Originally Posted by feel wrath
speaking of genius....has anyone watched The Agency?
I'm not sure I'll be able to watch it given it's a remake of (in my opinion) about the best TV series ever made in Le Bureau de Legendes, I think it will be a challenge to watch it and not compare. But I'm guessing it might be decent if you've never watched Le Bureau
but then...if you've never watched Le Bureau, you should really drop absolutely everything, pause every piece of content you're digesting and immediately watch Le Bureau so...
I just started the Agency. In the first scene, I recognized the safe house, and was like wow, they are using the same one as The Bureau. It took a few more similarities and about 15 minutes later before I paused, googled, and found out its a remake. Like feel wrath, said I don't think I'll keep going because The Bureau is the GOAT show imo. Having watched The Bureau 2 or 3 times, knowing the plot, and doing a constant unintentional comparison the whole time would probably ruin The Agency for me, and not sure I could even give it a fair shake.