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10-29-2014 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by lazer
Start here.
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10-29-2014 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by LT22
Girl responded to my funny text today with a "haha well played sir"

I hate when girls say the word sir or dude to me if we are dating. I flat out told one of my exes to stop using the term dude when referring to me. Am I just a giant nit?
This is nitty but one of my pet peeves as well and I told my girlfriend i really don't like bro, dude, etc
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10-29-2014 , 03:29 PM
well played sir seems fine

dude or bro not so much
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10-29-2014 , 10:15 PM
Finally got together with real life friend of friend. I always thought she was good looking, but I was blown away tonight by how good she looked. Long story short she now gets free botox at work, so I'm thinking that might have something to do with it.

Our date went really well with the exception of the bar having their sound system too loud. I've had this problem in the past at this bar, so no more dates there. Too difficult to hear and I don't have a loud voice. We have agreed to go out again, but not solidified a specific night.

I have a lot to think about if things keep going well with Match girl and this girl as they are both quality people but still very different.
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10-29-2014 , 10:56 PM
How old are these girls? Botox?
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10-29-2014 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by LT22
Finally got together with real life friend of friend. I always thought she was good looking, but I was blown away tonight by how good she looked. Long story short she now gets free botox at work, so I'm thinking that might have something to do with it.

Our date went really well with the exception of the bar having their sound system too loud. I've had this problem in the past at this bar, so no more dates there. Too difficult to hear and I don't have a loud voice. We have agreed to go out again, but not solidified a specific night.

I have a lot to think about if things keep going well with Match girl and this girl as they are both quality people but still very different.
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10-30-2014 , 04:23 AM
Skimpy Halloween costumes have me suffering aggressively from the grass is always greener effect. So many nearly naked dimes walking around... But while fantasizing about them is nice, I know I'm probably happier being in a relationship right now than I would be single. We usually have sex multiple times a day, and that kind of regularity you just don't get as a single dude. Plus it's much more valuable conversing with the same person and building more and more trust than talking with girls for the bare minimum to get them naked and then moving onto the next one
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10-30-2014 , 04:40 AM
Originally Posted by ligastar
Yeah a girl who voluntarily has a deadly toxin inserted into her face probably wouldn't be for me.

but each to his own I suppose.

Originally Posted by wutangpoker
Skimpy Halloween costumes have me suffering aggressively from the grass is always greener effect. So many nearly naked dimes walking around... But while fantasizing about them is nice, I know I'm probably happier being in a relationship right now than I would be single. We usually have sex multiple times a day, and that kind of regularity you just don't get as a single dude. Plus it's much more valuable conversing with the same person and building more and more trust than talking with girls for the bare minimum to get them naked and then moving onto the next one
Wu growing up ITT
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10-30-2014 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by capone0
How old are these girls? Botox?
Mid to late 20s
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10-30-2014 , 08:39 AM
Botox mid to late twenties seems borderline psycho
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10-30-2014 , 09:04 AM

Proud of you, man.

I know you're on a college campus, but seriously, why are these girls walking around in costume on days that aren't Friday? I could see possible exception for Saturday, but Wednesday?
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10-30-2014 , 09:58 AM
At a party school there are Halloween events every night starting the weekend before Halloween and sometimes extending to the weekend afterwards.
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10-30-2014 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by wutangpoker
Skimpy Halloween costumes have me suffering aggressively from the grass is always greener effect. So many nearly naked dimes walking around... But while fantasizing about them is nice, I know I'm probably happier being in a relationship right now than I would be single. We usually have sex multiple times a day, and that kind of regularity you just don't get as a single dude. Plus it's much more valuable conversing with the same person and building more and more trust than talking with girls for the bare minimum to get them naked and then moving onto the next one
I know these feels too brah

Glad to hear its going well
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10-30-2014 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by citanul

Proud of you, man.

I know you're on a college campus, but seriously, why are these girls walking around in costume on days that aren't Friday? I could see possible exception for Saturday, but Wednesday?
People party aggressively hard on a normal week Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday here. Halloween weekend is even more turnt.
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10-30-2014 , 02:45 PM
So I just learned that "turnt" is a word and not a typo... Thanks urbandictionary.
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10-30-2014 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by wutangpoker
Skimpy Halloween costumes have me suffering aggressively from the grass is always greener effect. So many nearly naked dimes walking around... But while fantasizing about them is nice, I know I'm probably happier being in a relationship right now than I would be single. We usually have sex multiple times a day, and that kind of regularity you just don't get as a single dude. Plus it's much more valuable conversing with the same person and building more and more trust than talking with girls for the bare minimum to get them naked and then moving onto the next one
This is just a phase imo
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10-30-2014 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by wutangpoker
We usually have sex multiple times a day, and that kind of regularity you just don't get as a single dude.
i always hear this kind of argument from dudes in committed relationships and i have to admit that i dont really get it. i mean sure you have more sex when youre with someone but its with the same girl all the time.

maybe its just me but id rather have sex 2 or 3 nights a week with different girls than 5 or 6 nights a week with the same one. is that strange?
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10-30-2014 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by 34TheTruth34
i always hear this kind of argument from dudes in committed relationships and i have to admit that i dont really get it. i mean sure you have more sex when youre with someone but its with the same girl all the time.

maybe its just me but id rather have sex 2 or 3 nights a week with different girls than 5 or 6 nights a week with the same one. is that strange?
Depends on what the same one is.
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10-30-2014 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by 34TheTruth34
i always hear this kind of argument from dudes in committed relationships and i have to admit that i dont really get it. i mean sure you have more sex when youre with someone but its with the same girl all the time.

maybe its just me but id rather have sex 2 or 3 nights a week with different girls than 5 or 6 nights a week with the same one. is that strange?
i guess you like the chase. is it that easy for you to bang 2 or 3 different girls a week? i guess the quality of the girl matters. personally i'd rather bang one 8 or 9 than a few 4-5s in a week but if the difference is minimal and the work is minimal i could see the attraction.
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10-30-2014 , 06:53 PM
The first time takes the most work
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10-30-2014 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by DisGunBGud
Botox mid to late twenties seems borderline psycho
it's pretty common among hot mid-late 20s girls in CA afaik
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10-30-2014 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier
it's pretty common among hot mid-late 20s girls in CA afaik
CA is an outlier imo
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10-30-2014 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by 34TheTruth34
i always hear this kind of argument from dudes in committed relationships and i have to admit that i dont really get it. i mean sure you have more sex when youre with someone but its with the same girl all the time.

maybe its just me but id rather have sex 2 or 3 nights a week with different girls than 5 or 6 nights a week with the same one. is that strange?
I wouldn't say it's strange, just all about preference. Personally for me, I find sex much better in a relationship, the first time you sleep with anyone new you're figuring out what works and doesn't between both of you usually ending up in either good or meh sex, rarely is it amazing.

Having to do this over and over again with new people weekly that you might not see again just isn't appealing to me, but then again I don't get off over the excitement of someone new, which clearly is what works for you. I'd rather have a girl regularly who is adventurous satisfying pretty much all of my desires, which I'm lucky to have right now.
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10-30-2014 , 08:55 PM
Banging 2-3 girls every week gonna get old after awhile when your friends start settling down and getting married bud. I'm not saying to have fun, hell I'm still having fun at 27 but I can tell you personally no piece of pussy compares to being in a healthy relationship, where you both genuinely care about each other and there is a real connection. And yes that includes amazing sex.

In other news just finished my date with the puppy picture girl. I was pleasantly surprised. Very down to earth, very mature, head screwed on straight. I get the sense she's more about meeting people and developing friendships and social circles since she just moved here but we had good chemistry. Talked about anything and everything. Light kissing to end the date and we were on our way. Would certainly like to see her again simply for the fact I felt I could be myself around her. Much much better than the last disaster I posted about. She is one of those girls who is mad skinny but thinks she is fat though. Tiniest little legs my god.
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10-30-2014 , 09:07 PM
big advantage of relationship sex is no condom....which you can do outside of a relationship, I just generally don't. I'm an STD-phobe though
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