Originally Posted by AALegend
Congrats on the book!
I would advise to find a 2+2'er or a friend of a friend who works for Amazon and can start a case internally. Same approach worked wonders when Facebook shut down my group with around 20,000 members and was ignoring all requests to reinstate it.
agree with AA legend
years back when i worked for an app developer, we decided to upload our app to the amazon app store
lo and behold, when we attempt to upload it, we're told that we're pirates because the app is already on the app store
i check and sure enough it's there, the uploader is some random company with a name like ahdfsia;fdjlshfald and they also uploaded tons of other big titles like fifa etc etc
so it's pretty cut and dry, i'm emailing from the company email, the other company that uploaded our app is obviously a scammer (they probably embedded their own ad software inside the app or possibly some stuff that would data mine or even do nefarious stuff)
but amazon rejects me, i write them time and time again and each time get a standard message that the true developer already uploaded it - they clearly weren't even checking the information i was giving them and just doing a standard boiler plate rejection letter because they probably get a lot and don't even read them
finally, i find someone i vaguely know on linkedin who works for amazon, i dm them and explain the issue, they are mortified and it gets fixed (after about a two week wait)
so definitely cosign on AA legend's suggestion - they are likely not even reading your appeals because they probably get thousands each day