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10-30-2021 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
I have absolutely no idea what Dune is about. Never read a book, never seen the original movie (I'm assuming there was one). All I know is that sand is involved.

Will someone in my shoes be able to follow the plot? And enjoy the movie?
I was in the same spot. I did read the first few paragraphs on wiki which was a waste because they tell you the same thing near the beginning. I had no issue following along and thought it was one of the best movie watching experiences I’ve ever had. Go watch it in IMAX.
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10-31-2021 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
If you walk out of a movie, you can get your money back. All you had to do was ask.
Ah, my teenage self didn't know that.

I've quit a lot of movies on Netflix early on or even half way. Most notable was The Big Lebowski. Should have done it with Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas but powered thru it and don't know why.

The two movies I walked out of in theaters were:
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)
From Hell (2001)
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10-31-2021 , 01:33 AM
I don't remember "From Hell", but for sure see "Drag me to hell", great movie.
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10-31-2021 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by that_pope
I've quit a lot of movies on Netflix early on or even half way. Most notable was The Big Lebowski
This aggression will not stand man
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10-31-2021 , 02:32 AM
It feels like the Seinfeld of movies. Has no point and is overrated.
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10-31-2021 , 02:47 AM
slight movie spoilers for some in this post

Dennis and his staff did a great dumbing down the movie without stripping its soul. sure we missed out on jessicas betrayal, more in depth look at the doctor and his methods as well as the backstory of the haroknnens (was it book 1 or messiah?)and kynes but overall it was still good.

prolly the biggest thing they flipped so far was jessica not doing the betrayal and changing her attitude up the most from the series so far?? but overall we are never gonna get the world building and depth that we see in books no matter what. I think they did a really good job so far. I don't like hearing people say there was little backstory on so and so in a 160 min movie. just not enough time and we have to keep it moving.

I understood better the last 90 mins than the first 60 mins when it came to the movie but i think if I of all people can follow along than anyone else should be able to. I think book 3 is where we start seeing GoT book 5 types of diff plot lines being woven. to me was wayy more fun of a watch than BR

Last edited by 27offsuit; 11-02-2021 at 04:24 PM. Reason: put in spoilers by request
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10-31-2021 , 04:31 AM
That could be spoilery depending on what they do in the next film. But, I don’t think you are remembering it correctly anyway.
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10-31-2021 , 08:27 AM
I wish benwilliams would hurry up and post the spam that is surely coming so he can be sent to bolivia already.
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10-31-2021 , 09:58 AM
After I watched the first Dune movie back in '84, I hated it, but thought maybe it was because it's an impossible book to capture on film.

After watching this one, I'm convinced it is indeed impossible.

That said, the film does capture the feeling of Arrakis, and seeing it in iMax would be visually awesome.

But that's really all the movie has to offer.
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10-31-2021 , 10:54 AM
Ok, went to see Dune last night. It was fine I guess. Yeah, for first 30 minutes I was wondering what on earth was going on. I knew there was some kind of conflict. A things......

the year is like 10321 or whatever. I just can't believe there would be that much hand to hand combat

I wanted more bad ass scenes from Paul, but whatever

Why don't the mom an Paul always use those crazy voices? Like when they're trying to get away and getting shot at by lasers. Why not use the voices?
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10-31-2021 , 11:05 AM
Can totally see being lost for the first section of Dune.

I really liked it and wish I had re-read the book before seeing. It's been like 20 years and a lot of the characters and organizations/worlds (e.g., Bene Gesserit) were familiar, but not completely - it took some time to remember who they were and what exactly they do. It made for a captivating film but there is so much backstory and depth lost, which I guess is true with many books put to film.
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10-31-2021 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
It feels like the Seinfeld of movies. Has no point and is overrated.
Yeah, well,
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10-31-2021 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
It feels like the Seinfeld of movies. Has no point and is overrated.
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10-31-2021 , 10:58 PM
That quote...It's a decent representation of the big lebowski 3bh.
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10-31-2021 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
Has no point and is overrated.
What is the point of anything?

I've been rewatching I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson a lot lately. I think I'm going to get my brother a Dan Flashes shirt for his birthday.
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11-01-2021 , 12:02 AM
Id prefer a TC Tugger
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11-01-2021 , 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by natediggity
Ok, went to see Dune last night. It was fine I guess. Yeah, for first 30 minutes I was wondering what on earth was going on. I knew there was some kind of conflict. A things......

the year is like 10321 or whatever. I just can't believe there would be that much hand to hand combat
So, it's actually 20,000 or so years in the future. The clock was reset when the Spacing Guild formed a complete monopoly on interstellar travel. This meant that Houses and other parties were now limited in there capacity to wage war against each other. The establishment of the Guild Peace is marked by BG and AG (Before Guild and After Guild). While the timeline of BG gets hazy the farther you go back, we definitively know that Dune starts in 10,191 AG.

On the combat, it's all about the shields. I imagine this will be expanded more on in the coming film(s), so don't read if you'd rather find out that way:

The invention, advancement, and widespread availability of shield technology has severely limited the effectiveness guns. Conventional projectile weapons became mostly useless and laser weapons became incredibly dangerous, forcing humanity to return to the use of melee weapons.

Two lasguns are actually seen in the film, when Duncan is escaping in a ship and when Paul/Jessica/Kynes are fleeing through the caves. You'll notice that in the former example, the lasgun was only fired AFTER Duncan's ship's shield was knocked out, and in the latter the Sardaukar either knew that the escaping three did not have shields or didn't care if they all died. When a beam makes contact with a shield, it causes an extremely dangerous explosive effect that is guaranteed to kill both the target and attacker (and pretty much anyone else around).

As is shown, this has drastically changed how warfare is waged. To bypass shields, one needs to use feints within feints in order to strike an opponent. In addition to nabbing Leto, it was critical for Dr. Yueh to lower the palace shields in order for the Harkonnens to utilize their artillery weapons. In the book, the Baron muses how clever it is to use the cannons he describes as "antiquated technology" in his attack. The shift in warfare tactics is also metaphorical, as it emphasizes the cutthroat politics of the age.

Adding to the dangers already presented, shields are much less effective on Arrakis in general. Anywhere on the sand, a shield will attract worms and cause them to wreak havoc. Thus, the Fremen also detest shield technology. In the book, Paul's duel with Jamis has a lot of inner monologue about how different the fight is without shields.

Originally Posted by that_pope
Id prefer a TC Tugger

Last edited by whatthejish; 11-01-2021 at 04:57 AM.
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11-01-2021 , 09:16 AM
They did dumb down Dune, but they leveraged the spectacle of Cinema and also the Score/sound effects were incredible to create a highly immersive captivation of the viewer imo.

One of the best Cinema experiences I can remember having since Mad Max, which did much the same.

Books can be strong in some areas, visual medium in others.
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11-01-2021 , 11:19 AM
I thought the movie was really well done too. They could've done some more exposition of the backstory of the houses and the guilds and all that, which I only vaguely remember from the books. In GoT there was a scene or two where i think Littlefinger explains everything, it didn't take too long.

With respect to the shields and the fighting, that to me made sense. Fast moving weapons can't get through the shields, so they have to use knives and stabbing weapons and time attacks with precision. It works, but I do agree that there would be other options after 20,000 years or whatever. But I suppose it all helps with the plotting and story development, so I'm fine with it. Besides, here on Earth in a few years I'm sure all combat will be carried out by sentient AI nanobots or some ****, so a good old fashioned swordfight is a lot easier to follow and enjoy.
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11-01-2021 , 05:03 PM
Thanks whatthejish and dinopoker. Your posts were helpful and make sense.
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11-01-2021 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by whatthejish
What is the point of anything?

I've been rewatching I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson a lot lately. I think I'm going to get my brother a Dan Flashes shirt for his birthday.
ITYSL has some hilarious sketches but I really wish Tim Robinson wouldn't do so much shouting. Seems like he just yells all of his lines which is kind of annoying. I love the jokes, but hate the delivery.

That said, you should probably take your brother out for some sloppy steaks if its his birthday because you sound like you used to be a real piece of sh*t and you probably wear your hair slicked back too.
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11-01-2021 , 08:23 PM
SLICKED back??? This is PUSHED back.
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11-01-2021 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
Id prefer a TC Tugger
I've no idea what a TC Tugger is, but it sparked a childhood memory of being on holiday in Spain, and my mum (utterly staunch catholic) was walking around in a Top Cat T-shirt. I didn't pay much attention to it until at some point when she was wearing it again, I noticed something that looked a bit off about it. On closer inspection it turned out that TC's gang all had tiny little dicks, while TC himself was nursing a boner that was practically the same size as him, with the words "They don't call me Top Cat for nothing" underneath!

Thanks for bringing back that fond recollection, good times.
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11-02-2021 , 03:36 PM
can a mod please delete my post above, I should have spoiled it since I just assumed the show and book pathed differently in the first book and I was speculating but now im unsure. i PMD 2 of them
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11-02-2021 , 04:24 PM
I spoilered it.
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