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My job is driving me nuts. Thinking of quitting My job is driving me nuts. Thinking of quitting

08-20-2014 , 12:30 AM

Have you PM'd NoSoup?
08-20-2014 , 12:32 AM
nice, the $250 overlay could bring new interest to the contest
08-20-2014 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by Tbab wins
Really, Id like to thank everyone.

You guys are good people. All of you.
finally you seem to have been enlightened! you however, are not.

Originally Posted by
If any of you have some spare time and want an interesting read, check this out. It is a contest thebayareabeast(tbab)/aka warriorfan707 was in with a fellow sbr member named iceminers for $500 last yr. Long story short, ice won when warrior had a devastating collapse on the last day. It is definitely worth your read though to point out the antics behind the person you are dealing with here. Check it out:

This is who you are dealing with folks. It is very obvious tbab and warrior are one in the same. The way they flip out and throw temper tantrums like a 2yr old, their antics, and the constant references to drizzling *** on chins and mothers (there's gotta be some weird **** that happened to him behind those). Netinfo actually proves it towards the end of the thread. This is one insane, greatly disturbed, and highly sensitive individual people.

Originally Posted by
haha, yeah, you MUST be new dealing with NJ...he ain't responding to your truths about his past. haha. for the record, there are definitely posts either here or at another site where he admits to being both tbab and warriorfan..

the last two pages of that thread (12 and 13 i believe) were the best. he realized he lost, started making excuses, and then it dawned on him that he went from easily collecting the bet (he was ahead the whole time) to now having to come up with $500 to pay this cat.

page 13 is him purposely trying to get banned (and if i remember correct, most of the worst ones are already gone) to have a reason to not pay. the reason given was 'well he wasn't going to pay me if i won, so i'm not going to pay him'. then it was, 'i'm not going to pay him unless you guys all stop yelling at me because i haven't paid him yet'....then, 'oh, you guys gonna keep telling me i should pay him, fine, i told you you better stop telling me to pay him, NOW I'M NOT GOING TO PAY HIM.'
08-20-2014 , 12:33 AM
nice, the $250 overlay could bring new interest to the contest
Not thinman tho, he's too big of a bitch, just sits on the sidelines and talks ****.
08-20-2014 , 12:42 AM
Alright thanks guys.

Appreciate you still holding my money hostage for your own pleasure.
08-20-2014 , 12:45 AM

you're welcome
08-20-2014 , 12:45 AM
1. Man, I think I had to buy a round of drinks before I got El Diablo's number.

2. I think Babs should be banned and Alobar should get to keep the $250. Why?
a. because **** babs, seriously
b. because Alobar has to put up with a lot of bs here from babs
c. because Alobar has done a lot of obnoxious legwork that has given a lot of people a lot of entertainment

If I'm remembering wrong and whomever provided the scorekeeping duties last contest was not tipped out by the winners, then Alobar and scorekeeper split the $250 after Babs is banned.
08-20-2014 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by Tbab wins
Alright thanks guys.

Appreciate you still holding my money hostage for your own pleasure.
IT IS NOT YOUR MONEY. in your comeback quote you claimed to know what the purpose of an escrow is as well as what escrowing entails. were you just lying as usual in an attempt to get your way?
08-20-2014 , 12:51 AM
Sorry to try to derail civilization but I just need my escrow back.

Was hoping we could make an exception since I have provided endless entertainment and posted bets for everyone, also am broke at the moment.

The fact that you guys would go this far to deny me is pretty disturbing.

Also I only escrowed because Alobar banned me and said the only way I could come back is by escrowing.
08-20-2014 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
perhaps the White Knight Committee should call FBI? a Futile Babs Intervention, that is.
, but his defenders dont stick around

Originally Posted by citanul
a. because **** babs, seriously.
08-20-2014 , 12:51 AM
You people are relentless and sick in the head, I swear to F'ing Christ.
08-20-2014 , 12:54 AM
ha, here he goes again
08-20-2014 , 12:55 AM
thread chart would be amazing
08-20-2014 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by Gin 'n Tonic
Babs, serious question, because I've never understood this...

Why do you have to bet so big?

It's always $100 this or $200 that. With your roll I'd be betting like $5-$10 a pop and building slowly.
Originally Posted by
Just take it easy, place a small $5 bet on the 1st quarter of one of the NBA games tonight.
Originally Posted by ck7 (Tbab)
Ok and lets say I was able to rape. Then I got 54.95. I am still in a same boat on the same fukked up river.
Originally Posted by Tbab wins
Sorry to try to derail civilization but I just need my escrow back.

Was hoping we could make an exception since I have provided endless entertainment and posted bets for everyone, also am broke at the moment.

The fact that you guys would go this far to deny me is pretty disturbing.

Also I only escrowed because Alobar banned me and said the only way I could come back is by escrowing.
oh, i didn't realize it was Alobar's fault. **** that guy!!
08-20-2014 , 12:59 AM
TBab- "i want my $250 back"

El Diablo- "here is a reasonable proposal to give TBab his $250 back."

08-20-2014 , 12:59 AM

Alobar has your money.
NoSoup is trying to make a buyout happen.

Why are you posting here instead of talking to those guys?
08-20-2014 , 12:59 AM
Im gonna spend the rest of my life wishing nothing but endless misery on each and every one of you.
08-20-2014 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Alobar has your money.
NoSoup is trying to make a buyout happen.

Why are you posting here instead of talking to those guys?
Because Alobar is deranged and refuses to help me because my 250 escrow was sacred and the very fabric of the space time continuum will unravel if I get it back.

I pmed NS4U
08-20-2014 , 01:02 AM

Who is worse, Alobar or thinman?
08-20-2014 , 01:04 AM
I'm online and still willing to honor my original proposal and El D's charity counter is fine with me too. I need 15 minutes to read the next mountain of posts.
08-20-2014 , 01:04 AM
Tough question.

I would have to say thinman.

If thinman dove into a pool of sewage they would rush in to try to salvage the sewage from suffering.
08-20-2014 , 01:04 AM
wait, what happened to the rest of the list?
08-20-2014 , 01:04 AM

I am heading out for the evening. I hope NoSoup comes through for you with an offer that can't be refused. And I hope you don't threaten me any more!
08-20-2014 , 01:05 AM
Thinman doesnt qualify as a life form.

The most deranged animal that ever lived is light years ahead of thinman.

Thinman makes the worst diaarhea that ever came out of the ass of any human who ever lived look like gold.
08-20-2014 , 01:06 AM
El Diablo,

The only threat you have from me is I might someday take you up on that baseball game if you are still down. You have my number now.
