% of the time you give a girl your number she responds by giving you her number.
Online dating thread Quote
04-22-2013 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
If a girl replies and doesn't ask you anything in return, vast majority of the time, you will not be getting a date with her unless they aren't good at conversation at all
This. Either way I just move on.

Edit to add: I really hate these kinds of responses. I'd rather someone just didn't reply, than reply but do nothing to forward a conversation. It feels awkward and entitled and weird, and I usually just don't reply again.
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04-22-2013 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by KPowers
100% of the time you give a girl your number she responds by giving you her number.
On the rare occasion I gave out my # first, I'd just get an immediate text from the girl, which is better I suppose
Online dating thread Quote
04-22-2013 , 12:41 AM
Got another conversation stopper: "[Agreeing with my message], Haha. I went to school in _______." Really perplexed why girls do this. Do they expect the conversation to continue on its own? Online dating is really getting me down.
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