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Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ

11-14-2016 , 02:05 AM
I just ordered like 6 long sleeved black tshirts with various pop culture stuff (Star Trek, Harry Potter, that kind of thing) to wear under my dealer shirt. All my work shirts have geek stuff on them with just the black collar showing under the button down hideous gold shirt I have to wear for work. That and my random pop culture socks amuse me to no end.

But I've noticed the last two weeks that I've been getting colder at work, which didn't happen last winter. I thought moving my arms around was enough to keep me at least comfortable, temperature wise, but that doesn't seem to be the case any more. And if it's a table under one of the A/C vents, forget it, I'm freezing my (smaller) ass off.
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-14-2016 , 08:08 AM
Remember when after YTF lost a lot he was stunned he had to wear a warm coat in the winter in Minnesota and had to actually zip it up?
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-14-2016 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
I just ordered like 6 long sleeved black tshirts with various pop culture stuff (Star Trek, Harry Potter, that kind of thing) to wear under my dealer shirt. All my work shirts have geek stuff on them with just the black collar showing under the button down hideous gold shirt I have to wear for work. That and my random pop culture socks amuse me to no end.

But I've noticed the last two weeks that I've been getting colder at work, which didn't happen last winter. I thought moving my arms around was enough to keep me at least comfortable, temperature wise, but that doesn't seem to be the case any more. And if it's a table under one of the A/C vents, forget it, I'm freezing my (smaller) ass off.

Welcome to old!
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-14-2016 , 12:40 PM
I'm spending my last day of the bet chasing Pokémon in DC.

Thanks again for the motivation, ec, who knows how long I'd have been lazy without this bet to kick me in the ass.
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-14-2016 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
I'm spending my last day of the bet chasing Pokémon in DC.

Thanks again for the motivation, ec, who knows how long I'd have been lazy without this bet to kick me in the smallerass.
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-15-2016 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by ec_outlaw
Today is day 1. I weighed in at 222.2 this morning. I have to be 195 by Oct 15, and still be there on Nov 15. RJ has to be 135 on Nov 15.

Originally Posted by ec_outlaw

Originally Posted by ec_outlaw
11/15 - weighed myself twice to make sure the scale wasn't doing anything funny

This ended up being a lot harder than I had expected, mostly due to the wreck my life has been lately. A lot has changed for me over the past 4 months, and, often, this bet/challenge was the farthest thing from my mind.

I've probably had more beer and bar food over the past month than I've had over any 1 month stretch in my entire life. I think at one point I was at the bar 13 out of 14 days. Some days may have just been 3-4 beers. Other days, like a couple Sundays ago, I was there from 10:00am till they closed at 2:00 that night. That day was probably 20+ beers, numerous shots, and several meals. It's actually a wonder I'm still ticking, much less maintaining my weight, as for the first time in my life I made several trips to the bar with the sole purpose of looking for answers at the bottom of a bottle. Unfortunately, instead of answers, I was always left with more questions, a hangover, and a smaller bank account.

This prop bet did help me get my weight down to a number I'm happier with, but I'm nowhere close to being happy with my overall condition. Now, it's time to get my life back together. How I'm gonna go about doing that, I'm not so sure, but getting healthier has to be a big part of it.

Anyway, thanks for all the support from the thread through this, and props to RJ for hitting her goals. You've definitely accomplished more than I have here.
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-15-2016 , 01:42 PM
One last shot of my pajamas:

This was ridiculously hard at the end, I've spent the last two weeks fairly hungry, which from an overall dieting standpoint isn't recommended but hey, there's money and pride on the line.

Obviously the real challenge will be in keeping it off long term. I've got a plan, and I know what to do, so it's all about not being a lazy **** and actually doing it.

Thanks to everyone who railed and encouraged us.
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-15-2016 , 02:49 PM
Congratulations you pack of starving steer
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-15-2016 , 05:38 PM
Nice work to both of you, more fun to follow than the trainwrecks in the other fat-off!
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-15-2016 , 06:48 PM
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-15-2016 , 11:13 PM

Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-16-2016 , 12:07 AM
OOT has once again used its powers for good rather than evil
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-16-2016 , 12:09 AM
Top marks, competitors!
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-16-2016 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Obviously the real challenge will be in keeping it off long term. I've got a plan, and I know what to do, so it's all about not being a lazy **** and actually doing it.
I hope you'll be able to stick to your plan because it's so easy to fall back into old habits once the goal has been achieved. Congrats to both of you!
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-16-2016 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by mephisto2000
I hope you'll be able to stick to your plan because it's so easy to fall back into old habits once the goal has been achieved. Congrats to both of you!
Agreed, that was always going to be the real test once I got down to a weight where maintenance, rather than just stagnating for a while between cutting periods, was a viable goal.

I really do intend to take this seriously, though. While I am going to treat myself to some ice cream, because I goddamn love ice cream and I had zero for my birthday, I'm going to get that scale that links to your FitBit and weigh daily, as well as use my H&F log to track my weekly food logs for a while so I really get a look at what maintenance looks like for me while I'm at a normal adult weight, which I never have been for any significant length of time. I was reasonably close while in the Army but never this low, and I was already struggling with weight gain towards the end of my time in. I never really understood until a few years ago that the amount of calories I need as a small female is so drastically different from a man. Pretty dumb for a smart person, I know.
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-16-2016 , 02:19 AM
Happy birthday to me!

Now go get some cake
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-16-2016 , 02:19 AM
Mmmmm. Cake!
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-16-2016 , 03:16 AM

Celebration foods?
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-16-2016 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit

Celebration foods?
Nothing special for me. I've pretty much eaten whatever I wanted anyway. I've just had to skip meals if I had something that I knew was way more calories than I should've had.
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-16-2016 , 04:07 PM
I had a piece of cake today as a belated birthday cake.

I'm going to get something from Coldstone the next time I'm over there. Stopping by when I got off work one day would be logical if I didn't get off at 3 am. Worst case I'll grab something next weekend.

Other than that, no plans for junk food, just normal meals again. Today, other than the cake (and I bought a single piece, so that's gone), I just had a sandwich, some veggies with humus, and grapes. My baseline diet is somewhat bland but not unhealthy.
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-16-2016 , 04:09 PM
Food with hummus seems to be my biggest secret to diet success. It works with like everything, even bland ass chicken. GOAT food
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-16-2016 , 04:20 PM
I get single serving cups to maintain portion control but once you've got that sorted it is excellent. Tasty and filling and for me personally, a great way to get some actual vegetables into my diet.

I was with my boyfriend last night (we saw Arrival - interesting movie) and went out for dinner. I got a pretty standard dish, a burger with shoestring fries. I don't know if my perception of what a normal amount of food is skewed or what, but it was ****ing huge, I didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of finishing it.

Also reintroducing carbs after eating very little of them after two weeks has done some interesting things to my intestinal tract.
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-16-2016 , 07:03 PM
It's great that you didn't feel like you had to finish the meal
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-16-2016 , 07:29 PM
I was physically incapable of finishing the meal, and was uncomfortably full with what I did eat.

I think I'm going to take the $300 I didn't lose of this bet and donate to some causes.
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
11-17-2016 , 09:04 AM
dafuq is wrong with you? causes... smh
Mini fat face-off: ec_outlaw vs. SGT RJ Quote
