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08-07-2014 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by Mrlooker
Speaking to a really great girl on Tinder, would usually throw away people who just want to talk and not receptive to date/giving number. Need to decide on a point when she is just attention whoring and not actually intrested.
When you ask her out and she says she's busy
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08-07-2014 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by GreenSmoke85
Yogurt date.

I showed up slighlty late and she was on time, but didn't seem to mind I was 5 ish minutes late. We hugged when we met and she looked pretty good, basically pictures but less clubbed up. Went and go self serve and after she put on third toppings i immediately took two strawberries off her cup, and told her "I wasn't made of money" she ..... loved it immediately tried to wrestle it away and put her head in my chest laughing trying get the straweberries out of my hands (dropped them as I wouldn't give tehm back). I did pay for both yogurts and it was just over 14 dollars, which is pretty expensive don't you think Meloveyoulongtime?
Awww, it sounds like you were being really fun and cute.........that kinda makes it okay to be cheap.

And, she definitely wanted to bang you. Why didn't you make a move? Was the conversation that bad?
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08-07-2014 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by TheGenius123
I asked the girl out I suggested monday she said 'can do, but i don't have much money atm' what next? I'm not even sure if thats a yes
Of course that's a yes-Offer to pay.....ldo

GreenSmoke85-help this boy out with some economical date ideas.
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08-07-2014 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by miajag
Really cute girl from match just flaked on meeting tonight with a super lame excuse but immediately and unprompted offered to reschedule for Sunday so...?

fwiw my response was "yeah, Sunday actually might work, assuming I survive the wedding I'm going to on Saturday" (which is true)

if she hadn't offered to reschedule obv I'd have snap-gayed her.
def balance your range here with "bi"
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08-08-2014 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by capone0

he get's drinks and intends to pay for them.

he only has a 100 and they both want out of bar.

she pays for his drinks in exchange for a massage.

instead of spending some $$$ on drinks and getting change which I assume takes a while, she pays exact change and they GTFO of there.
Yeah, this is how it went down
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08-08-2014 , 12:42 AM

Good trip report and a good night as well. Obviously this girl is a mental case so please be careful and don't fall in love. Also I would start laying the groundwork for an orgy if at all possible. Draper has probably banged your biker girl already.

I base that assumption off of "cuddle buddy" comment and the fact that this guy is prolly awesome. I would try to befriend this guy. Use the sloot to do so.

Last edited by sublime; 08-08-2014 at 12:49 AM.
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08-08-2014 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by loK2thabrain
I'd have to check with Sublime and NLS, but I believe the correct play upon being told by a girl that she started her period is to request to see some blood to verify the claim.
I just say "gross" and make a smelly face. It's a good sign though as it means the girl isn't on the pill. They get a lot wetter when they gamble and rely on your timing in leiu of science.
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08-08-2014 , 12:55 AM
I've been sort of depressed lately, mostly because i'm a *** with a terrible work ethic and a 420 problem. It's not that my life is bad it's just that it's not as good as it should be.

Anyway I haven't had any stank in a few months and sent out some feelers to some ex's to see what i could muster up. one has a boyfriend, one ignored me, one asked me if i was still a selfish *******. i told her yes and she went dark. one came through.

the sex was awful. the passion was gone. i think i learned to never go back.

back to wallowing.
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08-08-2014 , 01:09 AM
As King told Taylor in Platoon, you gotta lay off that ****, troop. Bring a man down.
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08-08-2014 , 06:17 AM
Originally Posted by sublime
I just say "gross" and make a smelly face. It's a good sign though as it means the girl isn't on the pill. They get a lot wetter when they gamble and rely on your timing in leiu of science.
Why don't you want them on the pill?
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08-08-2014 , 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by sublime
I just say "gross" and make a smelly face. It's a good sign though as it means the girl isn't on the pill. They get a lot wetter when they gamble and rely on your timing in leiu of science.
Explain bolded part please? Not sure what being on the pill or not has to do with having periods? looks like you're saying that girls don't have a period when on the pill? maybe I'm reading it wrong?
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08-08-2014 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by wannabealive
Explain bolded part please? Not sure what being on the pill or not has to do with having periods? looks like you're saying that girls don't have a period when on the pill? maybe I'm reading it wrong?
Ya thats wrong. First going on pill changes flow cycle, but if she's been on the pill a while, then all is normal. There's super pills where period is only once every 3 months or so. I think IUD = no ragtime
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08-08-2014 , 08:24 AM
Yeah, the majority of women on the pill do not take the non placebos through their period, so continue to have them. The "super pill" is basically just a normal pill where they don't have placebos in the pack.

I assume sublime sees any woman on the pill as low quality because she is obviously a slut.
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08-08-2014 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by housenuts
Ya thats wrong. First going on pill changes flow cycle, but if she's been on the pill a while, then all is normal. There's super pills where period is only once every 3 months or so. I think IUD = no ragtime
What's wrong? Wat I'm saying or sub? I think you're agreeing with me but not sure.
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08-08-2014 , 08:53 AM
^ I don't see why sub doesn't like girls on pill. On pill >>>>>>>>>> not on pill.

I'm not sure if your assumption about his reasoning is correct. It's probably cause he sees them as sluts that are more likely to have STIs
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08-08-2014 , 08:57 AM
ok, but the fact that she's on her P doesn't mean she is or isn't on the pill so the makes no sense anyway.
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08-08-2014 , 09:21 AM
What's the background here?

Girls not on the pill = sluts. Girls who don't have periods = on the pill. Therefore girls who have periods are not on the pill and thus are sluts?

Jesus Christ, lol, I don't know what to say.
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08-08-2014 , 10:26 AM

No no I think in sublime's mind you have it backwards.

On the pill = intending to have lots of reckless impulsive sex = sluts.
No period = on the pill.
No period = sluts.

I mean sublime's whole schtick is pretty lolcopter in my opinion, but it is what it is. When you layer on top of "only wanting quality women" where quality in part is defined by his definition of non-sluttiness the fact that he is is big on the whole like alpha male / pressure to sex / etc nonsense, it's pretty gross.
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08-08-2014 , 10:30 AM
Yeah, shocking he hasn't been laid in months.
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08-08-2014 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by sublime
Very low return. However I have gotten girls to come directly to my house before. Which is the point of openers like that. I want to find a girl who's horny as hell and for some reason likes *******s who are going to use them.

They are out there.
Originally Posted by sublime
yeah I think I've been banned before from POF. OkC has gotten me too. The key is to find some horny freak before you do.
Originally Posted by sublime
no, just to be clear i am anti-feminist. thankfully they are all ugly so i never have to make any moral decisions about where i stick my pecker.
I may have to recalibrate my thoughts on sublime not liking sluts. seems sluts are all he is into.

very puzzled about his period/pill comment.
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08-08-2014 , 10:50 AM
Next girl is def in for at least a 12-roper.
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08-08-2014 , 10:57 AM
lol these last few comments have been great, and thanks for the correction citanul, I think I get it now...
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08-08-2014 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by housenuts
I think IUD = no ragtime
It's the opposite, my girlfriend's period is usually 3 days and went to 5 after getting an IUD.
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08-08-2014 , 12:27 PM
On the subject of bloody dicks, I was banging a chick recently who I know was not a virgin (I had banged her before if nothing else). While changing positions, I noticed some blood on the condom and she wasn't on her period. What does this mean? Google said it might be an std, so I was stressing a little bit
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08-08-2014 , 12:30 PM
Wouldnt want to get an std on a condom
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