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08-02-2014 , 11:32 PM
Ya I don't think it's that the lame is gonna work that often, just saves you time on the flaky girls(most) and the legitimately interested ones would prob at least apologize and open it up for you to pick another day

My Friday chick was an OR nurse, still feel like if they really want to go they find a way to get out of it or make an effort to reschedule
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08-03-2014 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by bobboufl11
Ya, Mon and Wed was the same girl. Think I'm just gonna try to bang girls from my softball league for a while, or build up a wingman rolodex, go out, and try to pull one nighters. I suppose Wisco DUI girl is still in the pipeline, too
I've given up on online forever I think. Meeting girls IRL just makes me feel better. I'm basically immune to rejection from a stranger on the street (but still care if I *know* the girl...progress) and I find that girls like the attention whether they are single or not.

I'm fortunate to live near the beach so there's always girls around. Cashiers are my favorite targets though.
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08-03-2014 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by bobboufl11
Ya I don't think it's that the lame is gonna work that often, just saves you time on the flaky girls(most) and the legitimately interested ones would prob at least apologize and open it up for you to pick another day

My Friday chick was an OR nurse, still feel like if they really want to go they find a way to get out of it or make an effort to reschedule
First off, just gotta say i love this thread. Im in a 2 yr long term relationship atm, probs going to get married soon, so its super fun to live the single life vicariously through you guys. Love the stories.

One issue i see with so many of these posts is that so many of you are OVERTHINKING everything. The girl is either going to like you or she isnt. All this overanalyzing is a waste of mental energy. Stop doing it.

The above post is perfect example. If im reading this correctly. you expect this chick who you randomly met on tinder to reschedule her shift as an OR nurse to go on a date with you.
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08-03-2014 , 01:29 AM
It's been so ****ing hot in my apartment the past couple days I've abandoned it in favor of hanging out in the local Galleria. I'm in a full arm cast and suffering in 40 degree heat for our non-US posters.

I dunno if it's just me being more confident, or a little gray at the temples helps or what; but the eye contact game is so much easier and more fun now.

Women who used to practically eye roll looking away will hang right in there with me.

I was sitting on a couch near a family including a coed with legs up to her neck and other nice accouterments. I wasn't making a big deal of it, but yeah I was checking her out.

Eventually she gets up to go check on her mom in the store or whatever. I'm watching as she's tucking her ass back into her shorts.

Then she stops and looks directly at me over her shoulder.

Is he looking?
Yes, I'm looking.

I could practically see her say it to herself.

Bring on the flame if that was creepy. It probably would have felt that way to me twenty years ago.

Now, it's more like I get to sample some eye candy, she gets a little validation that she's hot.

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08-03-2014 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by y0l0Theory

One issue i see with so many of these posts is that so many of you are OVERTHINKING everything. The girl is either going to like you or she isnt. All this overanalyzing is a waste of mental energy. Stop doing it.

The above post is perfect example. If im reading this correctly. you expect this chick who you randomly met on tinder to reschedule her shift as an OR nurse to go on a date with you.
Maybe I didn't frame the situation.I asked about her weekend and she said she works Saturday and Sunday but has nothing Friday. We set a date for Friday night on Tuesday morning. Friday morning she texts "Hey I hate to do this but we are understaffed and most likely I have to stay late tonight I might not make it out for drinks" This text was at like 6:45 AM(we had been texting really early before too). So she went from "nothing" to working such a long shift that she couldn't make it to Friday night drinks at all

It's possible that could happen but I feel like I'd see some sort of offer to reschedule. She also mentioned just starting orientation. I don't know about nursing but the first few weeks into corporate jobs you're still pretty useless and you staying late isn't helping anyone.
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08-03-2014 , 01:36 AM
I think you are reading too much into it.

That's a heavyweight job, and she got back to you first thing in the day after a few days of radio silence I take it?

Still sounds like potential to me, Friday night tho. Tough call.
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08-03-2014 , 02:39 AM
Is anyone else convinced that this whole time ATF was just chipwrecks gimmick/alternate personality?
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08-03-2014 , 03:13 AM
I see it more like being on the road ytf has already plowed.
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08-03-2014 , 03:34 AM

"translated for sublime/LimitSoilder:

manospear seems gay"

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08-03-2014 , 05:10 AM
If this was a friend i would text and say wtf is happening tomorrow.

Although a friend would not usually just go silent.

First date went well, made out at the end and we said we would hit the beach.

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08-03-2014 , 09:04 AM
The last green text be way 2 long x
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08-03-2014 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by amazinmets73
I started this as a thread where 2+2 members could share advice on online dating. I'm 25 years old, and have had trouble finding a GF in person, so I've decided to try the online route.

I admittedly have no game when it comes to girls, as I'm a natural shy person, so I'll mostly be on the receiving end of the knowledge. As I improve, I'll share the wealth. :-)

From poker I've learned how helpful it is to have an advisor to give you advice and encouragement, and sympathize with you when you fail.

For starters, what are the best sites out there for free, and what sites are worth laying the money down for a subscription ? I'm on POF and OKcupid.
The best one is not to met girl from different strange FREE dating sites. My brother was betrayed on one of them, cos there are lots of scammers on such sites. Girl he met tried to bigger for money. Since then I don't recommend to anybody use such sites. I know there are good free sites like pof datinadvice but when you think about seriuos relationships it's better to pay I think. it's worth really
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08-03-2014 , 09:37 AM
I was hoping that would be the latest first quote of an OP ever, but sadly it's a second quote.

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08-03-2014 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by asellus
The best one is not to met girl from different strange FREE dating sites. My brother was betrayed on one of them, cos there are lots of scammers on such sites. Girl he met tried to bigger for money. Since then I don't recommend to anybody use such sites. I know there are good free sites like pof datinadvice but when you think about seriuos relationships it's better to pay I think. it's worth really
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08-03-2014 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
Tonight I'm seeing the strange skype girl for date #4. Last date ended up with heavy making out in my car for like an hour. She had her hands all over me, all around my package etc... without actually touching it and the few times I went to step things up a notch on her, she would tell me to slow down. I think I mentioned before I don't see this girl as relationship material, but I'm dead set on closing the deal with her before cutting her off after all of this teasing.
So managed to finally get her back to my place this time, but again she pumped the breaks and wouldn't go any further. I don't plan on wasting anymore time with her because she isn't too fun to hang out with. The one good thing is we went to see a firework show and I plan on doing the same thing with tinder girl on Wednesday, so I know what to expect Wednesday. I find it's much better to know what to expect going into a date activity than going in blind.

I'm just throwing it out there, but I think my problem, and my ex GF actually mentioned something along the same lines, might be that these girls view me as BF material so they hold out on the sex thinking it increases their value. The ex GF made me wait like a month, but later on mentioned she had wanted to have sex earlier, but kept delaying it the more she started seeing me as serious BF material. For the ex GF I didn't mind waiting since she was a ton of fun to hang out with and I saw potential, the skype girl I obviously don't so it's frustrating.
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08-03-2014 , 10:40 AM
Pumped the brakes = still just made out and that's it?

Def sounds like time to abort if she's no fun.
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08-03-2014 , 10:44 AM
Yep, made out, touching over the clothes etc... Went to remove her shirt and she told me to slow down.... This was after making out in various spots in city throughout the night then back at my place plus it being date #4.... She is 29, WTF did she expect when I suggested we go back to my place to watch a movie?

She is definitely not worth anymore of my time.

**Forgot to mention that at least she was a cheap date, which was a big reason I let it go on for 4 dates. Bought her a drink on date 1 and then the other 3 dates were just walking around the city and checking out free shows.
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08-03-2014 , 10:53 AM
Before breaking it off, ask her what is up and why she doesn't want to take it further. Be good feedback for us all.
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08-03-2014 , 11:54 AM
Maybe she has teh herp and is scared of having to address it.
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08-03-2014 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by bobboufl11
Ya I don't think it's that the lame is gonna work that often, just saves you time on the flaky girls(most) and the legitimately interested ones would prob at least apologize and open it up for you to pick another day
I think I prefer "too bad" instead of "lame". This is just conceptually, haven't put either into practice.

Drawn out messages that are fully understanding and accepting of their flake that essentially beg for a reschedule have not worked out for me. This makes sense. Lame or too bad puts the ball back in their court, probably makes them feel bad, and they can reschedule if they want.

Also need to differentiate between flakes and girls who are just 'busy' and can't agree to time to meet. A little more forgiving and understanding of the busy girls but they only get 3 attempts and are out. Usually the 3rd attempt I tell them that: you seem cool, but it seems difficult for us to meet. I think we'd have a good time. When you figure out your schedule let me know and we can grab a drink.
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08-03-2014 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by loK2thabrain
Maybe she has teh herp and is scared of having to address it.
Has anyone here ever been told by a potential partner that they have some sort of STD? I've never experienced that and wonder how the conversation actually goes.
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08-03-2014 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Kenny Bania
Has anyone here ever been told by a potential partner that they have some sort of STD? I've never experienced that and wonder how the conversation actually goes.
I have, twice.

One girl told me that she "just found out" that she has hsv-2 after our second date.
Another one told me she has HPV right when we were already naked and about to have sex.

In both cases I thanked them profusely and noped out of there, but plenty of people say that they've been told similar things and didn't let that stop the relationship.

I've heard that something like 75% of the population will contract some strain on HPV in their lifetime but I haven't poured through the data myself. Seems crazy high but I guess you can carry it for years and not even know you have it and are spreading it around so it might not be that high but 50%+ seems like a lock.
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08-03-2014 , 12:31 PM
So a bit creepy, but I'm talking to this new girl on tinder and in her latest message she made a reference about where I work, which I only mention in my OKC profile, not tinder profile.... I don't recall seeing her on OKC either.
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08-03-2014 , 12:32 PM
I would say every girl who is online dating and sleeping with people in the first few dates has HPV. The 25% of people who don't have it will be the virgins and the people who only ever sleep with one person.

Still if a girl told me she had it, I would not not be sleeping with her ever, same goes with any STD.
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08-03-2014 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by housenuts
I think I prefer "too bad" instead of "lame". This is just conceptually, haven't put either into practice.
Funny, that thought entered my mind randomly and I agree
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