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One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread

10-04-2013 , 06:51 AM
He had a lot of personality and seemed like a good kid. RIP.
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 06:54 AM
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 07:40 AM
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 10:55 AM
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 11:02 AM
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 11:26 AM
What a shame (and at the moment: mystery).

Like others have said - a horribly tragic loss - but I take some comfort that he appears to have gone out when he had things together - and was winning at life. He'd been facing his demons - and beating his demons. He won.
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 12:46 PM
Opened the thread hoping it was a weird way of saying that he had just left the forum.

RIP sir.
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 01:24 PM
Crazy I had actually staked him in the marketplace a while back. Then saw the " a lot of you know myself..." thread.

RIP WVUSkinsfan
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 01:32 PM
I don't know if I'm going too far overboard but I feel like it would be a nice gesture on our part if we all chipped in a little to help Mark's family with final expenses, which I'm sure they didn't plan for. He was a part of our community and I think it's important for them to know that we all appreciated having him in our lives, even if it wasn't in the typical fashion. I'm not expecting us to raise enough to pay for it all but I'm sure every little bit would help during this tragic and unexpected time.

It seems like there are some on here who would be in a better position than me to handle the logistics because they live nearby or have had a personal relationship with him. But I'm more than happy to take care of it. I'm not too sure how we could go about setting this up. If anyone is interested in doing this or contributing please let me know so we can start to set this up.
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 02:14 PM
Didn't know him or interact with him but the loss of someone even just on an website creates a real sense of sadness
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 02:45 PM
RIP, condolences to the friends and family.
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 02:48 PM
Sorry to hear. He definitely had one of the greatest threads in OOT history with amichelle. How old was he? Like 25 or 26? The worst part about this is he had such a great and happy sober life ahead of him. Too young to go so soon.
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 03:41 PM
I was always very impressed with WVUSkinsfan's authenticity - not a small feat given the hubub he was involved in and the fact I only lurked his posts on an anonymous message board.

You will be missed.
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 03:56 PM
One more thing just to dispel any myth I can 100% confirm this is for real, there is no doubt he is gone from us. For those who asked he was 29 ( he would of been 30 in a little over a month)
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by YB2009
One thing I suppose we can take from this is, although just words on a screen, character in print....these are real people behind our forum names.

One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 05:00 PM
I remember taking a bit of a shot at something he posted once and being amazed at his calm and mature reaction to it. My view of him as a poster changed instantly, and I was glad to read that he was turning his life around.

One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 05:24 PM
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 07:23 PM
RIP, you will be missed.
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 08:01 PM
RIP, very sad
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 09:40 PM
RIP so very sad. was on the right track after a long time of being derailed.
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 09:58 PM

Would toss a few $$'s to the cause if the someone set something up
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 10:03 PM
A friend of his posted a link to a memorial page yesterday, is it ok with mods if I link to it?
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 11:18 PM
I've known Mark since I was 13, I hadn't stayed in contact really since highschool, but I found him through this forum, and been in contact with him over the past few months. He's was always a genuinely nice guy, always willing to help someone. I know this forum, poker,and a lot of people here were a big part of his life.

R.I.P. Mark.
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-04-2013 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
A friend of his posted a link to a memorial page yesterday, is it ok with mods if I link to it?
I really think we should leave that for his friends and family who really knew him, tbh. I don't think it would be great for it to be flooded with hundreds of random people from 2+2.
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
10-05-2013 , 12:33 AM
Lets give the memorial page a rest I'd also appreciate you guys not passing it around in PM let his friends and family have that. Eventually sure but it's still fresh let it be for now
One of OOT's own WVUSkinsfan has passed on -memorial thread Quote
