Originally Posted by Very Josie
First of all, why do you need to talk about your job on dates? You tell him what you do. "I do research on X" or "I am a physicist". No one needs the boring details unless they ask. What I do would bore the tits off of anyone. And even if they ask, you answer their question and if you must continue to talk about your job, choose a funny but honest anecdote about work. "The crazy receptionist put her tits on me." (true story of mine, unfortunately) You're still fun, interesting and most importantly YOURSELF.
Somehow exactly there is probably the solution/problem..... I mean I can't completely avoid the question "What are you doing for a living?". I clearly try not to go into the swamp of equations, when I tell that I am a physicist. But somehow..... Anyway tx for ideas. I will work on my jokes and anecdotes game.
Originally Posted by wannabealive
Yeah, it's hard to imagine a correlation between you saying you're a physicist and men being turned off in such numbers. Even if there was, it's more likely to because they think you're going to be an unfun nerd who they'll not find interesting. Also, you are smart, surely you can come up with some descriptor for what you do instead of saying physicist if you genuinely think it's scaring them off?
You are just right. I clearly have a tendency to become very different when I talk about my job. Sadly smart has nothing to do with being fun. I have to approach this like job interview. To think out the story with jokes and anecdotes, that is honest, but kind of not so scary and then try it out with a mirror that I stay relaxed and flirty and smiling.
Originally Posted by Kristy
I'm on team lapka.
Imho it isn't the PHD in physics, but as someone said earlier, that smart girls aren't easily manipulated. She's gonna see through his schtick and be more work to impress and relate to.
How old are you? Do you have a particular yen for children? What's your timeline like?
If the answer to the second question is no/could be happy either way, I think you should just keep doing you. Settling never works out well.
But, if you're really hell bent on accommodating insecure men, Josie is right. Come up with some "My coworkers are socially awkward" anecdotes. It'll give him some sense of social superiority even if he doesn't match you in brains.
I am in my late thirties. I don't have to have a relationship. So no pressure to settle with someone, with whom I am not really happy with. A long term relationship would be kind of icing on the cake, but for that it has to be also really icing and not some kind of foul compromise.
I don't know..... I often think and try somehow to check with reality if my expectations are realistic. I like nerds. If a guy is good at something.... , it doesn't have to be math, it is a turn on. I like competent, I like confident, I like nice.
With insecure.... If a guy is insecure towards me, it just won't work long term. General insecurity in life... I think there is no one with some amount of introspection, who isn't sometimes a little bit insecure.
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
I think the tendency to be manipulated is less a function of intelligence than it is of insecurity.
That can very well be interconnected. I mean my job is the only thing, where I am completely confident. It might be that my insecurity vibes are very different when I am talking about fashion or my job.