He did get rid of it, though. Of course he did. In some way that need not concern us. And he had a perfectly plausible explanation. Well, sort of. Heck, he was Batman.
Damn! Nobody told me Shelley Berman died. When I was a teenager (maybe even earlier) I would go to a friend's house when his parents were gone and we would listen to their record albums of him (and others), which were considered quite raunchy at the time.
Still don't get why people do that. I lost a good friend/business associate the same way who had the world by the ****ing balls and was also on MV when JFK Jr went down. Vowed to nevvvvvvver fly with anyone who is not a professional pilot. No ****ing way. Coincidentally, friend was on MV too and used to beg me to let him pick me up on the mainland instead of driving and taking the ferry. Nope.
Literally every week or month there seems to be some CEO 'pilot' killing his family.
Pretty sure your chances of dying are significantly higher doing the car/ferry route, not to mention the overwhelming urge to kill yourself when trying to get across the Bourne bridge.