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11-14-2018 , 03:22 PM
One example is atheist/agnostic. I think there are a ton of people who aren't religious who will just leave that blank. Listing atheist/agnostic is a pretty big step that some people might not want to take. So you probably eliminated a huge chunk of solid candidates there.

5'-5'7" is oddly specific. Aren't you like 6'? So if a great girl is 5'8" it's a dealbreaker? I'm 5'11" and always thought my preference was a girl close to my height or a bit smaller, but then I dated a couple 5' or slightly shorter girls and really liked it. Now I don't really care about height unless they happen to be freakishly short/tall.

I'd hate to see your search that wasn't "fairly open".
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11-14-2018 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
Bros, I'd like your take on this girl. She's got a top tier job, Master's, and has traveled a ton. Intangibles-wise she's probably a 10 and that seems rare to find in Colombia. But I'm a bit on the fence about her looks, does she seem that much below the other girls I've been posting? Regardless I will meet her and see what I think in person b/c we actually had a fun back and forth convo. Usually I'm just copy-pasting answers to most of these girls b/c I get the same 6 questions all the time.

Fossil, you are an idiot. This girl is easily the most attractive one you've posted a full photo of. She is smokin' hot, and not crazy. The only reason you should be on the fence about her looks is because you are in the middle of climbing over it to get to her before someone else does to lock up her seat as your wife.

Keep in mind that if you are looking for something long term, looks do eventually fade, and what's really important is how well you get along and enjoy each other's company.

Also, you can't mention the 6 questions and then not tell us what they are.

edit: just saw the second two pics. Must re-evaluate now. No longer easily the most attractive, but possibly still has the crown. She's certainly very attractive tho.
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11-14-2018 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by chopstick
Fossil, you are an idiot.
Don't you think I know that?

Originally Posted by chopstick
This girl is easily the most attractive one you've posted a full photo of. She is smokin' hot, and not crazy.
OK, I'm relieved she passes the crazy test. I think she looks really good in that one photo and then so so in all the rest. Probably also my preferences are a bit different than the rest. I think I prefer a more morena look now, so I'm probably subconsciously downgrading the girls with a Euro look.

Originally Posted by chopstick
Also, you can't mention the 6 questions and then not tell us what they are.
OK, but really it's nothing too interesting.

1. Where are you from?
2. What do you do for a living?
3. Why did you come to Colombia?
4. What are you looking for on the app/site?
5. When do you arrive in Bogotá? (my profile says I'm going there soon)
6. What do you like to do for fun?

I get these questions so often that I just put all the answers in a note and then copy/paste as needed. I try to direct the convo in a more interesting direction, but 80% of the time it ends up being a pretty dull convo. That's why I'm so excited when there's an actual fun exchange going on like with the 40-year old last week or the girl I mentioned in my latest posts.

Probably a lot has to do with my language limitations. I can write Spanish pretty well, but obviously I'm missing a lot of the subtle nuance. I don't really remember it being this boring with the Mexican girls though, I think Colombian girls are probably a bit less interesting and there's definitely less shared culture between USA/Colombia compared to USA/Mexico.

Originally Posted by chopstick
edit: just saw the second two pics. Must re-evaluate now. No longer easily the most attractive, but possibly still has the crown. She's certainly very attractive tho.
I guess that's a good sign if she ranks right up there with the other ones even with the latest pics.

I think the pic on the bench is a good lesson in posture and kinda ties into that chillrob discussion from a couple weeks ago. She looks fine, but the way she's sitting isn't doing her body any favors. If she was sitting up with her breasts out she'd look much better imo.
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11-14-2018 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd
Is Tinder dead or have they paywalled the **** out of it in the last year and a half since I was last on it? I get hardly anything on Tinder. Doing way better on Bumble both in terms of quantity and quality. Profile is more fleshed out on Bumble, but otherwise the same pictures.
Tinder was completely dead when I tried using it in Omaha, whereas Bumble yielded some promising results.

In Latin America, Tinder is very much alive, but it's a completely different market, so probably irrelevant to USA.
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11-14-2018 , 04:46 PM
Yeah, Fossil, if any of the 47 women looked like the one you posted, I would pay Match just to message her. The religion thing I could see being a search issue. I’m not 6-feet tall. I’m 5-9, which is why I stop at 5-7. On bumble, can you do a search for the women who don’t want to have kids?
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11-14-2018 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by Gaddy
Yeah, Fossil, if any of the 47 women looked like the one you posted, I would pay Match just to message her. The religion thing I could see being a search issue. I’m not 6-feet tall. I’m 5-9, which is why I stop at 5-7. On bumble, can you do a search for the women who don’t want to have kids?
Damn, when you said 0 of 47 I thought you were just being picky. I guess Match is terrible in LA.

You can’t specifically search for it on Bumble, but when swiping through profiles there is a section where you can list if you have kids. Some keep it blank though.
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11-14-2018 , 05:29 PM
I'm as atheist and anti religious as they come, but I also agree with removing that from your search. Many women who are not particularly religious leave it blank if that is an option. Some put "spiritual but not religious" on sites where that is an option. I'm not spiritual either, but that answer doesn't bother me. Some even put "Christian" if that is how they were raised, and they believe in God but haven't gone to church in 20 years and don't really think about it much
I'm ok dating that kind of woman as well.
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11-14-2018 , 05:53 PM
Some sites give the options as "very religious", "religious", and "not religious" which is probably a better way to go about doing it b/c I think far more people will list not religious than agnostic/atheist.
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11-14-2018 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by chopstick
Fossil, you are an idiot. This girl is easily the most attractive one you've posted a full photo of. She is smokin' hot, and not crazy. The only reason you should be on the fence about her looks is because you are in the middle of climbing over it to get to her before someone else does to lock up her seat as your wife.
Agree with this. I was, and kind of am still, wondering what I am missing. She is easily the most attractive.
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11-14-2018 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by ncboiler
Agree with this. I was, and kind of am still, wondering what I am missing. She is easily the most attractive.
I guess it's my preferences that stray far from the norm. I think that one pic is really great, and the others are just ok. She's obviously cute enough that if we hit it off I'm definitely pursuing that.
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11-14-2018 , 07:41 PM
I added spiritual but not religious to my search, and it definitely opens up a lot more options, about 120 more. None really excite me, though. There's a few I could try just to see what they are like in person. Seemingly the best option looks like George Clooney's wife, but she's 40. I just think 40 is too old, and yes I'm 40.
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11-14-2018 , 07:47 PM
I'll disagree with the crowd and say the first few Colombian girls appeared hotter than the last one. I think there's a lot of variance in her pics and it's less clear what you're going to get in person than with some other girls.
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11-14-2018 , 07:48 PM
Meant to respond earlier-- the girl in question is way hotter than the average one you've posted Fossil. She's gorgeous.
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11-14-2018 , 08:05 PM
Doesn't "spiritual but not religious" mean bat**** crazy anymore?
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11-14-2018 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
Doesn't "spiritual but not religious" mean bat**** crazy anymore?
Maybe. One of the profiles said she was into new age books. I really don't want spiritual or religious.
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11-14-2018 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by Gaddy
Maybe. One of the profiles said she was into new age books. I really don't want spiritual or religious.
Yeah, some can be like this. But some aren't. I mean some women put atheist but are into crystal healing or that crazy thing where you massage someone without touching them. You just have to read the profile after searching.
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11-14-2018 , 08:49 PM
If there's nothing for me on Match, then I'll just look for short-term dating. And it sounds like Bumble could be a good hybrid option to go short term but have an eye out on long-term potential since I might be able to see if they don't want to have kids on their profiles. I would just prefer to be able to search such stuff out. And, as a writer, I like to have more of a focus on profiles. But I do have some really good pics that a professional photog friend of mine took for me. Much better than five years ago, when my pics were a photo in front of a fountain at my apartment complex taken by my mom and one of me dressed up for her wedding.
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11-14-2018 , 09:37 PM
Gotta admit I'm really shocked at the responses. I thought most people would say the girls I was posting before are a lot more attractive than this most recent girl, but it might be the exact opposite. Really hoping I can meet up with her. We had a good chat and she expressed a lot of interest, but she's leaving for LA Friday (not sure how long) and who knows what will happen when she gets back. Gaddy better not steal her away!

A lot of people who practice yoga will put "spiritual, but not religious". Usually it just means that they dislike religion, but feel like maybe there's something out there that connects us all us humans (not a deity). Obviously there are some really annoying airy, fairy types in yoga too though.

As for Bumble, I don't necessarily think it's a short-term option. I get the feeling that almost all the girls I matched with on there would have been down for a LTR. Just have to find out early about the kids thing I guess.
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11-14-2018 , 09:40 PM
My flight for Bogotá leaves in a mere 4.5 hours, so I was walking around some of my favorite spots in CDMX and felt pretty sad. Even after 8 months my love for the city hasn't dwindled. I'd say it's my favorite city in the western hemisphere (for reference, Montréal and SF would be my next 2). I think if I met a girl in Colombia then she'd probably have to be willing to live in CDMX. I have a feeling the big cities in Colombia will be a step down, but in terms of natural beauty, it should be a great trip.
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11-14-2018 , 09:51 PM
Raki? Raki believers can raki on my ballsack Online dating thread
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11-14-2018 , 10:17 PM
Do you mean reiki? Yah, the hardcore reiki people freak me out too and I love yoga.
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11-14-2018 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
Gotta admit I'm really shocked at the responses. I thought most people would say the girls I was posting before are a lot more attractive than this most recent girl, but it might be the exact opposite. Really hoping I can meet up with her. We had a good chat and she expressed a lot of interest, but she's leaving for LA Friday (not sure how long) and who knows what will happen when she gets back. Gaddy better not steal her away!
Come on, man, I've got nothing going on this weekend. I can show her around LA. She could save money by staying at my downtown highrise. Send her my way. I'll even promise to leave the b-hole for you.
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11-14-2018 , 10:25 PM
Once she sees the downtown highrise I'd be ****ed, her expectations would be all out of wack. Online poker is good, but I'm not ballin'.
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11-14-2018 , 11:14 PM
Someone recommended to me Hinge for searching out the specifics of what you're looking for in a woman. Is that a good option for what I'm trying to do?
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11-14-2018 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Gaddy
Someone recommended to me Hinge for searching out the specifics of what you're looking for in a woman. Is that a good option for what I'm trying to do?
Not at all. As far as I can tell it is impossible to do a search. I just have to look at profiles it gives me one at a time.
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