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Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board.

03-15-2014 , 11:36 AM
how old was the pilot? dont they force you to retire at a certain age? maybe he loved flying so much he could not stand life without flying? maybe he wanted to die loving what he did
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 11:37 AM

Giant shark got it imo
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Kclclclclfhg
The older pilot was regarded by his colleagues precisely as an expert, utterly obsessed with aviation, with enormous amount of flying experience, and a simulator in his home along with it (though that sim detail might be banal, for all I know.) The initial information on the two personalities, certainly seeming innocuous, should not be taken as conclusive. What was known? The older dude liking a couple of atheist YouTube videos, the other getting married, with gossip of him being reckless about security when impressing random women was more important. This info alone rules out none of the options of piracy, terrorism, suicide, etc

In any case, on Sunday evening, I think there's supposed to be a press conference regarding the raiding of the pilots' homes.
I was talking more about a passenger highjacking the plane, I can see if the pilot himself high jacked it, but I can't see the pilot stealing the plane.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 11:38 AM

I'm curious if you wanted to how much crazy **** do you think you could get passengers to do for you without ever leaving the comfort of your seat?

"Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain WOXOF. I'm afraid we're experiencing some difficulties and will have to divert to the nearest airport. These difficulties are electronic in nature, a disturbance with our controls, and something we've never encountered. Um.. this is going to sound strange I know because they never get used but we have airline issued metallic bags to isolate electronics in case of such an emergency. They were issued recently after the cell phone use change. The Copilot will be coming through the cabin in a minute. I absolutely must have every single electronic device turned off and put in the bag. I assure you they will all be returned to their proper owners upon landing."

Copilot walks down the aisle w/ a silver mylar bag w/ official looking FFA seal on the side collecting all devices.

After all it's a felony if I don't put my phone in that bag right?
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by de captain

I'm curious if you wanted to how much crazy **** do you think you could get passengers to do for you without ever leaving the comfort of your seat?

"Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain WOXOF. I'm afraid we're experiencing some difficulties and will have to divert to the nearest airport. These difficulties are electronic in nature, a disturbance with our controls, and something we've never encountered. Um.. this is going to sound strange I know because they never get used but we have airline issued metallic bags to isolate electronics in case of such an emergency. They were issued recently after the cell phone use change. The Copilot will be coming through the cabin in a minute. I absolutely must have every single electronic device turned off and put in the bag. I assure you they will all be returned to their proper owners upon landing."

Copilot walks down the aisle w/ a silver mylar bag w/ official looking FFA seal on the side collecting all devices.

After all it's a felony if I don't put my phone in that bag right?
Very credible imo. Afterall, whenever the pilot or crew get on that microphone i insta comply with their instructions. I imagine almost everyone would do that, though, perhaps some of the crew wouldnt fall for it or at least try to question it
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by chisness
It seems that cockpit doors should be keycode locked by pilot exiting who can then use that code to re-enter after it locks. Or just give pilots a key or something?
A key would be a bad idea; terrorists could get their hands on it. The door can be opened using a keypad code, but this rings a chime in the cockpit and the pilot in the cockpit must then permit or deny access by turning a selector. If no choice (permit or deny) is made within 60 seconds, the door opens automatically (this is the incapacitated pilot scenario).

Last edited by W0X0F; 03-15-2014 at 12:04 PM.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 11:54 AM
De Captain, maybe you don't know what "seems" means? Or ignored "I'm not saying that the passengers would be guaranteed to have contacted us". Or ignored the word "practically". Or just generally skipped all of the ways I qualified almost everything I've said.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by LolZombies
Very credible imo. Afterall, whenever the pilot or crew get on that microphone i insta comply with their instructions. I imagine almost everyone would do that, though, perhaps some of the crew wouldnt fall for it or at least try to question it
You'd only need the captain and co-pilot. There's absolutely no way the rest of the flight crew doesn't comply with their instructions. I'm sure if WOXOF pulled out a couple of official looking bags he could get the flight attendants to do his bidding. It would be even more believable because the flight attendants would be scared and shocked rushing around to get people to comply.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 11:57 AM
I'm not saying its impossible, but the idea that both the pilot and co-pilot are in on this is pretty unlikely. It's much more likely that its only one person involved. Again, not saying its impossible.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by KenoVictoryLap
Not to go all truther, but I have personal knowledge of Bush administration lawyers researching the legality of the president using military force on a civilian aircraft between the time of the second tower impact and the flight termination of flight 93. The answer was yes they can.
You say this like you have some inside access to the Bush White House. Isn't this common knowledge and has been for like the last 10 years?
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by de captain
You'd only need the captain and co-pilot. There's absolutely no way the rest of the flight crew doesn't comply with their instructions. I'm sure if WOXOF pulled out a couple of official looking bags he could get the flight attendants to do his bidding. It would be even more believable because the flight attendants would be scared and shocked rushing around to get people to comply.
Good point. Your theory was something i had been thinking about ever since learning the plane flew on for 6+ hours after deliberately shutting down transponders. In this day and age surely at least one person would have got itchy feet and rang out.. So, either phones were confiscated or passengers were all dead
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 12:05 PM

Originally Posted by de captain
Some of you guys crack me up. Everyone's wondering what's going on in one of the craziest events in quite a while so people bring up crazy possible scenarios.

The response is always "nope, nope, I don't see how that'd be possible. X ,Y or Z would obviously happen." All while discussing a totally unprecedented situation.

It's usually taken a step further by then bringing up a past bizarre situation that did happen, "remember when x happened? Man that was some crazy ****, who would have ever thought that was possible."

Head asplode

The saying that truth is stranger than fiction has proved to be true since the beginning of time. Couple that with the fact that no one knows what the major super power governments are capable of ideologically or technologically and there's pretty much no limit to what's plausible. Obviously the planes at the bottom of the ocean by now but some of you have absolutely no imagination whatsoever.
Originally Posted by jjshabado
This seems like a 'good' way to keep whatever you're planning/doing secret.

I think whatever happened the passengers were almost certainly killed. Unless hostage negotiations are being kept secret from us (seems very unlikely) I don't see how you can practically keep >200 people from using any of their electronic devices if you're flying around for hours and I highly doubt the people involved have much consideration for human life.
All I was saying
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by W0X0F
A key would be a bad idea; terrorists could get their hands on it. The door can be opened using a keypad code, but this rings a chime in the cockpit and the pilot in the cockpit must then permit or deny access by turning a selector. If no choice (permit or deny) is made within 60 seconds, the door opens automatically.
Interesting. Any ideas on how to stop these recent cases (2 + possibly this one in the past 6 months -- Mozambique and Ethiopian being the other 2)?
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
This seems like a 'good' way to keep whatever you're planning/doing secret.

I think whatever happened the passengers were almost certainly killed. Unless hostage negotiations are being kept secret from us (seems very unlikely) I don't see how you can practically keep >200 people from using any of their electronic devices if you're flying around for hours and I highly doubt the people involved have much consideration for human life.
Why does the scenario where the keep hostage negotiations seem unlikely?
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 12:10 PM
I wonder whether it's possible that the Capt committed suicide not because of a fanatical Jihadist idea but because he lost his faith in his religion.

The previous like for an Atheist-ish video by his channel was for a video created last month. Maybe he went mad because he couldn't handle being a Muslim and appreciating Atheistic thinking?

IMO it's either a crazy religious suicide like Egyptair Flight 990 or an 'I have lost faith in my religion' suicide. The second possibility might be a little likely since Malaysia is extremely religious especially with regards to Islam.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 12:10 PM
does civilian radar detect planes without transmitters?
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 12:11 PM
AFAIK the object will only appear as an unnamed aicraft on the radar. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by W0X0F
A key would be a bad idea; terrorists could get their hands on it. The door can be opened using a keypad code, but this rings a chime in the cockpit and the pilot in the cockpit must then permit or deny access by turning a selector. If no choice (permit or deny) is made within 60 seconds, the door opens automatically (this is the incapacitated pilot scenario).
IF this does end up being malicious pilot, seems like there have been more of them since 9/11 than hijack attempts. Might mandate a rethink.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 12:13 PM
'South China Morning Paper' has a chronology of the actions taken by the Malaysia Airlines
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 12:17 PM
why do people keep bringing up the cell phone issue. their was no wifi on plane how do you think anyone would get a signal unless they had a sat phone?
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 12:17 PM
How much money will be spent on this search before it's over.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 12:18 PM
i was wondering that too. has to be well over a few hundred million by now
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by ClarkNasty
How much money will be spent on this search before it's over.
Don't really think that matters right now.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by ClarkNasty
How much money will be spent on this search before it's over.
actually at least our over price defense spending is going to good use now
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-15-2014 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
IF this does end up being malicious pilot, seems like there have been more of them since 9/11 than hijack attempts. Might mandate a rethink.
This is the Mozambique case:

According to a summary by Aviation Safety Network of the preliminary investigation results, the crash was quite possibly intentional. Joćo Abreu, head of the Institute of Civil Aviation of Mozambique, said the jet dove toward the ground at 6,000 feet a minute. Data from the cockpit voice recorder indicate that minutes before the crash, the co-pilot left the cockpit for the bathroom, and returned to find the door shut. The flight data recorder, or black box, indicates according to preliminary results that the captain manually changed on the autopilot the flight altitude from 38,000 feet to below ground level. He also ******ed the engine throttles to idle and manually selected the maximum operating speed -- a contradictory action that makes little sense. The voice recorder shows that someone, likely the first officer, pounded on the cockpit door before the crash. There was no mayday call from the experienced captain.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
